Andariel by Steelhead86

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By: Steelhead86
Last Updated: Feb 17, 2020
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The Maiden of Anguish

"Andariel was the only female Evil. She aided the Lesser Evils for many years, but eventually she lost faith in their plots. Two decades ago, she chose to help Diablo during his resurgence and seized the Citadel of the Sightless Eye. Ultimately, she perished at the hands of brave heroes."

— Deckard Cain, writing on Andariel

HP: 1900
HP Regen: 4/s
MP: 500
MP Regen: 2.9/s

(((Author's note: I highlighted balance targets in purple text. Further, I am assuming standard +4%/level growth of health, mana, and all damage statistics; numbers are given for Level 1.)))
(((Author's note: Work in progress. Also, she might actually be a bruiser.)))

Combat Trait

Maiden of Anguish
Andariel thrives on her enemies distress. Her basic attacks and basic abilities inflict stacks of Anguish on enemy Heroes. Anguish stacks up to 10 times, and decays over time; enemies lose one stack of Anguish every 4 seconds. Anguish fuels Andariel's basic and Heroic abilities.

Primary Abilities

Pain Lash
Mana: 40
Cooldown: 6s (0.5s per charge)
Range: 3 (Single target)
Charges: 3

Andariel lashes out with her claws, causing panic and striking down her enemies. The target is inflicted with Anguish. Then, Pain Lash deals 40 damage to the target, plus an additional 8 damage for each stack of Anguish on the target.
Toxic Spray
Mana: 75
Cooldown: 12s
Range: 2 (AoE, 90 degree cone cone)

Andariel exhales a cone of deadly vapors over an area, poisoning anyone caught in the cloud. Poisoned enemies take 30 damage every 0.5s for 3s and are inflicted with Anguish with each tick. In addition, poisoned enemies have their damage reduced by 3% for each stack of Anguish they have while they are poisoned and for 1 second afterwards.
Vicious Claws
Mana: 65
Cooldown: 18s
Range: 4 + 1 (skillshot plus AoE)

Andariel leaps on her enemies as they try to flee from her wrath. After a 0.1s delay, Andariel leaps forward and rakes an area with her claws. Enemies caught in her attack take 130 damage and are inflicted with Anguish. In addition, for 2s, their movement speed and attack speed are slowed by 4% for each stack of Anguish they have.

Heroic Abilities

Existential Feast
Mana: 85
Cooldown: 150s
Range: 5 (AoE, centered on Andariel)

Andariel feeds on the anguish of her foes. After a 0.25s delay, Andariel's wrath bursts forth, dealing 90 damage and inflicting Anguish on all enemy Heroes nearby. Then, after another 0.25s delay, she consumes all stacks of Anguish on enemy heroes in the area. For each stack of Anguish consumed, each enemy takes 15 damage. If Andariel consumed at least 10 stacks of Anguish, they are also slowed by 50% for 2s. If she consumed at least 20 stacks of Anguish, they are blinded and silenced for 2s.
Mana: 85
Cooldown: 150s
Range: 3 (Single target)

Andariel tears her foes limb from limb. She leaps on her target, pinning them in place and stunning them for 1.5s. While they are trapped, Andariel strikes, dealing 100 damage and inflicting Anguish every 0.5s for 1.0s. This damage is increased by 20% for each stack of Anguish the enemy has. Finally, before releasing her prey, she consumes their Anguish, dealing 50 damage for each stack of Anguish consumed and healing herself for 30% of the damage dealt.

Talent Ideas

1st: Anguish buffs.
* Anguish inflicts damage per second.
* Anguish reduces armor.
* Increased Anguish duration.

4th: Self Sustain.
* Basic attacks heal for 3% damage dealt for each stack of Anguish on her target.
* Toxic Spray heals for 15% of damage dealt.
* Regen Orb quest for HP Regen. Reward: activate for a heal-over-time

7th: Damage.
* Quest: Damage enemies with Toxic Spray. Reward: Toxic Spray lasts longer.
* Pain Lash gains an extra charge. Quest: Hit Heroes with Pain Lash. Reward: Pain Lash cooldown faster.
* Vicious Claws grants Attack speed buff for each enemy hero hit.

10th: Heroic.
* Existential Feast
* Dismember

13th: Secondary.
* Secondary ability: Inflict 5 stacks of Anguish on a target.
* Secondary ability: Inflict Fear on a target. Duration scales with Anguish.
* Killing an enemy with maximum Anguish immediately inflicts Anguish on nearby enemies.

16th: Damage.
* Pain Lash causes your next basic attack to be buffed.
* Toxic Spray damage increases with Anguish.
* Vicious Claws range, area increased.

20th: Storm.
* Existential Feast: Each stack of Anguish consumed permanently increases Existential Feast's damage.
* Dismember: Reduce cooldown, movement and attack speed buff on takedown.
* Storm Blades
* Andariel regenerates for each stack of Anguish on her enemies.

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