Baine Bloodhoof by harringui

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Baine Bloodhoof

By: harringui
Last Updated: Jul 28, 2015
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Baine Bloodhoof

High Chieftain of the Tauren

This is a very first and basic elemental shammy concept. 
I'm still working on the talents and spells.

The idea is to create a ranged assassin / melee specialist, depending on talents.

Ranged assassin concept:

Casts Lightning Bolts and stacks Elemental Power(passive) for further use.
Combining all the Elemental Power stacks and the Lava Burst (heroic ability), granting huge burst damage.

Melee specialist concept:

Hero will be able to stack Elemental Power by dealing melee damage, and blocking damage with the shield.
When he has all three stacks, he can easily and fast deal with a merch camp or enemy structures. 


The shaman wears a shield and a one handed axe, which allows him to deal melee damage and sometimes block as well.

I'm not focusing on spell costs/dmg values and details, because it's a matter of balance adjustments.

Combat Trait


Stacks up to three elemental charges. Each stack reduces the Lighting bolt cast time by 33%, which applies to the upcoming two spells.

Primary Abilities

Lightning Bolt
1 sec. cast
6 sec. CD

Fires a bolt of lightning at the target.
Shock Spell

Instantly shocks the target with the active shock spell.
CD 10-15 sec.
Hero has three different elemental shock spells to choose: 

Earth Shock (interrupts and silences the target for 1 sec.) 
Frost Shock (slows the target for 1.5 sec.)
Flame Shock (fire DOT with a small AOE)

Only one can be active at the same time.

Heroic Abilities

3 sec. cast

Channels a typhoon, slowing and rising the enemies. The more time an enemy is affected by the typhoon,the more he rises.
 When the ability ends, all enemies fall down, receiving damage, depending on the time spent inside.

(This ability can do huge damage to structures)
Lava Burst

Hurls molten lava at the target. If your Flame Shock is on the target, Lava Burst will deal additional damage.


Level 1 talents

Conjurer's Pursuit
Collecting Regeneration Globes permanently increases Mana Regeneration by 0.1 per second.

Lighting Bolt's Reach
Increases the range by 30%.

Improved Melee Attacks
Melee attacks are 20% faster.

Periodically reduces the damage received from Hero Basic Attacks by 50% . Stores up to 2 charges.


Level 4 Talents

Improved Shocks
Reduces the cooldown of all shocks by 3 sec.

Enhanced Strength
Melee attacks and shield blocks, have 20% chance to add Elemental Power stacks.
Astral Shift
Lightning Bolt damage is increased by 30%.

Gathering Power
Passively grants 5% Ability Power. Each Hero takedown increases this bonus by 2% to a maximum of 15%.


Level 7 talents

Follow Through
After using an ability, your next Basic Attack within 6 seconds deals 40% additional damage.

Favor Of The Elements
After casting a shock spell, grants one stack of Elemental Power.

Earthmother's Must
Melee attacks and shield blocks have a chance to gain Elemental Power stacks.
Damage from mercenaries and structures is reduced.

Mastery Of The Elements
Lightning bolts have no cooldown (only 0,5 sec global CD).


Level 13 Talents

Lightning Overload
Gives your Lightning Bolt a 20% chance to cast a second, similar spell on the same target at no additional cost, that causes half damage.

Activate to gain 75% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

Spell Shield
Upon taking Ability Damage, reduce that damage and further Ability Damage by 50% for seconds.

Unleash The Fury
Shock spells damage and effects increased by 50%.


Level 16 Talents

Rushing Blasts
Each Lightning Bolt has 20% chance to reset the Shock Spell cooldown.

Activate to gain 30% of your maximum Health as a Shield for 5 seconds.

Activate to increase Ability Power by 25% and Mana costs by 40% for 5 seconds.


Level 20 Talents

Lava Waste
When hitting a target with Lava Burst, the lava cools, immobilizes the target for 2 sec.

Improved Typhoon
Affected area is increased by 25% and damage from falling as well.

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harringui | July 29, 2015 6:21am

As I remember, he hadn't any abilities in WC3.
About the concept: It doesn't seem to be bad. The Exception is Mastery of the Elements that reduces cooldown by 5,5 seconds. In order for this talent to be balanced, the Lightning Bolt's damage should be similar to basic attack's damage (probably a bit bigger, but not too much), making this ability weak then not taking this talent. So there you should invent something different or rework this one.
I hope I helped :)

Thanks for the review. I will consider it.
Healing Mantra (3) | July 29, 2015 12:32am
As I remember, he hadn't any abilities in WC3.
About the concept: It doesn't seem to be bad. The Exception is Mastery of the Elements that reduces cooldown by 5,5 seconds. In order for this talent to be balanced, the Lightning Bolt's damage should be similar to basic attack's damage (probably a bit bigger, but not too much), making this ability weak then not taking this talent. So there you should invent something different or rework this one.
I hope I helped :)
matrix123mko (8) | July 28, 2015 10:02am
Where are his W3 abillities?
Siperos (9) | July 28, 2015 7:33am
Baine is not a shaman but a warrior, though.
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