Sacrifices an enemy minion to let a mushroom grow from the inside out of him. Can also be casted on enemy heroes and deals X damage to him. The mushroom damages nearby enemies/structures and lasts 16 seconds.
CD 10 seconds.
Talents: If casted near on structures/towers, it will slow their attackspeed by 25%.
Primary Abilities
Activating Thorns will let all allies and you gain this effect. While under the effect, enemies that hit you or your allies, will be damaged for X. Lasts 5 seconds.
CD 10 sec.
Talents: Increases the damage to enemies
Call of Nature
Calls 3 Treants to fight on your side. If the Treants die, they will turn to irwishes and fly to the nearest "Wild Mushroom" to return as Treants again with 50% of their max. HP.
The Irwish revive effect will last as long as a Wild Mushroom is near.
Max. 9 Treants can be active at the time.
CD 12 sec.
Talents: The revived Treants will no longer fight with 50% HP.
Splashes a Taifoon infront of you that deals X damage and pushes enemies back.
CD 18 sec.
Talents: - Increases the range of the enemies being pushed back.
Heroic Abilities
Channel a hurricane to the targeted location that deals X damage. Press the button again to move the hurricane to an other location. Lasts 8 seconds.
CD 90 sec.
Call Ent
Calls an Ent to the targeted location. The ent needs 3 seconds to grow and when he's finnished, he's dealing X damage to enemies in an area. Doubles the damage on structures.
Lasts until it dies (loses Y% HP every second.).
CD 80 sec.
Talent: The Ent spawns Wild Mushrooms every few seconds and also calls a treant every few seconds.
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