
In case you were uninformed,
Rehgar is the biggest bamf that's ever hit Azeroth. Like
Rehgar was a slave until, guess what? He bought his own freedom after going on the killing spree of the century. So it makes sense that Blizzard decided to make him the biggest, baddest orc in the game. That's right,
Garrosh, eat your heart out... just not another old god heart. If you're looking for a character to carry your team who isn't content to sit on the backline, than
Rehgar is your kind of orc.

Rehgar is an aggressive, front-line support that carries decent bulk, powerful AoE crowd control abilities, AoE healing, and deals decent damage. With access to percentage damage and self-healing through talents like
Hunger of the Wolf,
Rehgar is able to solo many other heros in 1v1 duels by locking them down with
Earthbind Totem and dealing
Ghost Wolf damage.
Rehgar is able to mitigate incoming burst damage through talent picks like
Storm Shield at level 20 and
Earth Shield at level 13. He can also pull his team back up very quickly from low health by taking
Rewind at level 20 and casting two
Chain Heal in rapid succession. Understand that healing from low to full health is never as good as preventing damage, so also take shield talents against high-burst comps.
Rehgar's primary healing ability,
Chain Heal, ha sa base cooldown of nine seconds, which isn't bad considering that he heals up to three members of the wolf pack per cast. The cooldown can be further reduced through
Tidal Waves at level 13, which is a great talent to combine with spritwalker's grace at level 4.
Healing Totem is a powerful option to provide healing during a team fight to keep your team ahead of the incoming damage.
Earthbind Totem is a powerful baseline ability that
Rehgar can further improve through talent choices. Even untalented,
Earthbind Totem can be a powerful crowd control ability that creates unavoidable choke points in narrow lanes and passages. It can also be used to peel an enemy off a friendly hero. Level 1, 7, and 16 all offer strong options for improving your totem's utility for a CC-oriented build.

The level 4 tier is rehgar's self-sufficiency tier, allowing him to choose how he can be more mana efficient from a very early point in the game. Each level 4 talent has their own niche.
Healing Totem offers good sustain to bulky teams for no mana cost.
Feral Heart vastly improves mana regen for more time on the battlefield.
Spiritwalker's Grace reduces the mana cost of
Chain Heal and
Stormcaller refunds mana for doing damage.
Rehgar is one of the more balanced characters on the roster in terms of being able to find his way onto any team composition. His talents allow him to enhance his kit for more healing, more CC, increase his team's damage output, and even grant vision through
Farsight. Whatever the team needs
Rehgar can build and adapt as needed. What's more, he has great wave clear with his
Lightning Shield ability.
Rehgar is never a bad pick on any team.
Colossal Totem expands on an already powerful ability by increasing the area of effect of your
Earthbind Totem. A larger zone means that enemies are trapped in your CC for longer, allowing you and your team more time to secure kills or strategically advance towards safety. The increased radius also makes it possible to create choke points in narrow paths that opponents can't walk around.
This talent is a strong boost to your team's performance.
Electric Charge increase the radius of your
Lightning Shield ability, whether you cast it on yourself or on an ally. The increased size of your AoE is useful for clearing minion waves, capturing mercenary camps that have multiple ranged attackers, and chasing high mobility heroes that can't be locked down by your
Earthbind Totem. Take this if you want
Rising Storm at level 16.
This talent is a moderate boost to your individual performance.
Wolf Run raises your base mounted speed from 20% to 30%, putting
Ghost Wolf's movement speed on par with standard mounts. The increased speed does help with global mobility issues, but has little effect on the final outcome of the match. The lunging attack that's performed from
Ghost Wolf form combined with
Earthbind Totem already provides sufficient chase and lock down potential without the increased speed.
This talent is a weak boost to your individual performance.
Spiritwalker's Grace reduces the mana cost of
Chain Heal by 20. This talent greatly aids in mana conservation during the early game, however its value diminishes as the match progresses and your mana pool become larger and your mana regen improves naturally. Take this talent if you are frequently out of
Ghost Wolf form or in a game that will be closed out before level 16 or the 12 minute mark.
