Alarak by porpeta

29 Votes


By: porpeta
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2016
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The Highlord of the Tal'darim

Alarak is the highlord of the Tal'darim. He was previously the First Ascendant in the Chain of Ascension under Highlord Ma'lash. During the End War, Alarak used his alliance with the Daelaam to overthrow and replace Ma'lash, and turn the Tal'darim against Amon.

Alarak is a Melee Warrior, he has great psionic power to control everything around.

Credits to Artist stef-mad!!

Franchise: Starcraft
Role: Melee Warrior
Complexity: Hard


HP: 2150 (+ 4% per level) (2236 @1, 3182 @10, 4710 @20)
HP Regen: 2,65 (+0,86)

Mana: 500 (+10 per level)
Mana Regen: 3 (+0.5 per level)

Attack Damage: 70 (+ 4% per level)
Attack Speed: 1.75
Attack Range: 1.5

Combat Trait

[D] Soul Absorption

For each nearby units allies or enemies that dies you heal for 50 (+ 15 per level) health points.
Heroes heal 20% Alarak's maximum HP. (Note: Murky heals by 5%, Misha 6.5%, Vikings 6.5% each.)

Range: Same Alarak sight range.

Primary Abilities

[Q] Deadly Charge
Alarak dash towards target point and hit in the first enemy Hero in the path dealing 230 (+ 4% per level) damage and stuns it for 1 second.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
Mana: 65
Range: Medium
Dash Speed: Fast
[W] Psionic Assimilation

Alarak absorbs 15% of damage taken, assimilates and gain new power. Up to 300 HP ( +70 per level). When is full, Alarak takes full damage. Uses Tal'darim Highlord special bar to show when Assimilation is ready(100%). Using the active ability drains all the energy assimilated.


- Mana Cost: 40
- Select Ability by Talent in Tier 1:

1) Psionic Slash: Slash the air in a line to deal 225 ( + 4% per level) damage to all enemies in the path. Range: Long(~ 90% sight range)

2) Psionic Shield: Gain a Shield that absorbs 240 (+4% per level) damage over 4 seconds.

3) Psionic Beam: Channel a psionic beam on an enemy dealing 125 (+4% per level) damage a second over 4 seconds. Alarak can move at 75% speed while channeling. Range: Medium(~60% sight range)

4) Retaliation: Increases attack speed by 100% over 4 seconds.
Alarak cast psionic orb in any target point, dealing 40 ( + 4% per level) damage per second and pushing Enemies in the path.

You can control the placement of this attack by clicking and dragging your mouse in a line.

Cooldown: 15 seconds
Mana: 60
Cast Range: High(80% sight range)
Push Length: Medium(~ 150% Illidan dash)
Cast Time: 1 Second
Travel Time: Fast
Orb scale: Medium

Heroic Abilities

[R1] Destruction Wave
Blast an area with Psionic Energy, dealing 250 (+ 4% per level) damage to enemies and knocking them back. Massive units are knocked back a shorter distance. Deals 50% bonus Damage against Heroes and Structures.

You can control the placement of this attack by clicking and dragging your mouse in a line.

Cooldown: 80 seconds
Mana: 80
Cast Range: Large
Wave Lenght: Long
Wave Width: Large
Wave Speed: Fast
[R2] Rak'Shir
Alarak Challenges an enemy hero to Duel with you for 10 seconds.

Duel Details:

- Alarak Levite and gain 10% bonus movement speed.
- Alarak's Combat Trait [D] Soul Absorption gains 50% bônus effect.
- Mount is disable to both heroes.
- If a duelist run away the other, he is slowed by 20%.
- The Duel make both heroes immune to damage and effects(slows, stuns, ...) from all other sources except each other, but both Heroes deals twice damage.
- The duelists only deal damage between themselves.
- Allies of the duelists will not be able to interfere(heals, stuns, slows, ...) but increases the damage of the duelist they are allied to by 10% for each allied hero nearby the duel.
- The Health from both Duelist are balanced when Rak'Shir start.[ex: 1) 45% HP, 2) 80% HP : 45 + 80 / 2 >> 62,5% HP for BOTH].
- If any duelist kill your enemy over Duel the survivor restore full health and mana.

Cooldown: 75 seconds (after the ability ends)
Mana: 40
Challenge Cast Range: Close
Cast Time: 2 seconds

Special Mount

[Unique Mount] Option to Alarak Levitate, normal works.



Tier 1 [Level 1]

- Enables [W] Psionic Slash.
- Enables [W] Psionic Shield.
- Enables [W] Psionic Beam.

- Enables [W] Retaliation.


