My name is Kevin "ChubbsZ" Yepez. I play the Support Role for 2ARC Gaming. I've played countless hours of League of Legends, peaking at Challenger tier at one point and maintaining a steady spot in Diamond I. I continued to play League until I had access to Heroes of the Storm. I was very excited to try this game from when it was known as Blizzard All-Stars. My reason for creating this guide is to help the community and share my knowledge as a highly competitive support player.
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Uther is a support hero that requires a good sense of judgement. Going in at the wrong time to use
Divine Storm can cause your ultimate to not be capitalized on by your allies, and
Divine Shield to protect your team when they are receiving a lot of damage. With these builds that are listed, always remember you are allowed to change them how you see fit and build Uther how you like or think is best for your situation.
Light's Protection This Uther build is more commonly picked among other Uther players for its ability to be more a support hero instead of the
Light's Bulwark build where you become a bruiser type, because of so this build has become a lot safer pick when not on a voice chat with friends. Make sure to use your
Cleanse on an ally target who is being CC'd very heavily, to ensure safety use
Protective Shield to have them avoid taking heavy damage. Apply
Shrink Ray to targets that do massive amounts of damage such as
Sgt. Hammer
Illidan etc. if you cannot reach the enemy who does the most damage try to use
Shrink Ray on the nearest enemy attacking your carries. Without any movement increase in your kit try to opt using
Divine Shield to peel for allies when enemies have over extended for a kill and you can prevent it.
Light's Bulwark Will allow you to become more a tank type of play style with the ability to charge into the enemy team with
Block to
Divine Storm and get out safely with the talent
Imposing Presence slowing all auto-attacks on you. With the talent
Redemption you do not want to run in there to die, but it will allow you the opportunity to return back to life and stay in a team fight after dieing.
Note: If you are going to go this build make sure to let your team know you are going
tank instead of support to hopefully get your team to pick a support.
That said, the main build shown above is my go-to build with Uther and is what I most frequently run with in competitive play
- Purple is Secondary Choice.
- Blue is Third Choice (very situational)
- White is not recommended due to other possible choices (Suggest Reading Reason)
Uther has two different play styles very aggressive (Light's Bulwark) or supportive (Light's Protection)
- High healing but high cool downs
- Amazing CC and damage
- Always communicate with team before rushing in
- Build
Uther how you are most comfortable to achieve the best results
- Great lane phase
Thank you for reading this guide don't forget to give it a
thumbs up if it helped!! If you have any feedback or more questions be sure to leave a comment in the section below or contact me via Twitch and Twitter. (See About Me section for information regarding contact info)
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