As the leader of the Sons of Korhal, Arcturus Mengsk brought about the destruction of the Terran Confederacy and went on to hold the Terran Dominion within his cold-hearted grasp, ruling it with an iron fist and devastating anyone who stood in his way.
Arcturus is a Support who ensures his allies gain and maintain a strong territorial advantage.
Health: 1728
Health Regen: 3.6
Attack Speed: 1.2
Attack Range: 5
Attack Damage: 70
Unit Radius: 0.625
Combat Trait
Emperor of the Dominion (Trait)
Use Mandate instead of Mana. Mandate generates at 5 points per second and is spent by abilities. Cruelty decays by 1 point per second and is generated by abilities.
Maximum of 100 Mandate and 100 Cruelty.
Imperial Loudspeaker (D)
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Place a beacon at the target area or on allied or destroyed Structure. After 2 seconds, an Imperial Loudspeaker with 600 Health lands at its location, the Health of which is transformed into a Shield if landed on an allied Structure.
Allied Minions and Heroes within Imperial Loudspeaker's aura deal 5% more damage, increased by an additional 0.25% per Cruelty point, up to a total of 25%.
Bonuses from different Imperial Loudspeakers don't stack.
Maximum of 4 Imperial Loudspeakers at a time.
Cast Range: 6
Aura Radius: 12
Unit radius: 0.75
Imperial Loudspeakers last indefinitely or until destroyed.
Using while the limit is reached will destroy the oldest Imperial Loudspeaker.
Beacons cannot be placed on Structures that already have Imperial Loudspeaker.
Primary Abilities
Emperor's Decree (Q)
Mandate: 10 Cooldown: 3 seconds
Target an enemy to order allied Minions near you to attack them for 3 seconds.
Target an allied Minion, then select any area to command it to move there, attacking enemies in its path. It it dies before reaching the selected area, gain 10 Cruelty.
Cast Range: 6
Aura Radius: 3
Leash Radius: 9
Cast Range refers to the range of the initial cast.
Aura Radius refers to the area around Arcturus when cast on an enemy.
Leash Radius refers to how far the target can move from its original position when chasing enemies.
The target moves to the nearest lane after reaching the selected area.
Indoctrinate (W)
Mandate: 50 Cooldown: 10 seconds
Remove Silence from allies in an area and grant them 200 Shield for 5 seconds. Indoctrinate can target Imperial Loudspeaker to instead cast its effect on the speaker's aura radius after 0.25 seconds.
Range: 6
Radius: 4
Interrupting the cast puts Indoctrinate on full cooldown.
Dominion Squad (E)
Mandate: 30 Cooldown: 15 seconds
Drop a Dominion Squad of 3 troopers at a visible area that have the stats of your team's Ranged Minions, only move when ordered, and quickly heal out of combat. Maximum of 3 Dominion Squads at a time. Cannot be used while the limit is reached.
Emperor's Decree can be used on troopers from any range with no cooldown to affect the whole squad.
Dominion Squad drops after a 0.25 second delay.
Emperor's Decree affects each trooper separately.
Troopers always stay together and return to the initial spot when knocked back.
Troopers restore 20% of their maximum Health per second after not taking damage for 4 seconds.
Heroic Abilities
Earthsplitter Ordnance (R)
After you choose a Heroic Ability, the Earthsplitter Ordnance artillery platform is deployed near the Hall of Storms, which fires the selected Heroic Ability from any range 3 seconds after the cast.
The Earthsplitter Ordnance is invulnerable, has no collision, and cannot be affected or interacted with.
Arcturus targets the location, but the platform performs the cast, meaning it takes 3 seconds for Heroic Abilities to activate.
Both Heroic Ability and Earthsplitter Ordnance alert anyone who sees the targeted area or the platform itself when cast.
Bombardment (R1)
Mandate: 90 Cooldown: 30 seconds
Bombard a visible area 3 times, each time dealing 320 damage to enemies hit.
Deals 50% less damage to Structures. Gain 10 Cruelty per Hero hit.
Radius: 10
Impact Interval: 1 second
Contaminated Strike (R2)
Mandate: 90 Cooldown: 30 seconds
Saturate a visible area with irradiated biomaterial, dealing 80 damage and poisoning enemies hit for an additional 480 damage over 3 seconds. Cannot poison Structures. Gain 20 Cruelty per Hero hit.
Radius: 10
Silence the Opposition
Indoctrinate deals 50 damage to enemies in its area and Silences them for 0.25 seconds.
