Alleria by skyhots

5 Votes


By: skyhots
Last Updated: Sep 7, 2024
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Silvermoon’s Ranger

Hi Guys,I have some ideas about new Hero and I am glad to present you my new hero concept.


Alleria Windrunner is the eldest child of Ranger-General Lireesa Windrunner, oldest sister to Lirath, Sylvanas and Vereesa Windrunner. As the oldest daughter of the Ranger-General of Quel'thalas, Alleria was expected to succeed her mother as Ranger-General, but Alleria never cared too much for the royal customs of the high elves...

The image and Icon is for illustrative purposes only.

Hero: Alleria (Female).
Unit radius: 1.00
Weapon: Bow and arrow
Universe: Warcraft.

Difficulty: Hard.

Burst Damage
Long range

Base stats:
Health 1580(+4% per level)
Health regen 3.0(+4% per level)
Mana 500(+4% per level)
Mana regen 3(+4% per level)
Attack 88(+4% per level)
Attack speed 1.25
Armor 0
Range 5.5

Combat Trait

Hunter'Eyes [D]

After using an ability, increase your Basic Attack Range by 10%, up to 4 times for 4 seconds. Dealing Spell Damage refresh Its duration.
Passive::Spell Damage against enemy Heroes reveal them for 4 seconds

Primary Abilities

Double Strikes [Q]

Grant 10% Movement Speed and Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Basic Attack now deal Spell Damage and allow you to able to attack while moving.
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Mana 30
Duration 4 seconds

Stormwind Arrow [W]

Launch a hail of arrow that dealing 200 damage to enemies in a circle area and slow their movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Mana 60
Range 8.5
Radius 3

Deadly Vault [E]

Active to instantly teleport to a short distance in front of her.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Mana 40
Dash Range 4.5

Heroic Abilities

Sentinel's Spirit [R1]

Fires 4 Arrow in a spread pattern, each dealing 100 damage to all enemy hit and become Owl's Spirit after reaching the end of its path. Re-activated to fire all of Them toward an area, dealing 100 damage of each to all enemies in its path. The Owl's Spirit reveal enemy around them and last for 6 seconds until Reactivated.
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Mana 90
First Strike Range 6.5
Second Strike Range 7.5
Owl's Vision 5.5

Mystery Arrow [R2]

Shoot an Arrow that can be reactivated to deal 75 damage and Pull enemies nearby to its center within area, slow them 40% decaying over 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 70 seconds
Mana 70
Range 16
Pull Radius 3

Level 1

Upgrade Double Strike [Q]

Quest: Hitting enemy Hero with Double Strike and collect 20 Globe regeneration.
Reward: After Hitting 50 times, Double Strike gain 20% Attack Bonus Damage.
Reward: After collected 20 Globes, Increase Duration of Double Strike for 2 seconds.

Upgrade StormWind Arrow [W]

Quest: kills minion gain 0.2% Spell Power and 1% versus heroes, up to 20%.
Reward: After gains 20% Spell Power. Using Stormwind Arrow leave behind an impact location a Fire Pool last for 3 seconds, dealing 20 damage every 0.25 seconds.

Eyes Of Fury [D/E]

After using an ability next attack deals 7% more damage, can be add up to 3 times.
Each times dealing Damage against Reveal's Enemy reduce deadly Vault's cooldown by 1 second.


Hungering Arrow [Q]

Reduces the mana cost of Double Strikes by 40% and increases the damage deals to Non-Heroic enemies by 60%

Exterminator [DPS]

Basic Attacks deal 25% more damage to minions, mercenaries and monster. Friendly minions around Alleria deal 25% more damage.

Enhanced Slow [W]

Increases Stormwind Arrow Slow from 20 to 30 and the duration from 2 to 4 seconds.
Passive: Increases radius of Stormwind Arrow by 20% and reduce the mana cost by 40%


Onslaught [Q]

Each times Attack an enemy hero while Double Strikes active gain 2% Movement Speed and 4% Attack Speed, up to 5 times.

Invasion [W]

Increase Stormwind Arrow's Range by 30% and cast time faster 50%.
Passive: reduce the mana cost by 50%

Evasion Vault [E]

Passive: Deadly Vault no cost mana and gain untalented - Double Strike effect for 2.5 seconds.


Mystery Arrow [R]

Shoot an arrow that can be reactivated to deal 75 damage and Pull enemies nearby to its center within area (6 range), slow them 40% decaying over 3 seconds.
Cooldown: 70 seconds.
Mana 70


Fire 4 arrow in a spread pattern, each dealing 100 damage to all enemy hit and become Owl's Spirit After reaching the end of its path. Reactivated to fire all of them toward an area, each dealing 100 damage to all enemies its path. The Owl's spirit reveal enemy around them and last for 6 seconds until reactivated .
Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Mana 90


Healing shoot [DPS]

Basic attack heal 6% of the damage dealt to the revealed Hero, up to 30%.

Nowhere to hide [D]

Active: Grant Stealth and Reveals all area around you for 3 seconds.
Passive:: Hunter's Eyes last 2 seconds longer
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Second Strike [DPS]

Passive: Every third consecutive Basic Attack against the same target grants 10 Spell Armor for 6 seconds, up to 3 times.


Hail of Arrow [W]

Each enemy hero hit by Stormwind Arrow reduces its cooldown by 2.5 seconds
Passive: Hitting an enemy Hero who is slowed dealing 4% more damage, up to 20%.

Last Shoot [E]

Passive: Takedown gains reset its cooldown, Deadly Vault Dash's range increase by 20%.

HeadHunter [DPS]

Basic attacks against enemy Heroes deal an additional 0.5% of their maximum Health in damage. Takedown grant this Bonus 0.5% for 6 seconds, up to 2.5%. Basic attacks against enemy Heroes refresh this duration.


Up-grade Mystery Arrow [R]

Reactivated Mystery Arrow also cast Talented-StormWind Arrow to the area.
Passive: Its cooldown recharge 100% faster while Alleria slow an enemy Hero.

Empowered SENTINEL'S Spirit [R]

Each enemy Hero hit with Mystery Arrow reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds. If The seconds Strike kills an enemy Hero, it can be reactivated to recast one more time.
Passive: Owl's Spirit last 6 seconds and no longer consumed when triggered.

One Shoot, One Kill ! [Active]

Active to Fire a arrow in the line that deal 300% of Basic Attack Damage.
Passive: Double Strike has double Attack Speed and Movement Speed.
Delay 0.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 Seconds.
Range 20.

Advanced Strike [D]

Basic Attack against a revealed Hero also slow them 4% of Movement Speed, up to 20% for 3 seconds.
Passive: Basic Attack deals 20% increased damage to reveal's target .

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