Heal: Q
Flash Heal - faster cast but slightly lower healing - higher mana cost
Trail of Light - 40% of new target heal is replicated on previous target
Holy Word (W)
Light of the Naaru talent : Heal/Flash heal + POH doubles the cooldown reduction of Q to W
Divinity talent : Holy Words increase healing of all heals by xx% for xx time
Prayer of Mending (E)
Benediction - Hitting target with E leaves a HOT for xx over xx
Holy Nova (E)
Adds slow? Adds speed? Consecutive hits do more heals/damage?
Prayer of Healing
Shortens cast time? Bonus per hero hit? Quest involving multiple heroes hit gains bonus?
Activate: Echo of Light - all healing leaves an Echo of xx over xx (Mastery) Could be passive level 20 OP stuff?
Activate: Leap of Faith - Pull a teammate to the priest, removes roots/stuns/etc
Activate: Angelic Feather - Put a feather on the ground - grants bonus move speed to ally who runs over it
Passive: When hard casting gain bonus armor
Passive: Receive xx movement speed after hard casting a spell
Balance me...
My mindset is a concept around a holy priest (played holy in WOW for years) and capturing some of the best parts (IMO)
Combo healing for bonus heals ala Alarak
Unloading a ton of heals quickly and having to reset CDs
Versatile healing: single target or aoe
Probably 1000 Anduins out there... and honestly don't care about the hero as much as the holy priest concept