Anduin Wrynn by Terrell

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Anduin Wrynn

By: Terrell
Last Updated: Aug 3, 2017
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Anduin Wrynn

Holy Priest: King of Stormwind

High Throughput +
Can sustain and burst +
Complete HealBot + or minus if you aren't into that kind of thing

Mobility -
No CC -
No Damage -

Combat Trait

Chakra (D)
Activate to swap between Primary and Secondary Talents ala Valeera

Primary Abilities

Heal (Q)
1.0 second cast time
Could have talents/quest talents that reduce mana cost 1. xx cost 2. mana neutral 3. no cost

Low no cost offsets much higher costs of Holy Words / Aoe Healing
Holy Word: Serenity (W)
Holy Word Nuke: Very high single target heal : high mana cost: long cd 12-16 seconds
Every Q used reduces cooldown by 1 second
Prayer of Mending (E)
Place a prayer on a hero that heals for xx after hit - Prayer bounces to (priority? Proximity) hero (3-5 bounces?)
Will prioritize heroes without POM

moderate reactionary heal: moderate mana cost: moderate cooldown 6-8 seconds
Untalented is a vanilla smart heal that bounces between targets that get hit but talents improve it dramatically
Talent: more bounces -- higher initial heal (counter hard hitters) -- bounces reduce Holy Word spells?

Secondary Abilities

Prayer of Healing (Q)
Slow cast (1.5 to 2.0 sec) moderate AOE heal heavy mana cost

Proximity based: must be within xx distance of healer or of target?

Talents could reduce mana cost, reduce cast times
Holy Word: Sanctify (W)
AOE Nuke - Very High healing targeted aoe Long cd 12-16 seconds
Every Q (POH) used reduces the cooldown

Could talent into Divinity all healing increased for xx seconds after using PW
Holy Nova (E)
Does XX healing and yy damage to all heroes within proximity

Instant, low/moderate healing low/moderate damage moderate mana costs

Wave clear, filler when POH cast time is problematic

Heroic Abilities

Divine Hymn
Heaviest AOE channel heal in the game
Bonus healing to all heals (priest, hero self heals, second support, etc) through duration
Cannot move during channel, but priest receives heavy damage reduction through duration

Level 20 upgrade:

All POM bounces once per 0.5 second without expiring
Shorter CD? Adds Armor? Clenses all Roots/stuns
Guardian Spirit
Place a spirit onto a target for xx seconds (6?)
Short CD 25 sec? 30 sec?

Target receives + xx % healing from all sources for the duration
If target falls below 0 HP, spirit is consumed and target is healed for 40% of total health

Level 20 upgrade
Two charges? Two charges but must be used within 2/3 seconds of eachother? 2 charges with 10 sec CD between uses?
Priest receives Guardian Spirit when cast upon another hero?

WIP Ideas for talents

Heal: Q
Flash Heal - faster cast but slightly lower healing - higher mana cost
Trail of Light - 40% of new target heal is replicated on previous target

Holy Word (W)
Light of the Naaru talent : Heal/Flash heal + POH doubles the cooldown reduction of Q to W
Divinity talent : Holy Words increase healing of all heals by xx% for xx time

Prayer of Mending (E)
Benediction - Hitting target with E leaves a HOT for xx over xx

Holy Nova (E)
Adds slow? Adds speed? Consecutive hits do more heals/damage?

Prayer of Healing
Shortens cast time? Bonus per hero hit? Quest involving multiple heroes hit gains bonus?

Activate: Echo of Light - all healing leaves an Echo of xx over xx (Mastery) Could be passive level 20 OP stuff?
Activate: Leap of Faith - Pull a teammate to the priest, removes roots/stuns/etc
Activate: Angelic Feather - Put a feather on the ground - grants bonus move speed to ally who runs over it
Passive: When hard casting gain bonus armor
Passive: Receive xx movement speed after hard casting a spell

Balance me...

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Terrell | August 3, 2017 12:29pm
Obviously I didn't put a massive amount of balancing thought (numbers) into this.

My mindset is a concept around a holy priest (played holy in WOW for years) and capturing some of the best parts (IMO)

Combo healing for bonus heals ala Alarak
Unloading a ton of heals quickly and having to reset CDs
Versatile healing: single target or aoe

Probably 1000 Anduins out there... and honestly don't care about the hero as much as the holy priest concept

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