Cookie by NaClProphet

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By: NaClProphet
Last Updated: Dec 22, 2020
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Culinarian Kingpin

Born in the Ironclad Cove and known in all of Azeroth for his Legion Chili, Cookie was given his name and recruited by Edwin VanCleef of the Defias Brotherhood to serve as the cook of the Defias Juggernaught. Over time, Cookie improved his cuisine and even learned how to pronounce words, meanwhile becoming a pirate himself. Following the death of Captain Greenskin, Cookie appointed himself as the new Kingpin. Although he still performs his official duties as chief cook, anyone who questions the validity of his captain title, be them friend or foe, has been known to come down with a severe case of food poisoning.

Cookie is a technical Healer that provides his team with area healing while also disrupting enemies in unpredictable ways.


+ Area healing
+ High utility
+ Disruption


- Cannot mount
- Unpredictable
- Requires team coordination

Combat Trait

Shimmering Cauldron
Cooldown: 50 seconds

Activate to have Cookie submerge in his cryptic cauldron and have him concoct a special recipe over 3 seconds. During that time, Cookie is unable to cast other Abilities, is Unstoppable, has 75 Armor and can move at 50% Movement Speed. Cookie will emerge with one of 3 Treats:

- Sparkling Frostcap (Active): give an allied Hero (other than Cookie) Unstoppable for 1 second.
- Mead Basted Caribou (Active): give an allied Hero (other than Cookie) 25% bonus damage dealt for 5 seconds.
- Poached Emperor Salmon (Active): give an allied Hero (other than Cookie) 40 Armor for 3 seconds.

Only one of each Treat can be available at a time.

Primary Abilities

Delicacy Toss
Cooldown: from 1 to 4 seconds

Cookie tosses a feast-worthy meal that heals allied Heroes in a small area for 150 (+4% per level) Health. This Ability can be charged for a maximum of 2 seconds, increasing the Healing to a maximum of 300 (+4% per level) Health and increasing the cooldown proportionally.
Repulsive Scraps
Cooldown: 2 seconds

Throw a piece of rotten food on the ground that reduces healing received of the first enemy Hero that comes in contact with it by 50% for 2 seconds. In addition to this effect, the scrap of food will also have one of five properties, randomly occurring:

- Expired Cherry Pie: deals 94 (+4% per level) damage and Silences for 1 second.
- Disgusting Cave Mold: deals 123 (+4% per level) damage and Slows by 40% for 3 seconds.
- Afflicted Zangar Trout: bounces and ricochets until it collides with an enemy Hero or during its fourth bounce, exploding for 206 (+4% per level) damage.
- Envenomed Gilnean White: rolls towards Cookie after 1.5 seconds. Deals 300 (+4% per level) damage over 8 seconds on contact.
- Putrid Sunfruit: trails the nearest enemy Hero, dealing 78 (+4% per level) damage and Stunning them for 0.5 seconds.

All foods last for 4 seconds or until consumed.
Acid Splash
Cooldown: 10 seconds

A wicked vial is hurdled at a target area, unleashing acid on a medium radius for 4 seconds. Allied Heroes standing in the area heal for 2% of their maximum Health every second and enemy Heroes in the area take 2% of their maximum Health as damage every second.

Heroic Abilities

Scrap Massacre
Cooldown: 45 seconds

Cookie scrambles and spins around his cauldron, randomly tossing 12 pieces of food in a wide area around him over 1 second. The food items each have a 60% chance of being randomly selected Repulsive Scraps and a 40% chance of being a healing Delicacy that heals allied Heroes for 250 (+4% per level) Health when they comes in contact with them. Items thrown prioritize landing near Heroes, be them allied or enemy.
Enemies sighted!
Cooldown: 70 seconds

Cookie waves to his Juggernaught pirate crew and orders a cannonball assault, targeting each enemy Hero on the battleground. The cannonballs have been loaded with acid, exploding on impact and allowing their contents to flood out. This acid possesses the same effect as Acid Splash.

Passive: Acid Splash Slows enemies by 20%.

Special Mount

Discoidal Flush
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Select any Healing Fountain, active or destroyed. After channeling for 2.5 seconds, Cookie flushes himself down the cauldron and crawls out of the chosen Fountain 1 second after and gains 30% bonus Movement Speed. This bonus is lost if Cookie takes damage or casts an Ability. The initial cast can be interrupted by casting an Ability, placing it on a 10 second cooldown.

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