Health: 2067
Health Regen: 5.76
Mana: 500
Mana Regen: 2
Attack Range: 1.5
Attack Speed: 0.93
Attack Damage: 117
Green Highlight = Updated features of concept.
Character Description: N/A
Character Strengths and Weaknesses: N/A
Statistics: Initial
Legendary (
+ Lore of skins)
Abilities: Initial
Additional Ability Information (e.g range): N/A
Numbers: Initial
Character Dialogue: N/A
9/19 complete
Base Skin - Captain Fareeya
Captain Fareeya is one of the most capable warriors the Army of the Light has to offer in their war against the Burning Legion. Throughout Millennia, Fareeya has brought down the wrath of the Light upon many demons. Now, on Argus, Fareeya faces the Legion at the heart of their power, and will require every ounce of her devotion to the Light to finally bring an end to the Legion
Master Skin - Exarch Fareeya
After the fall of the Burning Legion, and the start of the Fourth War on Azeorth, Turalyon, now Supreme Commander of the Alliance, promoted Fareeya to the rank of High Exarch. As the leader of the Lightforged Draenei, Fareeya intends to find her people's rightful place in the world, and to rid the world of the Horde's torment.
Rare Skin - Alliance Gladiator Fareeya
Features: Themed Ability (Lightforged Warframe)
After losing many of her Lightforged brothers and sisters on Argus, Fareeya knew she needed new blood in the ranks. To impress the Draenei of Azeroth, and to show the full capabilities of the Lightforged, Fareeya donned the battlegear gifted to her by King Anduin Wyrnn when she formally joined the Alliance, and traveled to Silithus to battle the Horde. Needless to say, after her feat in Silithus, many draenei welcomed the idea of becoming Lightforged.
Legendary Skin - World-Defiler Fareeya
Features: Replaced voice-over, themed abilities, themed animations
Fareeya never joined the Army of the Light. As the Burning Legion fell upon Argus, she welcomed them with open arms, and was one of the many eredar brought into the Legion's war machine. As the Fel coursed through her veins, her skin darkened, her horns became deformed, a shell of their once glorious magnitude. As Millennia passed, Fareeya became one the the Legion's greatest warriors, bringing death and destruction to many planets across the Cosmos.
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