This talent is a moderate boost to your individual performance.
Feral Heart increases your base mana regen while in
Ghost Wolf form. This talent is ideal for games that are going to last to level 20 and beyond because the mana regen becomes stronger with each level. Simply put, better mana regen means that you are less dependent on fountains and hearth less often, giving you more time on the glorious battlefield to bring honor to your ancestors.
This talent is a strong boost to your individual performance.
Stormcaller refunds mana for damage dealt using
Lightning Shield, up to 40 mana per cast. This talent is very weak because it means that you will never recover more than 40 mana per cast of
Lightning Shield. The ability alone costs 60 mana to cast, meaning that, best case scenario, you will always be left with 20 less mana after casting. Even for a
Rising Storm build, this talent under performs.
This talent is a weak boost to your individual performance.
Healing Totem heals allied heroes for 20% of their total HP over the duration of the ability. This talent really shines when your team is a bulky comp with high base HP to take advantage of the percentage based healing; low HP heroes benefit much less. Because
Healing Totem costs no mana, you can cast
Chain Heal more frequently and it can pad your own heals during team fights.
This talent is a moderate boost to your team's performance.
Blood and Thunder reduces the remaining cooldown on your basic abilities by two seconds. This is an extremely powerful talent that let's you cast your abilities much more frequently by jumping in and out of
Ghost Wolf form. To get the most benefit from this talent, get used to mashing the mount key during combat so that you can deal damage from
Ghost Wolf as often as possible. This talent is key to winning 1v1 duels.
This talent is a strong boost to your individual performance.
Farsight reveals an area of the map for a short duration and marks revealed targets for four seconds after they leave the revealed area. This talent is most useful when facing enemy stealth heroes and your team is struggling to break their stealth. A relatively short thirty second cooldown means that you'll have it available during most team fights, however it is very situational and not as strong as other talents in this tier.
This talent is a moderate boost to your team's performance.
Cleanse makes a friendly hero immune to enemy CC effects, removing current effects and making the target immune to incoming effects during the duration of the ability. This is a very situational talent that is best taken against enemy heroes who are built around displacing and stunning targets. Unable to be self-cast and a long sixty second cooldown with a niche value makes this talent less desirable than other talents in this tier.
This talent is a moderate boost to your tear's performance.
Totemic Projection adds four seconds to the duration of
Earthbind Totem and allows you to replace the totem at a new location during its duration. Being able to move your totem as needed means that you can more successfully lock down fleeing opponents by keeping them in the CC'd area longer. It also allows your team to retreat more successfully by placing and then moving your totem as your team moves.
This talent is a strong boost to your team's performance.
Ancestral Healing restores an absolutely absurd amount of health to a single target after a one-second delay. At level ten, this ability will restore 57.46% of
Diablo's base HP (assuming he has zero
Black Soulstone). I don't even know why Blizzard added
Alexstrasza to the game when
Rehgar is clearly the god of life. Cast the heal in advance or else your target will die to burst before the heal can resolve and you're left on cool down.
This talent is s strong boost to your individual performance.
Bloodlust grants movement speed, attack speed, and leech to all nearby friendly heroes. Casting
Bloodlust at the beginning of a team fight can quickly swing things in your team's favor; however, the danger of taking
Bloodlust is that you have no anti-burst to save your wolf pack. This ability works best when your allies have sufficient bulk and self-sustain to survive any initial enemy burst or can easily out DPS your opponents.
This talent is a moderate boost to your team's performance.
Earth Shield applies a shield to the target equal to 12% of their max HP. Obviously this talent performs much better with bulky heroes, but can also be the difference between life and death for some of our squishier friends. Allied assassins who want to get in and out quickly can do so much more safely with some extra padding. Self-cast for extra damage and survivability in duels. Pre-cast on your tank before engaging to absorb burst.