- Focused Attack: Every 10 seconds, your next Basic Attack against a Hero deals 75% additional damage. Basic Attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second.
- [Q] DEADLY CHARGE - I Caught You:


- [Q] DEADLY CHARGE - Try Again: Lowers the cooldown by 4 seconds if it not hit an


- Enables Heroic DESTRUCTION WAVE.
- Enables Heroic RAK'SHIR.


- [Q] DEADLY CHARGE - Unstoppable: Alarak no longer stops at the first Hero hit, affecting all enemy Heroes along the path.
- [E] PSIONIC MANIPULATION - Go Go Go: Increases the Push lenght by 50%.
- Spell Shield: Upon taking Ability Damage, reduce that damage and further Ability Damage by 50% for 3 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds.
- Tal'darim Rampage: Every


- Imposing Presence: Enemies that attack you have their Attack Speed slowed by 40%.
- [W] PSIONIC ASSIMILATION - Hard Mind: Up absorption to 20%.
- [W] PSIONIC ASSIMILATION - Brain Power: Allows absorb the damage even when Tal'darim highlord special bar is full.
- [Q] DEADLY CHARGE - Opportunistic Strike:


- [R] DESTRUCTION WAVE - Again?: Up to 2 charges. 1 second recast.
- [R] RAK'SHIR - The Winner: The Duelist Winner take only 50% damage over 10 seconds.
- [E] PSIONIC MANIPULATION - Terror Orb: Increases Orb scale by 100%, damage by 300%. Up to 2 charges. 3 seconds to recast.
- [TRAIT - D] SOUL ABSORPTION - In the World: Global Range with 50% effect.

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bibity | March 7, 2016 11:42am
Would like an ult to be a large wide energy beam that pushes enemies back and does moderate damage essentially what he does in rakshir
DatWaben | January 3, 2016 12:13pm
You should consider making one of the ultimates a large ray of damage, like the one seen in the mission where he and Vorazun are sent to destroy the power cells.
porpeta (1) | January 4, 2016 2:11am
Hi, nice point man, I'll try to find a way to do this, even the Psionic Beam being a ray of destruction on a smaller scale :D.
Thx for replying!
Shadow24772 (2) | December 28, 2015 11:59pm
donno man,i only looked at the abilities and without W's mana necesity/cost put to activate,i still see a very mana hungry warrior which doesnt work, johanna without mana gets ccd in her place,muradin without mana cant jump out,artanis without mana cant use his W,cant regen shield so he dies and you can put the same stamp on every warrior that uses mana in game right now.
oh,and that duel ult is overpowered in my opinion,you just go for their healer and you'll win even without your team's help if you time it right.
porpeta (1) | December 29, 2015 7:32am
Shadow24772, agree with W without mana cost, but disagree with your opinion in Duel, see Details:

- The Duel make both heroes immune to damage and effects(slows, stuns, ...) from all other sources except each other
- Allies of the duelists will not be able to interfere(heals, stuns, slows, ...)

Well, no heal to help you, and no heal to help enemy, in Duel is you vs enemy only, and with HP balanced. ;)

I'll adjust the mana cost. Thx for replying! :D
PrivateJoker | December 29, 2015 5:35am
maybe there could be a channel time before the duel start during which it can be interrupted. but RakShir definetly needs to be in in some form, its a part of his identity.
porpeta (1) | December 29, 2015 7:33am
Added 2 seconds Cast Time, can be interrupted!!!! :D

Thx for replying! :D
porpeta (1) | December 28, 2015 6:11pm
Log: Status updated:

HP actualized, scale in atual config game, +4% per level, LVL 1 is 2150 + 4% > 2150 + 86 = 2236 HP. To compare, Artanis have 2245 + 4% per level, 2245 + 89.8 = 2334.8 ~ > 2335, see Artanis LVL 1 in game. The scale is atual. Thx.
PrivateJoker | December 28, 2015 10:23am
i like the concept, esspecially his w, as it gives him a great variety of builds,but i guess there is some numbers tewaking to do on at least his trait, s it is way too weak. dont know about the rest.
porpeta (1) | December 28, 2015 11:23am
Thx for comment! I agree, UP the Heal from Trait, 20 to 50.
porpeta (1) | December 28, 2015 8:43am
Hero updated to fit warrior role!!! :D
TheHereticOne (10) | December 25, 2015 9:15am
I know you have a fetish about +4% per level, but it's not always the smartest or the best thing to do. Alarak currently gets 4,050 hp at level 20, effectively making him the squishiest tank in the game (Olaf is a specialist. Not a warrior.).

Also, it's for every 6 minion kills that you get +1 basic attack damage. People would end up with some +200 basic attack damage on tomb of the spider queen if it was the other way.

In Addition, his trait is WAY too weak. Heroes heal him for 108 health upon dying -- leoric gets the same thing at level 4 as a talent, and keeps his trait.

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