Cooldown: 50 sec.
The Archangel plants its feet and removes disengages its weapon locks, ravaging its enemies' ranks with high caliber and explosive weaponry.
The Archangel fires its Gatling Cannons and Lanzer Torpedoes simultaneously for 6 seconds, each with different effects.
The Gatling Guns' auto-attack becomes an conical AoE that deals damage and a small amount of knockback to all enemies in a cone in front of it. The attack damage, speed, and range remain the same as a normal auto-attack.
The Lanzer Torpedoes automatically fire at the nearest enemy (prioritizing heroes and bosses), regardless of direction. The attack damage, speed, range, and AoE remains the same as the auto-attacks in Fighter Mode.
Strafe requires a 3 second channeling period (with an animation) before use, during which the Archangel can be interrupted to cancel the ability, resetting the cooldown to 10 seconds.
During Strafe, the Archangel is immobile and immune to interrupts. Strafe cannot be canceled.
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