Who is Bassdrop?
Hello! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is
Bassdrop. I play the Assassin and Warrior role competitively. I've been in Heroes of the Storm since early alpha and have been playing non-stop ever since. When I first started playing this game I immediately fell in love with the Warrior role (ETC specifically), and have over a thousand games played on Warriors alone. I found this class to be extremely engaging, flashy, and a play maker.
E.T.C. was instantly my favorite Hero, especially the Super Saiyan glam metal skin. (GJ Blizzard, well played.) And I played from level 1 - 24, strictly as ETC. He was the first hero I got max progression on and now have roughly 250+ games played.
Find me here, or at;
Twitter @BassdropG
Twitch /basssdrop
Youtube /BassdropGAMING
This guide has three builds for the most common situations in which you would pick ETC. (Team Fight, Split Push, and Disengage)
This guide will focus heavily on the Team Fight build but please take a look at all the builds so you are capable of being dynamic.
- High Mobility
- Hard to Kill
- Play maker
- Lots of disruption/interrupt
- Good Engage/Disengage
- Versatile
- No damage
- His play making Heroic Ability(
Mosh Pit), is easily countered with ranged CC
- Requires a smart team to follow up on his plays
- Long CDs
- Mana hungry
I will break down phases by level. Early Game being levels 1-9, Mid Game being 10-19, and Late Game being 20+. I will also break down your role on every map. There are some things that are going to be consistant throughout every map, and those things will be; Ganking & Roaming, Engaging/Disengaging team fights appropriately, and staying with your team mid/late game. Let's look a little closer;
Blackheart's Bay
Early Game
- Roam & Gank
- Collect coins from chests
- Kill pirates/mercs
Mid Game
- Find and help Teammates to attain Merc Camps and Coins.
- Engage/Disengage team fights for Turn-In.
- Maintain control over Boss
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Prioritize collecting coins over pushing.
Powerslide /
Mosh Pit Turn ins.
- Collect coins until you win
Cursed Hollow
Early Game
- Roam & Gank
- Group at Tribute Spawns
- 1v1 Solo tribute cappers on first tribute.
Mid Game
- Team Fights at tributes. If you win, rotate to the nearest Boss.
- Zone Enemies if your team is capping.
- Disrupts if enemy is capping, try to land a big stuns.
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Prioritize 5 Man pushes when enemy is cursed, 5 man defending when you are.
- Grab Mercs for map control between tributes.
- Try to get a Golem the same time the enemy is cursed for a 5 man push to win.
Dragon Shire
Early Game
- Roam & Gank
- Duel and Skirmish for shrines.
- Help with Knight/Merc control.
Mid Game
- Team Fights at Shrines and Dragon Knight(DK)
- Prioritize DK > Bot lane Mercs > Knights
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Keep Map control via BOT LANE merc control
- 5 man win pushes with DK
Garden of Terror
Early Game
- Roam & Gank
- Solo Camps (Can solo Knights at Level 7.)
Mid Game
- Collect seeds as a TEAM. Focusing small ones first.
- If you get a terror push one lane as 4, and the opposite lane with terror.
- Stay grouped.
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Maintain Merc control as 5.
- Try to time a plant terror + Knights for win pushes.
Haunted Mines
Early Game
- Pre-Push the lane your Golem spawns.
- Enter mines with your team and get picks/skulls.
- 4:1 split when golems spawn. You and 3 people respond to the stronger golem (push or defend), and the last person goes to the opposite lane to soak exp.
Mid Game
- 5 man defend the strongest of the two golems.
- Maintain merc control.
- This map is usually decided during Mid Game/2nd Mines phase.
Late Game
- Stay grouped.
- Collect Skulls
Sky Temple
Early Game
- Help team cap shrines.
- Stay between mid/top for first phase.
- Rotate bot for second phase.
Mid Game
- Fight for shrines
- Capture Mercenaries
- Get Boss if you win a team fight/get a pick
Late Game
- Stay grouped
- Cap shrines/mercs until you win
Thanks for reading and rating my guide! I really enjoy making these as much as I enjoy playing this game. I'll keep all my guides updated from patch to patch, and will create more as time goes on. If you have any suggestions for the next hero I should write a guide on, or maybe some constructive criticisms on how to simply make my guides easier to enjoy, feel free!
Find me here, or at;
Twitter @BassdropG
Twitch /basssdrop
Youtube /BassdropGAMING
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