Not too much to worry about, avoid his Grav-O-Bomb and you should be fine.
Can 100-0 in a root. Don't be afraid of Nova.
Not really an issue. Can counter slow you.
Melee assassin that you can 100-0. Void Prison can split you from your team, be careful of that and Zeratul poses no direct threat to you.
His Q slow can be bad for your engagements.
Her combo can put you in sticky situations. Death Coil yourself out of the stun and you should be golden.
Can burst you down. Play safe and wait for the over-extension.
Moderately hard to duel. Team fights he has little threat to you.
His root can be a pain, but other than that you win all out fights with him. Hes a prime target for your roots in team fights.
Abathur can be tricky depending on who he uses his Heroic Ability on. Basic abilities are neglectable.
Avatar/Haymaker can really mess with your gameplay. His Q is also a good disengage.
Raynor can disengage you well, and can also sustain you down if you aren't careful. Makes for a tricky target due to a short CD on his passive.
Good harass. Hard to kill due to his E. If you can catch him in a root with his invulnerability down, you can almost 100-0 him.
Same as Diablo, good at over extensions. Can also [[Mosh Pit]] your engagement.
If you get caught in zombie wall you are in for some hurt. If you can avoid it you should be good.
Vault makes landing the root a little more difficult. A well played Valla has the potential to kite you pretty easily late game with frost shot.
Maw can make for a good disengage/counter engage. Zagara will win duels too.
His CC can be hard to engage through. At the same time if Anub engages into you, root and burst him.
Good at forcing you to over-extend with his combo. Arthas has low mobility so being over-extended is not a good thing.
Tychus has good disengage with his grenade, and good kite with his Overkill. He can be tricky to kill with stoneskin/first aid/Odin.
Her shadow stalk can counter your engagements. Her E can make your job rather difficult as well.
A good Jaina will kite you for eternity. A bad Jaina will get hit by your root and die instantaneously.
Sgt. Hammer
SGT Hammer will poke you down to nothing if you don't engage on him at the start of the fight. Landing your root can ensure a kill, but doing so is easier said than done. (Knockback + Thrusters)
Has the ability to force an over extension on Arthas. If you're team follows up you should be fine if you pop ghouls when you get out of the big boys belly.
Ranged CC on a low CD. Always a pain for most warriors. Divine Storm can counter engagements and Diving Shield can protect the assassin you're trying to 100-0.
Doppleganger/Mirror champs always counter each other.
Her [[Emerald Wind]] can really ruin your engagements. Polymorph as well.
Malfurion's silence/Root can be the death of you. Play very conservative against silence Malfs.
Hello! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bassdrop. I play the Assassin and Warrior role competitively. I've been in Heroes of the Storm since early alpha and have been playing non-stop ever since. When I first started playing this game I immediately fell in love with the Warrior role, and have over a thousand games played on Warriors alone. I found this class to be extremely engaging, flashy, and a play maker.
Your combat trait is Frostmourne Hungers. This ability really shines in lane due to your ability to sustain mana, and single target poke. Using this ability on cooldown while in lane puts pressure on your enemies with its high burst damage, and mana regeneration.
Basic Abilities
Death Coil (Q) ;
Death Coil will be your bread and butter in team fights. Knowing when to use this ability, and whether or not to use it offensively or defensively, will set apart the Men from the Boys. 70% of the time I would say you want to use this as a heal, especially in the Mid/Late game.
Howling Blast (W) ;
Howling Blast is crucial in everything that is being a warrior. This is your engagement, your peel, your play maker. Landing at the right time, on the right target(s), will win you team fights. It's very important to land this ability appropriately, and it really shines on punishing someone for being too aggressive.
Frozen Tempest (E) ;
Frozen Tempest offers great utility. The AoE slow is quite substantial for winning team fights via positioning. The AoE damage is a nice topping on the Cake, but it's game changing functionality will be the slow. Which is why we take Frozen Wastes at level 4. This allows you to get in position to body block, and makes kiting a lot easier for your ranged assassins and supports. Also very good for breaking those pesky Zeratul's and Nova's out of stealth, and to help your Assassins proc Executioner auto-attacks.
Heroic Abilities
Summon Sindragosa (H1) (R);
Summon Sindragosa's versatility and utility is outstanding;
- Great Disengage
- Great Engagement
- "Mini-Curse" with its mechanic that disables turrets and forts. Allowing 5 man team fights on low HP teams hiding under their Forts, and unstoppable 5 man pushes.
- Decent AoE burst damage and slow offers viability in Wombo Combo team comps.
- Play making snipes on low health run-aways.
This makes Sindragosa a go-to Heroic ability if YOU ARE AHEAD. This maintains a snow ball effect. If you are behind you want to make sure you win team fights and make sure you and your team mates don't get picked, therefore, Army of the Dead would be a better pick.
Army of the Dead (H2) (R) ;
Army of the Dead offers a lot of sustain and allows you stay in team fights to be as efficient and disruptive as possible.
I'm going to break down why I pick every talent. So, let's take a look;
Tier One
Frost Presence ;
Frost Presence essentially reduces the cooldown of Howling Blast by 25%. This is a pretty significant buff to both your engage, pick, and peel potential. An all around great pick.
Other Talents
Block ;
Block would be good against giant killer proc's. Would only get this if you have two warriors. So that one Valla/ Tychus with Giant Killer won't kill both frontline easily.
Regeneration Master ;
I feel as if Arthas' sustain is already good enough with Death Coil and Rune Tap. Frost Presence will almost always be a superior pick considering you fit best as a roamer and won't get too many globes to begin with.
Frozen Wastes will increase the uptime on your (E) Frozen Tempest. This is a big deal because it Frozen Tempest does SO much. Peels, Slows, Damage, and enhances both your engage, and disengage.
