D2 Barbarian by Deioth

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D2 Barbarian

By: Deioth
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2016
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D2 Barbarian

Level 1 Talents

D - Battle Cry: Gain 1 stack of Block per enemy Hero in range of Shout.

P - Axe Mastery: For every 5 nearby minion kills, gain 1 basic attack damage, and gain 1% attack speed for every 10.

Level 4 Talents

P - Life Leech: Basic attacks and abilities life leech 15% of the damage done.

W - Furious Leap: Leap Attack executes 33% faster and its usable radius is increased 20%

E - Increased Stamina: Concentrate lasts 3 seconds and costs 20 less Mana.

D - Find Potion: Shouting near an enemy lane minion spawns a Regeneration Globe.

Level 7 Talents

Q - Anger Management: Bash can be used again at half cost within 3 seconds of use for half the knockback (2nd attack will not stun).

D/E - Increased Speed: After Shouting or using Concentrate, your move speed is increased by 15% for 3 seconds.

D - Battle Orders: At 50% health and above, the next ability an affected Friendly hero uses does 15% more damage.

Level 13 Talents

D - Endless Breath: Shout's cooldown is cut in half.

W - Fall Back: Leap Attack can be used on a friendly hero for half cost and cooldown.

P - Cleave: All basic attacks and abilities splash for 50% damage.

E - Berserker's Rage: Concentration can be used to break control effects.

Level 16 Talents

E - Ignore Pain: Concentration adds a damage shield for 15% of your max health for its

W - Relentless Assault: Leap Attack gains two charges, 3 second cooldown between uses.

D - Legendary Lungs: Shout grants an additional 1.5% basic attack damage and attack speed for each Enemy Hero in range and increases Shout radius 50%.

Imposing Presence universal talent

Level 20 Talents

R1 - Natural Resistance: Iron Skin lasts 6 seconds and reduces all damage taken by 50% regardless of current health.

R2 - Shaking in Their Boots: War Cry also makes affected enemies Vulnerable by 15% for duration of the disorient.

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