lvl 1
1. Q- Quest: Hit 10 enemies below 50% health. Reward: Increase damage dealt by
Finger of Death by
Quest: Hit 10 enemies above 50% health.
Quest: Complete both quests. Reward: Increase width by 35%
2. Q- Increase range by 25% and reduces its CD from 6s to 5,5s
3. E- Quest: For each enemy Hero hit between the targets, increase its damage by
7, up to
105. Reward: Increase damage dealt to the enemy marked by Havoc by
lvl 4
1. W- Quest: kill 5 Heroes. Reward: Decrease
Havoc cost to
0.5% maximum health a second
2. W- Enemy affected by
Havoc is slowed by 20%
3. E- Enemies hit by Wrought Chaos is rooted by 1.25s
lvl 7
1. D- Increase the number of charges by 2. Also you can activate the ability even without charges. This effect has a
80s CD
2. W-
5% of damage the enemy Hero affected by
Havoc receive (even from others sources) will returned as health to Archimonde
3. E- No longer cost Health. Also, heal Archimonde by 25% of damage total dealt
lvl 13
1. D- Increased Armor granted from
15 to
25. Increased duration by 1s
2. Q- Cost
10% of health, but deals a bonus of 10% of the enemy`s maximum health
3. W- While its activated, increase archimonde`s movement and attack speed by 20%
lvl 16
1. Q- Increase slow to 1.25% for each
1% hp missing. Also, the enemy hit lost
10 armor for the slow duration
2. Q- Increased damage to
0.75% for each
1% current health
3. W- Now cost
1.5% health a second, but increase damage from
50% to
lvl 20
1. R1- Enemies hit are stunned for 2s and, then, slowed by 25% for 5s
2. R2- For each enemy Hero hit (including the target), decrease CD by 12s. (Basically decrease CD permanently by 12s)
3. D- Grants Archimonde 1 charge of Soul Charge every 60s, even if he didn`t kill an enemy Hero
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