This talent is a strong boost to your team's performance.
Tidal Waves reduces the next cool down of
Chain Heal by one second per hero healed. At best, this talent reduces the cool down from nine to six seconds (6.67 casts per minute to 10 casts per minute), giving you 3.33 more casts per minute. The downside of this talent is that more casts means more mana spent. This talent is best paired with
Spiritwalker's Grace at level 4 for games lasting about 12 minutes.
This talent is a moderate boost to your team's performance.
Earthliving Enchant applies a HoT to heroes healed by
Chain Heal if they are below 50% HP. The HoT applied is equal to 83.3% of
Chain Heal's value. This is a high risk, high reward talent that almost doubles the value of your primary heal, but at the cost of only affecting allies who are at risk of being bursted. This talent functions best when paired with heroes who can apply shields to mitigate burst or who have decent bulk.
This talent is a moderate boost to your team's performance.
Earthgrasp Totem applies a massive 90% slow for one second to all enemies caught in
Earthbind Totem's initial pulse. 90% reduction is so slow, that you're basically rooting your prey and they can't predict it in the same way that
Entangling Roots telegraphs its area of effect. The 90% only applies once and won't trigger twice by relocating your totem with
Totemic Projection.
This talent is a strong boost to your team's performance.
Hunger of the Wolf deals damage equal to 5% of the target's max HP and heals you for the same amount. This talent is incredibly powerful in regards to fighting 1v1, holding lane, and offering self-sustain in combat. Against a bulky opposition, you can quickly chunk an enemy hero's HP by entering
Ghost Wolf and attacking each time it's available. The healing gained means that most bulky heroes will die to you in a 1v1 encounter.
This talent is a strong boost to your individual performance.
Rising Storm increases the damage dealt by
Lightning Shield for damaging enemy heroes, up to a maximum of 200% increased damage. Because
Lightning Shield has a short, five-second duration, it can be difficult to get the maximum effect from this talent; it really only performs well against death-ball comps that stay stacked together. Combine with
Blood and Thunder at level 4 for maximum value.
This talent is a moderate boost to your individual performance.
Farseer's Blessing increases the healing done by
Ancestral Healing from ridiculous to ludicrous and also heals allied heroes around your target for 50% of the amount healed. The key here is that nearby allies only get 50% of the initial heal, so the lower your target's HP, the more healing done to nearby allies. This talent can perform well when your team is deathballing and stays close together, but has a long cooldown of 100 seconds
This talent is a moderate boost to your team's performance.
Gladiator's War Shout increases the leech effect of
Bloodlust from 30% to 60%, giving you and your wolf pack a bit more self-sustain for the duration of the ability. The operative condition here is that the leech is only gained from basic attacks and not abilities, offering minimal sustain on rotation and leaving your team susceptible to burst. It's better to take
Rewind or
Storm Shield to mitigate incoming damage.
This talent is a weak boost to your team's performance.
Rewind resets the cooldown of your basic abilities, but that doesn't include your ultimate ability. A long, one-minute cooldown means that you won't be able to cast it more than, maybe, twice per team fight. The benefits to taking
Rewind means that you can quickly give an
Earth Shield to two allies and cast two
Chain Heal in quick succession for a large AoE heal. Without
Earth Shield, this talent isn't viable.
This talent is a moderate boost to your individual performance.
Storm Shield applies a shield to all nearby allies equal to 20% of their max HP. The shield isn't permanent and lasts only three seconds; however, three seconds is enough time to pick up any low-health allies and ensure that your
Ancestral Healing will land. This talent can also be used to block incoming burst damage and minimize the effects of enemy ults like
Mosh Pit. This is usually the go-to talent pick.
This talent is a strong boost to your team's performance.

Boasting a decent health pool, lots of utility options, and an instant cast mount,
Rehgar is a powerful skirmisher who is able to drop into the fray and have his way.
