Cort by vonBoomslang

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By: vonBoomslang
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2019
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Demon Hunter

Demons took his home. Despair took his family. Discipline gave him a purpose. Taken in and taught to fight by demon hunters, Cort hunted evil throughout Sanctuary, ever careful not to give in to blind hatred. And when the evil came to Nexus, he followed.

Where Valla represents the Hatred that fuels Demon Hunters, Cort's defining characteristic is his Discipline, carefully pacing himself to sustain his unending hunt. His weapon of choice is a heavy crossbow, a powerful weapon with high damage and good range (6.6), but very slow to fire (0.8 or worse) and with longer than most pre-fire delay, making him rely on positioning moreso than stutter-stepping. Although he can use his abilities frequently, doing so carelessly will quickly deplete his meagre mana.

If attacking a melee target, Cort will happily use his heavy crossbow as a bludgeon or stab people with the blades on the front. Not only is this just as effective, it actually removes the pre-fire delay.

Combat Trait

Using any of Cort's abilities grants Discipline, which refunds part of that ability's mana cost over a duration. Discipline is separate for each ability. Using the same ability before its Discipline expires will cause mana not yet refunded to be lost.

Each ability's remaining Discipline is shown on the skill's icon, similar to a charge counter.

Primary Abilities

Bola Shot
After a 0.2s delay, fire a bola in a targeted direction, which will wrap around the first non-structure enemy hit and explode after a 2s delay, dealing full damage to the target and half that to nearby enemies. The ability's base damage is moderate, but it is increased by any damage the target takes from Cort and half that from other sources, up to a cap of high.

Range: ~6.5
Width: Penetrating Round or thereabouts
Radius: Flame Strike or thereabouts
Cooldown: 8s
Mana: 120
Discipline: 80 mana over 16s

The explosion's area of effect and time to detonation is displayed by a ring around the target's feet, such as with Azmodan's Master of Destruction.

If multiple bolas hit the same target (e.g Abathur clone), the delay before exploding isn't refreshed but the maximum damage is added together.
Elemental Arrow
After a 0.2s delay, fire a rapid-moving fiery projectile which pierces through all targets in a straight line, dealing medium damage, as well as leaving a fiery trail which deals the same damage over 3s to all enemies standing in it.

Range: ~6.5
Width: Penetrating Round or thereabouts
Cooldown: 6s
Mana: 100
Discipline: 60 mana over 12s
Smoke Screen
Create a circular smoke field, becoming invisible, momentarily unrevealable and dashing a short distance in the targeted direction. Cort is briefly immobile after the dash, the duration of which scales with the distance and his movement speed. Unless revealed, he remains stealthed until he leaves the smoke field, or it disperses, which happens after 5s, or 1s after an enemy hero enters it.

If Cort does not move after the dash, his next basic attack is empowered and has increased pre-fire delay but deals increased damage (to medium-high), which will crit and be further increased (to high) if the target leaves Cort's attack range before it lands.

Range: ~2
Radius: Smoke Bomb or thereabouts
Cooldown: 12s
Mana: 200
Discipline: 140 mana over 30s

Heroic Abilities

Cluster Arrow
After a 0.5s delay, fire an explosive arrow in a targeted direction, which passes through all obstacles in a long line, detonating when reactivated or at maximum range. The detonation deals very high damage in a moderate area, then scatters three grenades which bounce on the ground and explode for high damage if they land on an enemy or after stopping.

Range: Wailing Arrow or thereabouts.
Radius: Wailing Arrow or thereabouts
Radius (Grenades): Junkrat's Grenade Launcher or thereabouts
Cooldown: 40s
Mana: 160
Discipline: 120 mana over 60s

The grenades are scattered at 120 degree angles from one another, with one towards wherever the cursor is on detonation.

To avoid a one-two shotgun if you detonate right in front of an enemy, the grenades only check for collision when they visually bounce on the ground, not all the time.
Channel for 0.5s to deploy Cort's crossbow into an autonomous sentry, which will continually attack his enemies as long as he remains near it. The sentry is an immobile, untargettable, uncollidable pet which will choose a visible hostile non-structure target in its range and attack it until it dies or leaves the range. If Cort attacks a non-structure target in the sentry's range, it will switch focus to that target. The sentry itself does not provide vision. The sentry's attacks have Cort's unmodified basic attack range and speed and deal 80% of his attack damage as physical.

The sentry lasts until reactivated or up to 15s, doubled if Cort remains in its range. While the sentry is deployed and for 5s after, Cort will attack with throwing knives, reducing his attack range to 4.4 and his damage by 20%, but his attacks no longer have a pre-fire delay. The range of his Bola Shot and Elemental Arrow are also reduced. Cort may interact with the turret to cancel both the 5s delay and the cooldown.

Range: Cort's basic attack range.
Cooldown: 20s from end of last sentry.
Mana: 100
Discipline: 60 mana over 40s

While the sentry is deployed, Bola Shot and Elemental Arrow are replaced by Bolas and Impale, which are functionally similar and benefit from the same talents, but have a different animation and a shorter range.

The sentry uses the model of Cort's crossbow atop a team-colored tripod.

Yes, using it lock down an interactable objective is intentional. To counter, have a tank move in first so another hero can interact with it, since Cort can't remotely change its target.

Lvl 1 Talents

  • Nether Tentacles (Elemental Arrow) - Increases damage, removes damage over time, adds healing.
    > Increases base damage by 30%.
    > No longer leaves a fiery trail.
    > Each target hit applies a stack of Shadow Power which heals for 1.5% of Cort's max hp over 5s. Heroes give three stacks.
    > Has different graphics.

