Varian Wrynn by Layman

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Varian Wrynn

By: Layman
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2016
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Varian Wrynn

Lvl 1 Talents

-Changing stance shortens all other

Lvl 4 Talents

-Shield Dash width increase 30% and enemies hit are slowed by 20% for 1s

-Rending Strikes vulnerability effect duration increased 1s

-Chance Stance cool down reduced 3s

-Vampiric Strikes

Lvl 7 Talents

-Sweeping Strike slows enemies 20% for 2s

-Changing stances increases movement speed by 30% for 3s

-Rending Strike stuns enemy for 1s

Lvl 13 Talents

-Changing stances increases the next basic attack by 100%

-Burning Rage

-Giant Killer

Lvl 16 Talents

-When above 50% total health, take 20% less damage, when under 50% total health, deal 20% more damage

-Gain 1 charge of stun block every 60s which cancels an incoming stun effect

-Armor Up/Shed Armor damage buffs and debuffs are increased to 40% and apply to ability damage as well

Lvl 20 Talents

- Taunt now effects enemy heroes globally and duration increased 1s

- Allies may enter Gladiator's Ring

-Execute instant kills targets under 30% total health

-While holding stacks of block, all incoming basic attacks from sources further than range of

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