Before the Burning Legion came, the noble Titan World-Soul Argus laid dormant within the planet of Argus, but when Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde struck a deal with Sargeras, Argus was twisted and corrupted into a shell of his former self, crying out for help across the cosmos. The Burning Legion harnesses Argus' powers to fuel their demonic army, allowing them to never truly die.
Now, Argus, the Unmaker, has gone beyond redemption, and serves Sargeras to spread pain and suffering throughout the galaxy. Somehow, Argus has made his way into the Nexus, and will stop at nothing to ensure everything within the nexus is brought to an end.
Argus is a melee Warrior who can fill the roll of a main tank, or an off-tank. He specializes in self-healing and causing disruption by keeping enemy heroes on the move to avoid Death Fog.
Health: 2476
Health Regen: 6.28
Mana: 500
Mana Regen:
Attack Speed: 1.23
Damage: 97
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