Your Movement Speed is increased by up to 30% based on your maximum Health and your Health Regeneration is increased by up to 50% based on your missing Health.
Primary Abilities
Shockwave (Q)
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Slam your axe into the earth, dealing moderate damage to enemies in a frontal cone and Slowing them by 75% fading over 2 seconds.
War Stomp (W)
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Crush your hoof into the ground, dealing low damage and Stunning nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds. War Stomp deals 100% increased damage to enemy Minions and Mercenaries and Stuns them for 3 seconds.
Headbutt (E)
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Charge a short distance to the targeted enemy Hero, dealing moderate damage and knocking the Hero back. If the Hero collides with impassable terrain during the knock-back, the target Slowed by 50% fading over 2 seconds.
Heroic Abilities
Thundering Totem (R)
Heroic Ability Mana:
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Throw a colossal totem at the targeted area, dealing moderate damage and knocking up enemies for 1 second. While knocked-up, enemies are Stunned and Untargetable. Thundering Totem deals 50% increased damage to enemies in the center of the impact zone and knocks them up 1 second longer.
Reincarnation (R)
Heroic Ability Mana:
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Passive: Upon taking fatal damage, return to life with 50% of your maximum Health and 25% of your maximum Mana. Reincarnation also grants Resistant, reducing all damage you take by 25% for 3 seconds.
Level 20 Crushing Totem (R)
Thundering Totem instantly kills enemy Minions and Slows enemy Heroes by 30% for 3 seconds after the knock-up. Ankh (R)
Activate to place an ankh at the targeted location. Upon death, you will be Reincarnated at your ankh's location. The ankh is consumed upon Reincarnating. If no ankh is active, you will Reincarnate at the location of your death. Only one ankh can be active at a time.
I did not catch that, thanks for letting me know! Endurance will definitely have to be reworked.
I wanted to reward a well-placed Headbutt, but I agree that the Stun duration is too high and needs to be lowered. I might even change the Stun to a Slow instead...
Thanks for the feedback!
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Headbutt´s stunduration of 3 seconds are to high for a basic-ability.
I wanted to reward a well-placed Headbutt, but I agree that the Stun duration is too high and needs to be lowered. I might even change the Stun to a Slow instead...
Thanks for the feedback!