  • Ball Lightning (Elemental Arrow) - Slower moving but high damage over time.
    > Projectile quickly decelerates to very close to walking speed. Range is unchanged, so it lasts much longer.
    > Arcs of lightning constantly zap enemies near to the projectile, dealing damage over time.
    > Damage over time significantly increased.
    > You really don't want to be caught walking along with the projectile, is what I'm saying.
    > Has different graphics.

  • Displacement (Smoke Screen) - Increase dash range, movespeed.
    > The range of the dash is increased to anywhere in the smoke cloud. But do remember that the delay before you can move again is increased proportionally to dash distance.
    > If you do not shoot after the dash, you gain a 80% move speed increase that decays over 4s.

  • Cull The Weak (Passive) - Increase damage to disabled targets.
    > Increase physical and spell damage to slowed, stunned or rooted targets by 15%.

Lvl 4 Talents

  • Bladed Chain (Bola Shot) - Pierces, damages nonheroic targets.
    > Pierces through minions, monsters, summons and mercenaries.
    > Deals low-medium damage to all targets hit, including the hero it hits. This damage is applied before the bola starts accumulating damage.

  • Immolation Arrow (Elemental Arrow) - Explodes instead of piercing.
    > Explodes on the first target hit, damaging enemies in a moderate radius (think Master of Destruction) and sets the area on fire.
    > If combined with Lightning Ball, will erupt into an orb of lightning that zaps enemies for 3s before fizzling out, but retains Lightning Ball's increased damage over time.

  • The Shadow's Mantle (Smoke Screen) - Increase damage, stun if used in melee.
    > If the ability's empowered attack is performed in melee range, it crits and stuns for 1s.

Lvl 7 Talents

  • Emimei's Duffel (Bola Shot) - Increase area damage, may detonate early.
    > The bola's explosion is 30% larger.
    > The bola will now explode early if the target dies or it reaches its maximum damage.

  • Augustine's Panacea (Elemental Arrow) - Increased over time effect duration.
    > The fiery trail lasts 100% longer.
    > Stacks of Shadow Power from Nether Tentacles last 100% longer.
    > The Ball Lightning projectile leaves a lingering field in which it also deals its damage over time, increasing the amount of time a stationary target takes damage by 100%.
    > The fiery area and/or lightning orb from Immolation Arrow lasts 100% longer.

  • Dead Man's Legacy (Smoke Screen) - Increased damage to low health targets.
    > The empowered attack deals 5% of the target's missing hit points as additional damage. This bonus is doubled if the ability crits.

Much like Dehaka's ultimates, picking either of those talents will visibly add a quiver to Cort's model. The quivers may or may not be visibly different depending on the talent chosen!

Lvl 13 Talents

  • Thrill of the Hunt (Bola Shot) - Slows enemies.
    > The target hit with a bola is afflicted by a scaling slow of up to 30%.
    > The slow is then spread to all targets hit by the explosion and lasts for 1s.

  • Single Out (Passive) - Basic attacks deal percentage damage, more to solitary targets.
    > Basic attacks deals against a hero deal additional damage equal to 2% of their max health, increased to 3.5% if the target has no allies within a range of 4.

  • Brooding (Passive) - Gain armor, health regeneration when stationary.
    > Remaining stationary for 2s gives a stack of Brooding, which grants 4 armor and regenerates 0.5% of Cort's maximum HP per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
    > Brooding is lost after moving for 2s.

Lvl 16 Talents

  • Imminent Doom (Bola Shot) - Increases damage, delay before explosion.
    > The delay before a bola explodes is increased by 50%. The maximum damage it can store is increased by 100%.

  • Fueled By Hatred (Discipline) - Consume Discipline to gain Ability Power.
    > Using an ability before its Discipline expires will consume all Discipline (including that ability's) to deal bonus damage based on the lost mana.
    > The trait can be activated to turn this functionality on or off.
    > The amount of mana that would be lost and/or the extra damage that'd be done by doing so is displayed above Cort's portrait and healthbar.

  • Ambush (Passive) - Increase damage to high health heroes.
    > Deal 40% more damage to heroes targets above 75% health.
    > For Bola Shot detonation, the damage threshold is checked when the bola hits, not when it explodes.

Lvl 20 Talents

  • Loaded for Bear (Cluster Arrow) - Spreads additional bomblets.
    > The arrow spreads bouncing bomblets as it flies, which deal low-medium damage in a tiny radius if they connect with an enemy.
    > The detonation also spreads six more bomblets.
    > Each of the grenades also spreads three bomblets when it detonates.

  • Raiment of the Marauder (Sentry) - Sentry copies Bola Shot, Elemental Arrow
    > Using Bolas or Impale will cause the sentry to use the corresponding skill in the targeted direction, dealing 60% damage.
    > Also switches the sentry's target to the first target hit if Cort is in the sentry's radius.

  • Awareness (Smoke Screen) - Activates automatically at low life.
    > Automatically dashes to a random spot not targeted by any enemy ability when HP drops to 1, preventing death.
    > Is always talented with Displacement.
    > 60s cooldown, displayed on actives bar.

  • Buriza-Do-Kyanon (Passive) - Basic attacks have increased range, pierce.
    > Increases range by 1.1. Because a ranged basic attack slow would, no matter how fitting, be too good, I feel.
    > The piercing is mechanically closer to Tassadar's chaining attack, but constrained to a fairly narrow line.
    > Chains to up to two targets, prioritizing the same type as the primary target, dealing 50% damage.
    > This effect applies to the Sentry when it's out, but not to Cort.
    > Should totally change the weapon model, or at least add an icy effect on most skins.

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