Will of the People
Troopers can collect Experience and Regeneration Globes to grant them to Arcturus.
Imperial Patriots
Imperial Loudspeaker's aura grants 50 Armor against non-Elite Mercenaries.
Imperial Loudspeaker's aura also affects friendly non-Elite Mercenaries.
I Am the Law
Increase the maximum Cruelty capacity to 120.
While at or above 100 Cruelty, gain 10% Movement Speed.
Emperor's Decree fully heals the allied target. This effect has a 15 second cooldown per target.
Territorial Seizure
Troopers can capture and contest Watchtowers and Mercenary camps to grant them to Arcturus.
Working Crew Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to turn a Dominion Squad into a Labor Squad that can repair allied Structures, one at a time, for 30 Health per second. The Labor Squad can't attack, but can still be ordered to move. Cooldown starts once the Labor Squad dies.
Royal Guard
Nearby friendly non-Elite Mercenaries deal 50% more damage.
Gain 25 Armor while at least 1 friendly non-Elite Mercenary is nearby.
Radius: 10
Unquestioned Authority
Emperor's Decree can affect and target friendly non-Elite Mercenaries. ❢Gambit: Emperor's Decree refreshes 100% faster. Every death reduces this bonus by 25%.
Emperor's Speech
Indoctrinate's cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds when used at maximum Mandate.
Merchant of Death
Upon dying, troopers generate 5 Cruelty and explode, dealing 40 damage to nearby enemies.
Radius: 3
Might of the Empire
While at or above 50 Mandate, Basic Abilities refresh 25% faster. Passive: Takedowns and Regeneration Globes grant 25 Mandate.
Assault Squad
Troopers have 100% increased Attack Speed and deal bonus damage equal to 1% maximum Health to enemy Heroes.
Flamer Squad
Troopers hit all enemies in front of them and deal 100% more damage to Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters.
Arc: 40 degrees
Rocket Squad
Troopers have 100% increased Attack Range and deal 100% more damage to Structures.
Emperor's Hand
Emperor's Decree grants allied targets 50 Armor and 30% Movement Speed until they reach the selected area.
Emperor's Decree costs no Mandate when used on Dominion Squads.
Undisputed Leader
Increase Indocrinate's cooldown by 4 seconds.
Indoctrinate removes all disabling effects from allies and grants 10 Mandate for each removed effect.
Forced Conscription
Reduce Dominion Squad's cooldown by 5 seconds.
Dominion Squad can be used while the limit is reached to replace all killed troopers with new ones.
Deploy a second Earthsplitter Ordnance, granting your Heroic Ability a second charge.
Cooldown between charges: 1 second.
Complete Annihilation
Bombardment now fires 6 times, deals normal damage to Structures, and no longer requires vision.
Psychoactive Payload
Contaminated Strike's poison causes targets to run in Fear.
Imperial Witness
Imperial Loudspeaker's aura grants 25 Armor, increased to 50 for non-Heroes.
Placing a beacon on the ground now summons an Imperial Witness, which can't attack and has the same stats and effects as Imperial Loudspeakers, but also grants vision, ignores terrain, and can be targeted with Emperor's Decree to move it.
very cool, i like the color changes in the talents just like heroes of the storm, the one thing i would say is cruelty would cause authority in real life, but i like the idea of having to manage 2 stats and your armies
Well, cruelty might not always cause authority. I understand what you mean though--cruelty causes fear, fear causes authority, but I think in this case it is not fear-driven authority, but authority by respect and devotion.
Indoctrination, for instance, paints the picture of him as a worthy leader, who always looks out for his people and is right and just. The authority derived from this is the authority that comes from people desiring to follow him. Forced Conscription decreases authority, not because it makes him look less like an emperor, but because people don't want to follow someone who will force them to do things. Authority of respect is decreased, while Authority by command is increased.
Pretty cool, the Authority vs. Cruelty system is cool, the play-between that the basic abilities have. Besides a slight grammar nitpick, my only criticism is that the size of the font makes it slightly hard on the eyes. Definitely a neat concept :D
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Indoctrination, for instance, paints the picture of him as a worthy leader, who always looks out for his people and is right and just. The authority derived from this is the authority that comes from people desiring to follow him. Forced Conscription decreases authority, not because it makes him look less like an emperor, but because people don't want to follow someone who will force them to do things. Authority of respect is decreased, while Authority by command is increased.