Anduin Wrynn by Xhevo

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Anduin Wrynn

By: Xhevo
Last Updated: Aug 5, 2018
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Anduin Wrynn

High King of the Alliance

Description: A Multi-Class Hero that can use holy magic to heal allies or shadow magic to deal damage.

Attack Type: Ranged
Health: 1475
Health Regen: 3
Resource: 500 Mana
Armor: 0
Attack Speed: 0.9
Attack Range: 5.5
Attack Damage: 90

    High versatility
    No Escapes
    Requires careful ability management

Combat Trait

Cooldown: 45 seconds
Switch from Holy and Shadow form. While in Shadowform, gain 10 Armor and gain a new set of abilities. At level 10, Anduin can choose a set Heroic Abilities for each form, but they share a cooldown.

Damaging enemy Heroes while in Shadowform reduces the cooldown by 1 second and healing allied Heroes while in Holyform reduces the cooldown by 1 second.

Primary Abilities

Holy Fire
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Cost: 30 Mana
Launch a bolt of holy energy that heals allied Heroes it passes through for 150 (+4% per level) and deals 170 (+4% per level) damage upon hitting an enemy, creating a burst of light around the area of impact and Anduin. The burst of light heals allied Heroes for 150 (+4% per level) and deals 170 (+4% per level) damage to enemies. Targets may only be healed or damaged once per cast.

Range: 7
Radius: 3
Mind Blast
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
Launch a bolt of shadow energy, dealing 160 (+4% per level) damage to the first enemy hit. If the target is afflicted by Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Sear, or Mind Flay, their durations are extended by 1 second, reduces the cooldown of Mind Blast to 1 second and refunds 20 Mana.

Range: 7
Holy Nova
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Cost: 30 Mana
Unleash a burst of light around you, dealing 110 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in an area and healing all nearby allied Heroes for 110 (+4% per level).

Radius: 5.5
Shadow Word: Pain
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Cost: 60 Mana
Deal 250 (+4% per level) damage over 5 seconds to a target. If a target Hero dies while afflicted by Shadow Word: Pain, refund 70 Mana and refresh its cooldown.

Range: 7
Leap of Faith
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Channel for 1 second, making an allied Hero Unstoppable for 1 second, then pull them towards you, granting them 25 Armor until they reach you. After they arrive, give them 20% movement speed for 3 seconds.
Leap of Faith can be interrupted by silencing Anduin or Stunning or Rooting the target mid-flight.

Range: 11
Mind Flay
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Cost: 60 Mana
Deal 200 (+4% per level) damage to an enemy Hero over 5 seconds. While channeling, Slow the target and yourself by 25%. While channeling, you heal for 25% of the damage you deal to the target. You can move and use other abilities while channeling.
If the target moves away too far for 1 second, the leash will be broken.
Stuns won't interrupt Mind Flay, but silences will.

Leash Range: 7

Secondary Abilities

Holy Word: Serenity
Heal a friendly Hero for 900 (+4% per level).

Range: 7
Holy Word: Sanctify
Heal a allied Hero for 300 (+4% per level) and all allied Heroes around them.

Range: 7
Radius: 5.5
Holy Word: Chastise
Deal 180 (+4% per level) damage to an enemy Hero and Stun them for 3 seconds.

Range: 7

Heroic Abilities

Cooldown: 60 seconds
Cost: 100 Mana
Gain a new set of powerful basic abilities. After using one, change your basic abilities to normal. Reactivate to cancel.
Cooldown is shared with Voidform.
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Cost: 100 Mana
Twists your Shadowform with the power of the void, granting you 25% increased movement speed for 8 seconds and increasing Spell Power by 25%. While in Voidform, reduce the duration of Roots, and Stuns against you by 50% and become immune to Slows. Damaging enemy Heroes with Mind Blast extends the duration of Voidform by 2 seconds.
Cooldown is shared with Serendipity.
Divine Hymn
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Cost: 100 Mana
Become Unstoppable while healing all nearby allied Heroes for 250 (+4% per level) over 5 seconds. Allied Heroes within the area receive 25% increased healing. You are rooted for the duration.
Cooldown is shared with Mind Sear.

Radius: 6
Mind Sear
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Cost: 100 Mana
Deal 350 (+4% per level) damage to an enemy Hero and all enemies around them over 5 seconds. Additionally, 50% of the damage you deal to them is also dealt to all enemies around the target.
Cooldown is shared with Divine Hymn.

Range: 7
Radius: 4

Tier 1 Talents

Reduce the Mana cost of Holy Fire and Holy Nova by 10.
Shadowy Insight
Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Pain refund 10 additional Mana each.
Twist of Fate
Increase the cooldown reduction from Shadowform from 1 second to 2 seconds.

Tier 2 Talents

Angelic Feather
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Place down a feather that lasts 30 seconds. Allied Heroes that walk over it gain 20% movement speed for 3 seconds. Stores up to 3 charges.
Body and Mind
Your healing abilities in Holy form grant allied Heroes 10% movement speed for 2 seconds.
Vampiric Embrace
Mind Flay can be reactivated to heal another allied Hero for the total amount healed over its duration.

Tier 3 Talents

Guardian Angel
Your Leap of Faith target is healed for 20% of their missing health while you channel, then healed again for that much if they reach you.
Fortress of the Mind
Mind Blast deals 20% more damage while the target is afflicted by both Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Flay.
Focused Will
Being hit by a basic attack grants you 15 Physical Armor for 3 seconds. This can stack up to 2 times.

Heroic Tier Talents

Serendipity andVoidform
Gain a powerful set of temporary abilities or a damage buff.
Divine Hymn andMind Sear
Area healing or area damage.

Tier 5 Talents

Spirit of Redemption
Upon death, enter a spirit form that allows you to continue casting Holy abilities for 8 seconds. During this time, your ability cooldowns are reduced to 2 seconds and cost no Mana.
Gain 2 Armor every second you channel Mind Flay, up to 20 Armor. Additionally, casting Mind Flay pulls your target towards you.
Lingering Insanity
Exiting or entering Shadowform grants you 20% increased Spell Power and 20 Armor for 5 seconds.

Tier 6 Talents

Being Stunned, Silenced or Rooted makes you Unstoppable for 1 second and increases your healing by 25% for 5 seconds. This effect has a 15 second cooldown.
Every consecutive Mind Blast you cast on a target deals 10% increased damage. This bonus is lost upon missing the target.
Shadow Covenant
Casting Shadowform heals all nearby allied Heroes for 400 (+4% per level), but reduces their healing taken by 20% for 3 seconds.

Storm Tier Talents

Your Heroic ability cooldowns are now separate and reduce their cooldowns by 50%.
Angelic Ward
Leap of Faith is now instant and you and your target are Unstoppable while your target is mid-flight. Reduce its cooldown by 10 seconds.
Shadow Word: Death
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Deal damage to an enemy Hero equal to 30% of their missing health. Takedowns refresh the cooldown of this active ability. Only usable in Shadowform.

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