Archangel, Prototype Viking by Maximus Ultima

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Archangel, Prototype Viking

By: Maximus Ultima
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2016
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Archangel, Prototype Viking

Elite Viking Concept

This Hero could be a completely new character or one of the many known Viking pilots: Stortand Varg, Erik Snabb, Baelog Grym, Olaf Kraftig, John Dyre, Chet Ward, etc.
Take your pick.

The Archangel was a Dominion prototype weapon used against the Umojans in SC2: Heart of the Swarm. It also appeared on Char during the End War, when Moebius Corps used it in support of Amon's forces against Dominion forces under command of Sergeant Bama "the Hammer" Kowalski (better known as Sgt. Hammer). Sgt. Hammer ordered the Archangel destroyed so it could be salvaged and rebuilt after the battle.

Combat Trait

Assault Mode
In Assault Mode, the Archangel walks on two legs and has the same normal movement speed of most heroes.
The Archangel uses twin Gatling Cannons that attack 2 times every second as its main weapon. The Gatling Cannons have a slightly shorter range than most ranged auto-attacks.
Fighter Mode
In Fighter Mode, the Archangel flies with a 20% movement speed increase.
The Archangel uses Lanzer Torpedoes as its main weapons which fires two missiles simultaneously once every 2 seconds. The Lanzer Torpedoes have a greater range than most ranged auto-attacks.
While in Fighter Mode, the Archangel can fly and see over obstacles. However, the Archangel is visible over obstacles and cannot hide in bushes. The Archangel is also a aggro priority for non-Core structures while in Fighter Mode (to discourage kill chasing over towers).

Primary Abilities

Metalstorm (Assault Mode)
Cooldown: 10 sec.
The Archangel reroutes some power from the legs and disengages the Gatling Cannon limiters, allowing for greater accuracy and firepower.
Increases attack speed by 50% and range by 100% for 5 sec. Slows the Archangel by 40% for the duration of the ability. 
Metalstorm (Fighter Mode)
Cooldown: 10 sec.
The Archangel launches a volley of Ripwave Missiles to bathe the ground in front of it with fire and shrapnel.
AoE ability that launches 3-4 Ripwave Missiles in a straight line. Deals equal damage to all enemies in the AoE
Concussive Munitions (Assault Mode)
Cooldown: 16 sec.
The Archangel fires an explosive canister round out of each of its Gatling Cannons.
Fires a canister that explodes in a wide cone after traveling a very short distance. The conical explosion deals a moderate amount of knockback and damage and stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds.
The canister detonates after traveling a very short distance. It is not an immediate concussion blast like Sgt. Hammer's, and does not affect enemies at point blank range.
Concussive Munitions (Fighter Mode)
Cooldown: 16 sec.
The Archangel fires a concussion missile toward enemy forces to destabilize them.
Fires a missile at the ground which explodes in an AoE, dealing a small amount of damage, knocking enemies outward from the center of the blast, and stunning them for 0.5 seconds.
Has 2 charges with a 5 second cooldown between.
Thruster (Assault Mode)
Cooldown: 16 sec.
The Archangel activates its VTOL thrusters in Assault Mode to propel it forward.
Gap closer that covers a moderate distance, knocking enemies aside and dealing a small amount of damage. During Thruster, the Archangel is immune to crowd-control.
Thruster (Fighter Mode)
Cooldown: 18 sec.
The Archangel pumps fuel into its engines to increase movement speed
Increases the Flight Mode movement speed buff from +20% to +50% for 5 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Strafe (Assault Mode)
Cooldown: 50 sec.
The Archangel plants its feet and removes disengages its weapon locks, ravaging its enemies' ranks with high caliber and explosive weaponry.
The Archangel fires its Gatling Cannons and Lanzer Torpedoes simultaneously for 6 seconds, each with different effects.
The Gatling Guns' auto-attack becomes an conical AoE that deals damage and a small amount of knockback to all enemies in a cone in front of it. The attack damage, speed, and range remain the same as a normal auto-attack.
The Lanzer Torpedoes automatically fire at the nearest enemy (prioritizing heroes and bosses), regardless of direction. The attack damage, speed, range, and AoE remains the same as the auto-attacks in Fighter Mode.
Strafe requires a 3 second channeling period (with an animation) before use, during which the Archangel can be interrupted to cancel the ability, resetting the cooldown to 10 seconds.
During Strafe, the Archangel is immobile and immune to interrupts. Strafe cannot be canceled.
Strafe (Fighter Mode)
Cooldown: 50 sec.
The Archangel bombards its enemies as it flies overhead.
The Archangel fires homing missiles at random enemies in front of it for 10 sec at a rate of 2 per second. Each missile directly strikes a target, dealing damage to the target and lighter damage in an AoE around it.
The Archangel can still move while Strafing but will turn in the direction of movement as usual.
The Archangel must be facing an enemy to fire at it and will not fire if there are no enemies in front of it.
Sky Fury
Cooldown: 60+ sec. after ability ends
The Archangel summons support, which appears in the form of two Sky Fury viking escorts.
Support vikings flank the Archangel while out of combat and move between the Archangel and enemy attackers while in combat.
Ability ends when the vikings either leave after 30 seconds or until destroyed. After the last viking leaves or is destroyed the cooldown is reset.

Special Mount

Transformation Systems
The Archangel takes two seconds to transform between Assault and Fighter Modes. While transforming, the Archangel can take damage but cannot be interrupted. The Archangel is also unable to use abilities or auto-attack while transforming.

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