Bastion by sasha_desmon

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By: sasha_desmon
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2017
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The last bastion

The wish to see bastion in Hots gave rise to the cool ideas about his talents
Hope you enjoy it.

Combat Trait

Energy generator
Bastion has energy needed for keeping skills active. Energy regen is 5% per second. if energy depletes to 0, need 2 seconds when it starts to regenerate again. Also bastion has no health regeneraion.

As another idea. bastion can have both energy, and mana aka battery which would get exhausted upon regeneration energy needed for skills.So bastion would need to go back to fontain for mana

Primary Abilities

Self-repair "Q" (toggle)
Heals bastion for 6% per sec(costs 8% energy per sec).
Shield "W" (toggle)
(Sentry mode only)Create a small arc shield that protects bastions front. Shield reduces power of autoattacks by 25% and non-area spells by 40% which goes through it. (spends 4% of energy per sec. while active. Deplets faster if takes damage)
Reconfigure "E" (Toggle)
Bastion transforms from recon mode into immobile sentry which can spin 360 degree, increasing attack range by 50%,attack speed by 125% and damage by 75%(sentry counts as spell damage). Firing In sentry mode bastion deals damage to the first target hit (like cho'galls shadow bolts ult). (Firing costs 4% energy per sec., also can shoot at 0 energy)

Heroic Abilities

Configuration: Tank
Transforms into tank which gains shield equal to 50% of bastions health, And can attack with aoe projectiles with increased damage in the center of aoe.(cd 80 sec).
Remote mine
Release Mine to a chosen point that digs into surface. When an enemy comes close to it, press R again to make mine jump up and attack all around (somthing similar to Valla's Strafe ult).(cd 45 sec).


health 1900
energy 100
attack damage 42, attack speed 4 per sec.

[Trait]Energizer-quest:gather globes to increase energy regen by 15%
[Q]Energy saving techs-healing requires 25% less energy
[Num]Ganymede-press 1 to call for Ganymede bird. In couple of seconds Ganymede informs you of the nearest enemy heroes, in large radius.(cd 30 sec.)
[Trait]Shocker-When a stealthed enemy attacks bastion from stealth at close range, he gets stunned and takes slight damage. (can occur once in 30 sec).

[Trait]Killing Machine!-quest:kill enemies. reward: autoattacks in recon mode have increased damage and range.
[Trait]I robot-reduces effectiveness and duration of any control by 50%
[Q]Emergency care-increased healing by 25% if at 30% hp or below
[Trait]Soul harvester-restore 35% of energy on hero takedowns or assists

[Trait]Scout- bastions movement speed is 15% faster and unsiege 25% faster
[W]Bulwark-shield arc becomes wider, so it can protect allies
[W]Defender-shield can now absorb all damage but deplets faster on taking damage. Has 7 sec. cd if broken. Doesnt cost energy while active now
[W]Forced shield-Shield lose 30% less energy while active or on taking damage if bastion is at 50% hp or less
[E]Suppressing fire-Sentrys fire slows enemies movement speed by 20% for 0.5 sec

[E]Artillery-Sentry mode now limits bastions angle of sight from 360 degree to 40, but increases its attack range by 35% and damage by 25% at close range.
[Num]Standby battery-press 1 to restore energy to 100%. (Cd 60 sec.)
[Q]Repairing drone-can now move while healing
[W]Impenetrius-shield has increased autoattack resistance up to 35% and spell resistance to 65%

[Q]Advanced repairing-can now use self-repair while firing both in recon and sentry mode.
[W]Reverberation-shield reflects 50% of enemy damage in 135 degree cone back at medium distance.
[E]Piercing shells-in sentry mode can now fire through up to two enemies with 70% and 50% of damage
[Trait]Moving death platform-can now move while shooting in recon mode

[R]Wreak the havoc-Tank mode has larger aoe from attacks and lasts longer.
[R]Drone of destruction-Remote mine now attacks in larger radius, and upon exipration jumps to a nearest enemy hero and explodes.
[W]Bastionness-can now use shield while in recon mode. shield costs 35% more energy at that.
[E]Mow them Off!-in sentry mode, fire continuously at least 3 seconds to increase damage by 30% and energy cost from 4% to 10% per sec. Shooting at 0 energy bastion loses 15% health per second. it can kill bastion
[Trait]TERMINATOR!!-bastion now has two guns in recon mode, increasing attack speed by 100%. but decreasing attack damage by 25%.

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