your healing abilities will grant an additional Y% shield of the amount healed, and 20% of the damage you deal will heal a nearby ally.
your healing abilities will heal an additional Y+20% over 5 seconds, and your Power Word will stun the target enemy for 2 seconds instead of damaging them.
when you attack or use a damaging ability you enter shadow form increasing your damage by 20%, while in shadow form your healing abilities deal damage instead, Smite becomes Mind Flay, and any damage you deal will heal you back for an amount (I don't know how much), if you leave combat for 5 seconds shadow form will end.
Primary Abilities
Flash Heal
single target heal
Smite (discipline and holy)
single target damage
Mind Flay (shadow only)
single target channelled damage, will slow the target for 20% while channelling
Power Word
if cast on an ally it will shield them for X, if cast on an enemy it will deal X damage over time
Heroic Abilities
Atonement (only discipline)
it's a permanent hat that heals the target for Z% of the damage you deal, only one target selectable at a time.
Circle of Healing (holy only)
pretty much tranquillity but it's locked on the ground and not on your hero
Shadowfiend (shadow only)
summon a shadowfiend to attack the target you are attaccking, if you change target the shadowfiend will change target too
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