In game info:
C'Thun cannot move out side the first gates.
C'Thun uses abilities like abathur but does not need a host.
C'Thun`s re spawn timer is double the normal timer.
C'Thun needs to have sight of where he summons his tentacles.
C'Thun cannot summon tentacles near enemy buildings.
For each tentacles that C'Thun uses takes 100 health away from his body in till the skill Return is played.
Starting stats :
Health : 1,000
Regen : 1.5
Mana : 700
Regen 14.4
Attack speed : None
Damage : None
I definitely see where you want to go with this concept, but I think his basic abilities need to be overhauled in order to give him more ways to be "in" the game, and perhaps leaving him in front of the core wouldn't be a good idea since, if you're on the losing side in a game and the other team makes it to your core, you'd be kinda screwed with this hero. Even if an enemy attack on the core was succesfully stopped, you'd still get the occasional wave of minions marching up and beating on you.