Deckard Cain by Golden

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Deckard Cain

By: Golden
Last Updated: Nov 10, 2016
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Deckard Cain

Deckard Cain, The last of the Horadrim

Deckard Cain is vulnerable melee specialist that empowers his teammates with powerful buffs. He cannot attack enemy heroes or non-heroic units instead he gains twice as much experience as his allies. He must stay close to his teammates if he wants to survive the enemy onslaught.

HP: 1750 + 4% per level
Mana: 500
Mana regen: 0
Attack Damage: 0
Attack Speed: 0
Move Speed: 100%

Combat Trait

Gains twice as much experience as his allies. Quest: Collect items. Minions and Mercenaries drop 1 item and enemy heroes 5 items when they die. Reward: After you have collected 120 items, grant 100% mana regeneration. Items continue to drop after Quest completion.

Primary Abilities

Use items to empower Allied Heroes with Ability Power, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Resistant for 3 seconds. % equal to # of items. Cap at 10 items. Does not reduce trait completion. (4 sec cd)(60 mana) Cant selfcast.
Shudder Ground
After a short recite( delay) creates an inpenetrable piece of terrain in a target location that lasts for 3 seconds. (12 sec cd)(40 mana)(Vector targeting. Cant move while channeling)
Embrace the Fear
Uses Allied Hero last used basic ability on a targeted enemy for 50% of the damage done. Movement impairing abilities have no effect. (14 sec cd)(60 mana)

Heroic Abilities

Create a portal to Etheral Plane which makes a hero invulnerable and invisible, granting him 50% movement speed which lasts for 3 seconds. After it ends, restore heroes Mana to full. (120 sec cd)(100 mana) Cant selfcast.
Harbringers of Doom
Harbingers of doom: Crows descend from the heavens above Deckard Cain, echoing across the battlefield and applying doom on enemy heroes that slows their movement and attack speed for 25% and reduces their ability power by 15%. Lasts for 3 seconds. (Instant Ability) (60 sec cd) (80 mana)

Special Mount

Quest Giver
Blink to a Water Fountain Location. If a hero is nearby during 8 seconds give him a quest which fully restores that heroes health and mana over 10 seconds (60 sec cd) (Active)


Level 1:

Free of charge

Some quotation ideas

Sonya: "You know, I've been looking forward to some real PvP for a long time."
Deckard Cain:

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Golden | November 10, 2016 5:52am
Here's my concept! Hope you like it.

Criticism welcomed.
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