Terenas Menethil II by matrix123mko

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Terenas Menethil II

By: matrix123mko
Last Updated: Jan 4, 2016
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Terenas Menethil II



Health: 960(+210 per level)
Regen: 2.158 (+0.500)

Atk Speed: 1.23
Damage: 40(+9 per level)


Health: 240(+30 per level)

Atk Speed: 0.70
Damage: 15(+4 per level)


Health: 160(+20 per level)
Healing Power: 60(+20 per level) every 4 second


Health: 160(+20 per level)

Atk Speed: 0.40
Damage: 40(+6 per level), 50% splash damage


Health: 400(+40 per level)

Atk Speed: 0.90
Damage: 20(+6 per level)

High priest:

Health: 270(+27 per level)
Healing Power: 80(+30 per level)

Grand sorceress:

Health: 270(+27 per level)

Atk Speed: 0,50
Damage: 53(+9 per level) 50 % splash damage

Griffin rider:

Health: 400(+40 per level)

Atk Speed: 0.90
Damage: 20(+6 per level)


Tier 1

Defense mastery

Adds you 2 footmans to army.
Periodically reduces the damage received from Hero Abillities by 25% for all your units. Stores up to 2 charges.

Dalaran enchantment

Adds 2 sorceresses to your army.
For every 6 enemy Minion or Mercenary kills near your Hero, gain 1 Basic Attack damage for all your units. Hero Takedowns count as 2 Minion kills.

Path of the Holy Light

Adds 2 priests to your army.
Collecting Regeneration Globes permanently increases Health Regeneration of your army by 1.5 per second.


Kill enemy Minions to gain stacks of Bribe. Use 20 stacks to bribe target Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses.

Tier 2

Protect you allies! [W]

Footmans also take 50% damage dealt to priests or sorceresses. If you haven't got priests or sorceresses, give 25% resistance to your footmans.

Arcane support [E]

When you cast inner fire, priests heal target without cooldown.
If you have sorceresses, they will give target stealth.
If you have bonus footmans, target will have 10% defence.


Activate to poison an enemy Hero, dealing 209.88 (+29.92 per level) damage over 10 seconds.

Tier 3 

Forward Momentum

Basic Attacks reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 1 second.

Siege attack [Q]

Guards sent on Attack gain +10% damage versus, and priorotize structures.

Mercenary Lord

Non-Boss Mercenaries near your hero deal 50% more damage. Reduces damage taken from Minions and Mercenaries by 50% and 25% to your squad.

Tier 4

Mass resurrect [R]

Summon, fully heal, and revive all guards at target location after a 2 seconds. chanelling

Cavalry charge [R]

Sends 10 knights in a target direction, each one charging onto the first enemy Hero or Structure they find. Each knight deals 50 (+20 per level) damage and stuns its target for 3 seconds. Does half damage to Structures.

Tier 5


Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to give your army 75% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

To victory! [Q]

Guards sent by Attack! gain a 5% attack speed buff with each minion slain.

Strength in numbers [D]

Half the respawn time of Guards.

Divine fire [E]

Inner fire increases damage by 25% and defence by 10%.

Tier 6

Reflect missle [W]

If shield wall absorbs a ranged attack or skillshot, it deals damage to attacker too.

Devotion aura [D]

Now you give 35% defence to minions.

Power of light [E]

Now you have 2 stacks of inner fire.

Retreat [W]

Shield wall makes you unstoppable

Tier 7

Great blessing [R]

When you resurrect guards, give them shield for 20% of their max health.

Bombard [R]

Summons also 2 griffin riders which can fly over obstacles for 22 seconds

Fury of the Storm

Every 5 seconds, Terenas' next basic attack will deal an additional 29 (+9 per level) damage to the target, and 44 (+24 per level) damage to all nearby Minions and Mercenaries.

Elite army

Transforms footmans to knights.
Transforms priests to high priests.
Transforms sorceresses to grand sorceresses.


Classic Terenas:
Master Terenas:

Lich king Terenas:

Changes units appearance:
Terenas - lich king
Footman - ghoul
Priest - acolyte
Sorceress - banshee
Knight - abomination
High priest - necromancer
Grand sorceress - banshee with more decorations
Griffin rider - death knight on frostwyrm

Dragonshire King Terenas:

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matrix123mko (8) | August 31, 2015 8:53am
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