I think hero lines specific to certain maps should be a thing once more universe-themed maps come out.
Spawning in
"Aw hell yeah! I love this game!"
"Video game soundtrack of the year, all years!"
"Screw Warcraft IV, when is the
REAL Rock n' Roll Racing 2 coming out?!"
The Lost Vikings
Olaf - "You kids are so spoiled nowadays, in-a-my day you needed a cheat code to play as me in Rock n' Roll Racing!"
Erik - "So this is where you've been that time, ha... looks like a dump to me!"
Olaf - "You ain't seen nothing yet, I got to drive this massive fast-moving metal thing and destroyed countless other metal things with fancy exploding arrows"
Baelog - "Sounds a lot better than shilling 'Viking Cola' like I did"
"This must be a vision of what the world's going to look like at this rate"
"Sounds like they broke out some
good music for once, 'bout damn time"
Getting in the RPM
"Strange Terran machinery: commandeered"
"If Olaf can drive one of these things, why can't Baelog?"
"Well now I know what I want for Norska Jul!"
"Ooh! What does this button do?"
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