Hero takedowns cause you to screech, increasing the Movement Speed of nearby allied Heroes by 40%, decreasing in value over 6 seconds.
Primary Abilities
Q - Protective Gale
Summons a gust of wind around target allied character, healing them for a medium amount and dealing low damage to enemies around them and pushing them away.
7 sec cooldown. Around the same range as Uther's Holy Light.
W - Natural Intervention
Fly towards an allied Hero, removing slows and roots from them and granting them 20% movement speed that decreases over 3 seconds.
12 sec cooldown. Around the same range as a basic attack.
E - Breeze Barrier
Form a wall out of wind, nullifying all enemy projectiles that hit it, including ranged Basic Attacks. Lasts 3 seconds.
18 sec cooldown. Melee range.
Secondary Abilities
Eyes in the Sky
Requires Tier 7 Talent
Activate to grant vision of the entire map for 8 seconds.
120 sec cooldown. Self-cast.
Heroic Abilities
R1 - Hurricane
After 0.5 seconds, flaps her wings, summoning a fast-moving hurricane in a straight line that deals medium damage and knocks up all enemies that come into contact with it for 1.5 seconds.
45 sec cooldown. Around the same range as Jaina's talented Frostbolt.
R2 - Saving Grace
After a 1.5 second delay, fly swiftly towards a target area and creates a large typhoon upon landing. The typhoon slows all enemies down by 50% and increases the movement speed of all allies by 40%. Lasts 10 seconds.
60 sec cooldown. Extremely long range, but not quite global.
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