Health: 1,485.7 (+4% per level), Regen: 4.52 (+4% per level)
Damage: 98.5, APS: 1.34, DPS: 131.99, Range: 5.5
Mana: 500, Regen: 3 (+4% per level)
Low HP and middling damage output are balanced out by hi spell resistance and pets that can disrupt skill shots and help cleanse Hakkar.
Hakkar is the Legions Houndmaster. He specializes in clearing minion waves and assaulting forts. That is not to say he can't take on enemy heroes but he really shines as a lane clearer and to a lesser extent, a jungler. Hounds are his bread, butter, meat, and drink. Without them he is VERY vulnerable. Having almost Tracer levels of health and WAY less mobility, his chances with out his hounds are very slim indeed.
His Trait, Hounds Resistance grants him resistance to spells based on how many friendly hounds are alive and near him. 1 hound grants 10% spell resistance. If he chooses the right talents and Heroic He can have as many as 7 hounds with him for a brief period of time. combo that with his traits activated power and he could negate 100% of spell damage for 3 seconds. Of course most of the time he'll only have 10-20% resistance, or negative 10% if his hounds die. Which gives his attackers a choice. Attack Hakkar directly but have their spells be up to 20% weaker, or kill the hounds first, weakening Hakkar but using up valuable time, resources, and health to do so. I want to stress that this only helps against spells/abilities, auto attack heroes will have no problems against him, only ability reliant heroes will be troubled by his resistance.
He summons hounds, no surprises there, to help him take out his foes and while they can be a threat they are mostly there to help keep Hakkar alive. His E ability allows his hounds to cleanse themselves and him of all CC and DoT effects, and his hounds gain a small boost to life and power from doing so. It has a long CD and does require at least 1 hound to be alive to do so i'm hoping that'll balance out the power of such an ability. His W is his only offensive spell he uses. It's fairly strong and can do some pretty good damage but is there as a finisher or, depending on talent choices, a little bit of utility.
His Heroics allow him to either summon a goodly number of hounds on top of the ones he already has summoned, or to lay a cunning trap for his adversaries to fall prey to. Release the hounds is fairly straight forward, it summons 3 hounds for 15 seconds to help Hakkar fight his enemies. Kenneled is a bit more utility mixed in. Hakkar lays a trap that if an enemy happens to trigger they are stuck in a cage with two angry hounds. They must kill the hounds to be released from the trap.
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