Hero Description :
After being relieved of his duty of Master of Stratholme by Kel'Thuzad, Baron Rivendare was made the leader of the Lich King's Four Horsemen : Thane Korth'azz, Lady Blaumeux, Sir Zeliek and Rivendare himself. Since the Horsemen's defeat, Baron Rivendare yearned to inflict pain again, with the help of his ghastly subordinates.
Hero Concept :
Baron Rivendare is a melee Specialist Hero that takes advantage of greater number, but without being able to completely split up as the Lost Vikings do. His high attack damage split between him and his three cohorts makes him a great pusher/depusher, while retaining some utility in teamfights, by being able to bully multiple ennemies at a time.
Baron Rivendare's Combat Trait,
Four Horsemen, describes his status with Korth'azz, Blaumeux and Zeliek and lets him summon them back at his side. Each horseman brings a different part to Rivendare's kit : Thane Korth'azz brings tankiness to Rinvendare and reduces the armor of ennemies, Lady Blaumeux Increases Rinvendare's overall DPS while being able to slow his ennemies, and Sir Zeliek brings utility to the table in the form of Mana regeneration and Lifesteal. Killing a horseman or Baron Rivendare counts as a quarter of a kill in terms of experience.
Onslaught is a mobility ability that gathers the Four Horsemen in the same place and deals moderate damage.
Unholly Shadow is a targeted damaging ability coupled with a neat healing effect for Rivendare's followers.
Raise Skeletons is a powerful tool in Rinvendare's depush kit, but can also serve as nasty burst against a cornered enemy Hero.
Mark of Rivendare is a powerful ability both in PvE situations (to push/depush a minion wave or to burst down neutral mercenaries) and in teamfights (Rivendare can do his Basic attacks to all the enemy team at once if used properly.
Unholly Strike is a more straightforword approach, as a single-target high-damage ability that also applies a load of debuffs onto the target through the horsemen's marks.
Technical Characteristics
Health : 1228,8
(+4% per level)
Regen : 2,54
(+4% per level)
Mana : 490
(+10 per level)
Mana Regen : 2.90
(+0.1 per level)
Attacks per second : 1
Range : 1.50
Damage : 93,6
(+4% per level)
If anyone has a question on technicalities, a suggestion, an idea about balance ... basically any kind of feedback, I would gladly hear it and reply as soon as I notice !
V1.00 :
- Concept finished with Description, Stats, Abilities and Talents.