Hunger of the Wolf adds percentage-based damage to the lunge attack performed from
Ghost Wolf form that also heals
Rehgar for the damage dealt. This talent allows
Rehgar to solo many of the bulkier heroes, even when standing in
All Shall Burn death laser. When fighting, remember to cycle in and out of
Ghost Wolf to land those critical hits, even if you don't take the
Hunger of the Wolf talent; that extra damage can be the difference between getting a kill or trading.
The short-distance lunge that the
Ghost Wolf attack gives helps you to close the distance between you and your prey. The lunge, combined with
Earthbind Totem, makes it very hard for heroes lacking strong mobility options to get away from
Rehgar. Even if you can't secure the kill yourself, repeatedly locking down the target with your totem and chipping away at a fleeing foe will enable a teammate to arrive and help finish the job. Be careful not to stray too far when chasing; you don't want to go deep and get ganked or die to minions and cannon fire.
Rehgar's level 4 talent tier is dedicated to conversing mana depending on your play style. Below, we'll go over the benefits and combinations of each one of those talents.
Spiritwalker's Grace reduces the mana cost of
Chain Heal by 20 mana, which is great when you pair that with
Tidal Waves. That combination of talents will allow you to cast
Chain Heal more often and faster without having to burn through your entire mana pool in a single team fight. This talent selection is great for short duration games that end between twelve and fifteen minutes; however, the effectiveness of this combination diminishes as the match progresses and your mana pool increases.
Feral Heart increases your mana regeneration by 75% as long as you are in
Ghost Wolf form. This talent is great for full-duration games that last until the twenty minute mark and beyond; the longer the game last, the faster you'll recover mana. This talent is great because it lets you recover mana on the way to an objective or as you're traveling between lanes. If you ever find yourself low and mana and can't hearth or use the fountain, you can always hang behind your team in
Ghost Wolf form and let your mana recovre until you can cast
Chain Heal as needed. Laning is a war of attrition and sitting on the backline will always go in your favor as long as your lane companion doesn't over extend or the enemy team doesn't over commit to your lane.
Stormcaller refunds 4 mana per enemy hit, up to 40 mana total. This talent is really quite lackluster as the cost of
Lightning Shield is 60 mana, meaning that you will always end with 20 mana less than when your first cast your ability. This is really quite an inefficient talent, and as stated earlier, shouldn't be picked. If
Stormcaller was a stock option, you wouldn't buy it even if it was free.
Healing Totem provides passive healing in an area to allied heroes, restoring up to 20% of a ally's max HP. This talent is quite strong when you have a bulky team composition with a good front line. Obviously,
Diablo will benefit more from the healing than
Murky, so if you have some frontline bulk, they will gets tons of healing and also form a wall between the enemy and your totem. What's nice about the passive healing is that it keep going while you are free to do damage or cast other abilities; it's like dropping a second healer on the battlefield for a brief moment.
Besides making the right talent choices based on the current situation and your team composition, there are also things that you can do proactively to avoid going OOM at a bad time:
- Make each cast as impactful as possible and get the most value out of your abilities and their mana cost.
- Don't cast
Chain Heal just to top an ally off from 95% to 100%. It's more beneficial in the long run to recover HP through health globes and to avoid taking damage so that you have the mana and the cooldown available for objectives and team fights.
- Don't cast
Lightning Shield to clear a minion wave that only has two minions remaining. Use your
Ghost Wolf damage and auto attacks to remove the last couple of minions. Clearing the wave slightly faster isn't worth the opportunity cost of having mana available in the future.
- Claim the health globes. This seems obvious, but it's a solid way to recover your HP and mana simultaneously.
Rehgar has an easy time dropping into a lane to snag a globe and leaving thanks to having an instant-cast mount that doesn't break from damage.
- Travel between lanes to claim health globes. Picking up the globe will help your allies in lane to better push the lane and the travel time between lanes allows you a chance to get some passive mana regen as well.