Good if you're trying to increase your damage output by a little bit. Although I believe that Frozen Wastes out shines this talent by quite a bit.
Tier Three
Rune Tap ;
Rune Tap is what makes Arthas such a survivable tank. With a lack of mobility he needs the healing provided by this talent in order to sustain in a team fight. Really benefits an aggressive player in team fights, and also helps you solo knights with ease. I will take this talent 99% of the time.
Army of the Dead is a very safe pick almost always. Having sustain this great allows you to stay as disruptive as you can, and allows you to maintain ideal position for your Frozen Wastes. Arthas is a dominate force in team fights, so the longer you're in, the better of you and your team is.
Other Talents
Summon Sindragosa ;
Summon Sindragosa is viable in competitive play if you are trying to maintain a snowball effect and end the game early. It allows you to completely ignore the fact that your under-leveled opposition is hugging their measly fort/keep. Summon your dragon friend and 5 man dive those cowards.
Tier Five
Relentless ;
Relentless is usually the safest pick. Being as immobile of a Hero as Arthas, CC is the bane to your existence. This will allow you to continue your engagements even through counter-engage/disengage, and will help you get away in a bad situation.
Other Talents
Trail of Frost ;
Trail of Frost increases the Area of Effect on your Howling Blast. Allowing you to root more targets at once to really make some plays, and land some kills.
Spell Shield ;
Spell Shied definitely gives Relentless a run for its money. Good against enemies that are good at over extending you so their team can burst you down, such as Stitches and Diablo. And even better against ability reliant heroes such as Falstad, Zeratul, and Nazeebo.
Biting Cold ;
Biting Coldcould be useful with the aforementioned Destruction & Obliterate build inside of an AoE heavy composition. Although this is a huge mana sink, which forces you to use your E as DPS and not Utility. Which I generally disagree with.
Immortal Coil will increase your sustain in a fight substantially. This turns your Q into a pretty substantial instant heal on a moderately short CD, and a safe form of damage since it will always heal you. This is a very versatile talent.
Embrace Death ;
Embrace Deathis rather risky. The name itself should be a turn off. No tank should be "Embracing Death", they should be doing everything in their power to avoid it. I would advise against getting this talent.
Hardened Shield will make you pretty much unkillable for 4 seconds on a 60 second CD. This is the perfect ability for a true tank such as Arthas, and really shines in duels, when you're being focused, to maintain aggressive positioning on a squishy assassin, or to get out of pickles.
Other Talents
Legion of Northrend ;
Legion of Northrend has become a good talent since the patch that removed Resurgance has hit. This makes an amazing ult last longer, heal more, and do more damage.
I will break down phases by level. Early Game being levels 1-9, Mid Game being 10-19, and Late Game being 20+. I will also break down your role on every map. There are some things that are going to be consistant throughout every map and on every warrior. Those things will be; Ganking & Roaming, Engaging/Disengaging team fights appropriately, and staying with your team mid/late game.
- Find and help Teammates to attain Merc Camps and Coins.
- Engage/Disengage team fights for Turn-In.
- Try to set up big roots, and good engagements on turn-ins with Howling Blast and Summon Sindragosa.
- Mid Game 5 man pushes with Summon Sindragosa and a Knight camp really offer a lot of pressure and saves cannon shots on future turn-ins.
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Prioritize collecting coins over pushing.
- Summon Sindragosa & Howling Blast turn-ins.
- Collect coins until you win
Cursed Hollow
Early Game
- Roam & Gank
- Group at Tribute Spawns
- 1v1 Solo tribute cappers on first tribute.
Mid Game
- Team Fights at tributes. If you win, rotate to the nearest Boss.
- Zone Enemies if your team is capping.
- Disrupts if enemy is capping, try to land a big roots.
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Prioritize 5 Man pushes when enemy is cursed, 5 man defending when you are.
- Grab Mercs for map control between tributes.
- Try to get a Golem the same time the enemy is cursed for a 5 man push to win.
Dragon Shire
Early Game
- Roam & Gank
- Duel and Skirmish for shrines.
- Help with Knight/Merc control. (Can Solo Knights at level 7.)
Mid Game
- Team Fights at Shrines and Dragon Knight(DK)
- Prioritize DK > Bot lane Mercs > Knights
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Keep Map control via BOT LANE merc control
- 5 man win pushes with DK
Garden of Terror
Early Game
- Roam & Gank
- Solo Camps (Can solo Knights at Level 7.)
Mid Game
- Collect seeds as a TEAM. Focusing small ones first.
- If you get a terror push one lane as 4, and the opposite lane with terror.
- Stay grouped.
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Maintain Merc control as 5.
- Try to time a plant terror + Knights for win pushes.
Haunted Mines
Early Game
- Pre-Push the lane your Golem spawns.
- Enter mines with your team and get picks/skulls.
- 4:1 split when golems spawn. You and 3 people respond to the stronger golem (push or defend), and the last person goes to the opposite lane to soak exp.
Mid Game
- 5 man defend the strongest of the two golems.
- Maintain merc control.
- This map is usually decided during Mid Game/2nd Mines phase.
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Collect Skulls
Sky Temple
Early Game
- Help team cap shrines.
- Stay between mid/top for first phase.
- Rotate bot for second phase.
Mid Game
- Fight for shrines
- Capture Mercenaries
- Get Boss if you win a team fight/get a pick
Thanks for reading and rating my guide! I really enjoy making these as much as I enjoy playing this game. I'll keep all my guides updated from patch to patch, and will create more as time goes on. If you have any suggestions for the next hero I should write a guide on, or maybe some constructive criticisms on how to simply make my guides easier to enjoy, feel free!
Find me here, or at;
Twitter @BassdropG
Twitch /basssdrop
Youtube /BassdropGAMING
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