Aegwynn by Tylnedrxa

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By: Tylnedrxa
Created: May 15, 2020
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Guardian of Tirisfal


HP: 1500
Mana: 600

Combat Trait

Mana Shield
Active. All damage to your hero is redirected to your mana.

Primary Abilities

Arcane Barrage
Deals damage to a hero and pushes him back a short distance. Deals damage to a hero and pushes him back a short distance. If you succeed, regain mana cost and half cooldown. Arcane Barrage does an additional 25% of your current mana as damage.
Arcane Breach
Create a gap in the chosen area that takes 0.5 seconds to form. If a hero positions himself on it, he will take damage, if you push a hero with Arcane Barrage to an Arcane Breach, you stun him for a second and detonate the gap. Stores up to 3 charges.
Activate to teleport a short distance and deal area damage at the point of arrival. If you kill or assist in a kill for the next two seconds, regain mana cost and cooldown

Heroic Abilities

Arcane Blast
Channel for 0.5 seconds, then deal damage to a hero. Every time you use this ability, it increases its mana cost and damage. You can accumulate up to four charges.
Arcane Power
Increase your spellpower by 20%, and all your manacosts by 20%.

Level 1

Chrono Shift: Quest! Hit 30 heroes with Arcane Barrage to increase it's damage by 10, if you die, the counter restarts.

Reward: Arcane Barrage slows the enemy hero affected by 50% for 1.5 seconds after the knocback, or the stun from Arcane Breach.

Glyph of Blink: Quest! Achieve a takedown on each enemy hero after blinking or for 2 seconds after.

Reward: Increase blink range and gain a second charge.

Arcane Disruption: Quest! Stun enemy heroes with Arcane Breach 20 times.

Reward: Increase Arcane Breach damage and the stun duration by 0.25 seconds.

Tirisfal's power: Quest! Gather regen globes to gain 15 mana. For every extra 100 mana, gain 5% spell power.

Level 4

Arcane Shielding: While Arcane Barrier is active, gain 25 armor.

Mage Armor: All damage overtime is reduced by 50%

Arcane Fortitude: Gain 25% extra mana.

Level 7

Sparks: After the Blink explosion, a second blast will pop up at your hero's position after a second.

Evocation: Active to channel for 6 seconds, regenerating 10% mana per second. Mana Barrier is not available during Evocation.

Deep Focus: Hitting an enemy hero with arcane barrage marks them for 6 seconds, if you hit them again with Arcane Barrage, the mark explodes for extra damage and marks again.

Improved Blink: Gain 20% movement speed after using blink.

Level 13

Managem: Active to restore 33% of your mana. Cooldown starts After not taking damage for 10 seconds.

Invisibility: Taking damage that takes you below 30% health, makes you invisible for 1.5 seconds, and refresh the cooldown of blink

Mana cauterization: If you took less than 25% of your max health while arcane barrier is active, regain that mana after not taking damage for 3 seconds.

Level 16

Mind Mastery: Increase spell power by 15% of your mana.

Torment the weak: All damage dealt increase by 30% to slowed, rooted, or stunned targets.

Incanter's Absorption: Whenever you absorb damage with Arcane Barrier, increase your damage by 3%, up to 60%.

Level 20

Overpowered: Arcane power now grants 60% spell power, and reduces manacosts by 20%

Mana Leak: If you achieve a takedown with Arcane Blast, refund the manacost of the last cast. Active: Gain 4 arcane charges.

Infinite power: Gain 100% more mana regen, while arcane barrier is activated, gain 100% more hp regen.

Pressence of Mind: Active to make your next basic spell have no cooldown or mana cost

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