Heroes of the Storm (HotS) Talent Calculator :: Build Tool

Heroes Talent Build

Level 1









Atk Per Sec







Basic Attack [+]

Auto Attack. Right click to win!

Basic Attack [+]

No Cost

Auto Attack. Right click to win!


Blood for Blood [+]

No Cost Cooldown: 60s

Activate to deal 10% of target enemy Hero's Max Health and heal for twice that amount.

Bolt of the Storm [+]

No Cost Cooldown: 70s

Activate to teleport to a nearby location.

Storm Shield [+]

No Cost

Activate to give all nearby allied Heroes a Shield for 20% of their max Health for 3 seconds.

Rewind [+]

No Cost

Activate to reset the cooldowns of your Basic Abilities.

Scouting Drone [+]

No Cost

Places a Scouting Drone at target location, granting vision and revealing a large area around it for 45 seconds. This drone cannot be hidden and is killed by enemies with 2 Basic Attacks.

Stores up to 2 charges.

First Aid [+]

No Cost Cooldown: 60s

Activate to heal 35% of your max Health over 6 seconds.

Stoneskin [+]

No Cost Cooldown: 60s

Activate to gain 30% of your maximum Health as a Shield for 5 seconds.

Hardened Shield [+]

No Cost

Activate to gain 75 Armor for 4 seconds, taking 75% less damage.

Imposing Presence [+]

No Cost

Activate to slow the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds.

Passive: Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.

Invasive Miasma [+]

No Cost Cooldown: 10s

Activate to deal 150 damage to all nearby enemies after 2 seconds. For each Hero hit, heal for 182 and gain 1 Chaos.

No Control [+]

No Cost Cooldown: 60s

Activate to cast an untalented Hogg Wild and chase an enemy Hero. After reaching the Hero, Hogger will switch to chasing another nearby enemy Hero. If no other enemy Heroes are within range of a chase target, this abilities’ duration will begin to rapidly decay. Lasts for up to 6 seconds.

Hero currently has no talents.
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Create your own Heroes of the Storm (HotS) build and talent selection with the HeroesFire Talent Calculator. Select ’s talents, and watch as ’s abilities are affected by your talent selection. Expand the abilities to see ’s advanced ability stats and information. Use the level slider to see ’s stats and ability details at every level. When you’re done, share your build by using the copy link or quick share features. This tool works for any Heroes of the Storm hero and the talent and ability details are updated every patch.

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