Aggramar by Zayin

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By: Zayin
Created: Jul 7, 2020
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The Avenger

Aggramar, the Avenger, is a titan and the former lieutenant of Sargeras. When Sargeras betrayed the Pantheon, Aggramar took up his role of champion, until he was slain by his former tutor and friend. He was then resurrected by Sargeras as his enforcer and guarded the heart of the Burning Legion in Antorus, the Burning Throne until he was freed and rejoined his fellow titans at the Seat of the Pantheon.

Aggramar is a tanky bruiser with medium damage capabilities, his abilities give him the survivability he needs to be a thorn in the enemies.

Health 2791 (+4%/level)
Health Regen 4.13 (+4%/level)
Attack 113 (+4%/level)
Attack Speed 0.87
Attack Range 2.5

Combat Trait

Disciple of Sargeras
Basic attack cleave for 75% of the total damage and deal extra 1.5% of the main target maximum health.

Primary Abilities

Taeshalach Wrath

Cooldown 7 Seconds

Aggramar makes an attack in a cone dealing 274 (+4%/level) damage to all enemies. If it hits any enemy hero, you can reactivate the ability to deal 121 (+4%/level) and stun an enemy for 1.5 seconds.
Flame Rend

Cooldown 12 Seconds

Aggramar swings Taeshalach in an arc dealing 581 (+4%/level) to enemy heroes split evenly between the heroes struck and slowing them by 70% for 0.5 seconds.
Ravenous Blaze

Cooldown 15 Seconds

After a 0.5 delay create a column of fire that ignites enemies caught for 472 (+4%/level) damage over 4 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Aegis of Aggramar

Cooldown 100 Seconds

Aggramar places his Aegis in the field that blocks all incoming damage from that direction for 2.5 seconds.
Wake of Flame

Cooldown 70 Seconds

Aggramar calls forth 4 waves of lava that deal 378 (+4%/level) and knockup every enemy hero hit for 1 second.

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SMILE (1) | July 18, 2020 5:32pm
Trait and Q are OP imo
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