Activate to make your next Basic Attack strike immediately, do 100% increased damage and restore 30 mana.
Primary Abilities
Death Coil
Mana: 50 Cooldown: 9 seconds
Deals 170.56 (+4% per level) damage to an enemy.
Can be self-cast to heal for 247.52 (+4% per level) health.
Howling Blast
Mana: 70 Cooldown: 12 seconds
Root enemies within the target area for 1,50 seconds and deal 70.72 (+4% per level) damage.
Frozen Tempest
Mana: 15 per second Cooldown: 1 seconds
Deals 49.92 (+4% per level) damage per second to nearby enemies. Slows enemy move speed by 6% per second, stacking up to 30%.
Heroic Abilities
Army of the Dead
Heroic Ability Mana: 100 Cooldown: 100 seconds
Summons Ghouls that last 15 seconds. Sacrifice Ghouls to heal for 277,68 (+4% per level) health.
Summon Sindragosa
Heroic Ability Mana: 100 Cooldown: 100 seconds
Deals 265.20 (+4% per level) damage and slows enemies by 60% for 2 seconds. Also disables non-heroic enemies for 10 seconds and structures for 20 seconds.
Level 1
Frostmourne Feeds - Quest: You permanently gain 1 more health regen per enemy hero killed, and 0.1 per minion killed, up to 50. Upon reaching 50 stacks, gain 10% more maximum health.
Eternal Hunger
About the Talent Rework
Hey everyone, Everpyre here. I've taken it upon me to come up with ideas for new heroes and talent reworks for some of the existing heroes that I feel are too cookie-cutter. This time it's Arthas going on the surgeon's table, and these are my results.
Note that we haven't changed his basic or heroic abilities, or the heroic ability talents. This is because we don't want to change the core theme of Arthas, but we'd rather give him some talent diversity so you can play him in different ways - which is a lot more fun than just picking the same top tier talents all the time.
I want you to know that these numbers are not final, and will be updated once we have crunched the numbers properly. For now these are just ideas that will be worked on in the future. Expect to see changes coming to this in the near future.
You can check out my YouTube channel to hear me and my brother's personal opinions on these talents. Here's a link.
I'd very much like to hear some feedback from you so I can improve these would-be talents, so please leave a comment if you have any ideas!
Thanks for now!
V. 1.1
Some talents have been revised.
Level 1 Frostmourne Feeds now also grants you 10% max health at max stacks.
Eternal Hunger no longer resets Frostmourne Hungers' cooldown when killing minions or mercenaries.
Winds of Northrend's cooldown reduction has been reduced to 2 per enemy hero hit (down from 3) stacking up to 6 seconds, and adds a baseline 2 second cooldown reduction.
Plaguebringer now stacks up to 50 times (up from 20) and now grants its secondary effect at 25 stacks (up from 20).
Level 7
Frost Presence no longer causes basic attacks and Frostmourne Hungers to slow enemies, but now causes Frostmourne Hungers to double the effectiveness of Frozen Tempest's slow on the target, and causes Frostmourne Hungers to stun for 1 second on targets hit by Howling Blast.
For Frostmourne Feeds, why isn't there a "upon reaching [X] stacks..." mechanic? If you're gonna call it a quest talent, it should totally have a mechanic like Plaguebringer does. Something like, "Upon reaching 50 stacks, increase Arthas' maximum health total by 300" or something like that.
Hey guys, have to say that i absolutely love these changes! You've done an amazing job at merging some of these talents and it seems like Arthas would have plenty of talent diversity! I do have a few critiques about this however. The first is about the L1 talent - Plaugebringer. I think it should have the death loss like Kael's Convention aswell, where if you die before getting 20 stacks, you lose them. Also, L1 Eternal Hunger, killing an enemy reduces it's cooldown on enemies? I feel like that should be more only against heroes, so Arthas can't simply clear a wave just using Frostmourne Hungers and get full mana. Anyway, apart from that feedback, i love this :) Keep up the good work guys.
Thanks for commenting! We're making some changes along the line specifically regarding the level 1, level 7 and level 13 talents along with some tuning to most of the talents. No ETA yet, possibly by next week.
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