You deal 134 damage to minions and mercenaries at level one (the bonus is 38). This means that your damage per second against minions, mercenaries and monsters is 168 at level one. Monsters can be the punisher on Infernal Shrines, the immortals on Battlefield of Eternity, the temple guards on Sky Temple, etc...
A Round For Everyone:
This ability gives a shield to nearby allies, the size of the shields depends on your current amount of dust but it does not cost any dust.
Brawl time: This heroic ability first pulls all enemy minions and mercenaries in a circle around you to your location, this first part does not affect heroes. Then you deal damage to all enemies equal to the amount of dust you have at the time. enemy minions in the area take 200% of dust consumed as damage, while heroes take 50% of dust consumed as damage.
Level 4 Talents:
Experienced: This talent may look OP when you first look at it but I have actually considered buffing it. You get about 450 EXP for a full wave clear (3 melee-, 1 mage- and 3 archer-minions) and about 300 EXP for a kill, if both teams are on the same level. You get 50 bonus EXP per level you are behind for a kill.
Let's say that your team are behind and are taking a level 16 vs. level 19 team fight, you activate "Experienced" and your team gets all 5 kills within 4 seconds you get 300+50+50+50 EXP for each kill this makes a total of 2250. the total bonus is 750, this is not enough to level up to 17, it's just barely enough to go from level 1 to 2.
You have to consider tho that this is only for one fight and you can use it for clearing lanes as well.
(All information regarding EXP in the section above is found on the internet and I can not guarantee for its accuracy)
Level 16 Talents
No Focus: when this talent is chosen you can activate it wich will stun all enemies who are around you at the time, for a very short period of time, this can be used to, for example, make catapults at your core retarget to you, your tank or other minions. When activated it also reduces the attack speed of minions and mercenaries who are around you at the time permanently wich means it slows until the minions or mercenaries who are affected dies.
Level 20 Talents
Order at table 768: This active ability has global range but has to be cast outside a certain range of your location.
Executing Brawler: This talent makes the damage area of "Brawl Time" bigger, the area that it pulls minions and mercenaries in is not changed.
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No. Specialists all have a differnt use. Murky is used to harrass. Abathur (while passivly seiging) can soak every lane at once. Nazeebo is used for area denial. Zagara has one of the best PUSHES (but not seiging) Azmolaser alone makes him viable. Right now, your hero is kind of unvaluable--maybe somethings like this (I do like your idea for dust)
Q: Instead of killing minions, make it do 100% more damage to heroes hit. Increase cooldown by 30%, It still hit's minions
Gives him almost a sort of shotgun, allowing him to deal massive damage at close range, but kinda dangerous (he has low hitpoints.)
W: Replace this with "Arcane Explosion" which consumes all of your current dust, and deal 50% of that as damage in a large area.
Gives him decent wave clear, possibly give talents to give benefits to allies targeted with it (Level 4), or increasing percent of damage dealt.
E: Ok. Make it effect allied heroes with 200% effectiveness.
More supportiveness.
More details in a bit
Q1. 30% dust instead. After charging Stun the target for 2 second, and stun you for 1 second after his stun ends.
Q2. Teleport ALL heroes to yor location, and deal 30% of their max hitpooints to all heroes except yourself.
but i did find the Brawl Time! ultimate to be a little confusing.