The combination of
Ghost Wolf being instant-cast and
Feral Heart restoring mana while in travel for m makes
Rehgar an ideal candidate to roam between lanes, providing support wherever he is needed. If you take
Feral Heart at level 4, you can arrive at the lane, cast
Lightning Shield, clear the minion wave, top of your ally with a
Chain Heal, and then return to the other lane. Before long, the enemy team will think that there's two
Rehgar that they're playing against. Even without
Feral Heart, the travel time will allow you to recover some mana and you can still clear out the minion wave. If you need to be conservative, only use your
Lightning Shield when at least half the wave is remaining.
When you push the lane into the enemy towers, it's important that you position yourself in such a way that your
Lightning Shield AoE can hit a tower and two pieces of wall simultaneously for maximum siege damage. Even with the
Electric Charge talent, you won't have enough range to hit both towers; however, you can still take down a wall segment, tower, and gate at the same time.
Successfully moving between two lanes, whether you move as a 4-man deathball or split 1/2/2, will quickly allow your team to establish an advantage in both lanes and force the enemy team to over commit to one or the other. Remember to take care of your solo laner by making good call outs and coordinating with your team. If your team is doing well in two lanes, chances are the other team will try to punish your solo laner. Be ready to defend your wolf pack!

Capturing a mercenary camp is a great way to get value for your team, especially prior to an objective spawning. Fortunately,
Rehgar is able to solo siege and bruiser mercenary camps by cycling through his
Ghost Wolf form for extra damage and using
Lightning Shield for added AoE damage. Siege giants are very easy to capture, but bruiser camps will hit you a lot harder and leave you with less HP and mana after capturing them. At level 10, you can solo a bruiser camp and leave with about 50% HP. At level 20, you can finish the bruiser camp with about 75% HP. Granted, you will earn a globe to help recover your losses, but you should consider what's about to happen on the map (an objective is going to spawn, a team fight is about to happen, etc..) before you engage the camp alone. When capturing bruiser camps, remember to kill the caster minion first because they do the most damage and won't walk towards you when aggro'd.

Cycling through your
Ghost Wolf form for extra damage is essential to maximizing your damage; however, you can also use the lunge attack that
Ghost Wolf offers as an escape to gain some distance from pursuing enemies. Lunge onto nearby enemy minions or structures to move out of range of your opponents. In the same regard, you can lunge onto enemy structures and minions to position yourself closer to enemy hero that you want to chase down.
Break enemy stealth by creatively placing
Lightning Shield on friendly units. If you see a stealth hero approaching from above or below the lane, throw your
Lightning Shield on a nearby minion to break their stealth before they can get too close. If there's not a friendly unit around, you can drop
Earthbind Totem and cast your
Lightning Shield on it to get the same effect. If you find yourself in a situation where there's no nearby friendly units and your totem is on cooldown, cast
Lightning Shield on yourself and get into a safe position to fight that cowardly stealth hero.
If you take
Storm Shield at level 20, delay using it during a team fight until your team takes a bit of damage.
Chain Heal is most effective when you can heal the maximum number of targets per cast, but if you open a team fight with
Storm Shield, than your
Chain Heal can't be of much use until your team takes some damage and you don't have the extra shielding to pad your heals.
Use your
Earthbind Totem to grant vision in bushes, vents, and across walls. If you're defending an objective that's surround by tall grass, like the shrines on
Dragon Shire, than you can stand in one bush and drop your totem in the other bush. By doing so, you will have vision on both entrances, but can stay on the side that's safer. You can also gain vision to other lanes by standing on one side of wall and placing your totem on the other side of the wall. Careful totem placement can prevent you and your team from walking into an ambush or being ganked.
Healing Totem should always be placed between your back line and your front line. Too far forward and the enemy team can break your totem before it can heal for its full duration. Too far back and your tanks and bruisers won't get any benefit as they push forward. Because its healing is percentage based, you want to prioritize your warriors for the powerful AoE heal since you can much more easily top off your friendly squishes with
Chain Heal as needed.
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