Alan Schezar, also known as Allen Schezar, was a smuggler, crime lord and goliath pilot.
Combat Trait
Towering Presence
Can completely move over heroes and minions without pause.
Primary Abilities
War Stomp
Q ability: War Stomp, winds up for a delayed stomp that knocks back and stuns close heroes.
HellFire Missiles
W ability: Hellfire Missiles, allow for a pair of missiles to strike out and deal splash damage to the target hero.
Emergency Repairs
E ability: Hulls down and makes minor field repairs.
Heroic Abilities
Spray and Pray
Fires a wide cone of concentrated fire that does low to moderate damage in a wide margin
Fire for effect!
Unleashes all auto cannons, missiles, at a single target for large amounts of damage ignoring line of sight of other heroes.
Special Mount
I need extraction!
Pressing Z will immediately cause a dropship to ferry off the hero in a direction. Once escaped for X about of time the heroes abilities will be on a 4 second CD.
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