C'Thun(W.I.P.) by Bkfootball03

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By: Bkfootball03
Last Updated: Jul 11, 2017
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Old God and Founder of the Qiraji

C'Thun is a unique Hero that doesn't move around, instead taking over his team's core and supporting them from afar.

If one of C'Thun's Tentacles is killed, he loses 2% of his total health. If one of C'Thun's Keeps is killed, he will lose 30% of his maximum health.

Upon dying, C'Thun has an 80 second respawn timer, regardless of level. All of his non-permanent tentacles will also die.

Combat Trait

Sprout Tentacle
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Sprout a Tentacle in an area where your team has vision. This tentacle gives sight range in a medium area and can augment C'Thun's other abilities. The tentacle lasts for 60 seconds. The tentacles can be destroyed by enemies, but have a somewhat large health pool(similar to Murky's total health.)

Whenever one of your Forts falls, a permanent tentacle sprouts from it. This tentacle can not be damaged, and persists even when C'Thun is killed.

C'Thun can click on a Tentacle to take control of it and use his secondary abilities.

Primary Abilities

Eye Beam
Cooldown: 3 seconds

C'Thun fires a beam at an area. This beam stops on the first enemy hero hit, dealing medium damage, and slowing that hero by 60% for 1 second.

Does not affect structures, minions, or mercenaries.
Dark Glare
Cooldown: 9.5 seconds(begins when ability is cancelled)

C'Thun channels a continuous beam at a small area, dealing damage to enemy minions, mercenaries, and heroes in the area. Dark Glare scales in damage for however long enemy heroes stand inside it(reset after no enemies are in it for 2 seconds. Capped at enemies standing in it for 5 seconds.) C'Thun can use this ability indefinitely until it is cancelled.
Summon Qiraji
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Summons 3 Qiraji and sends them down a lane. The Qiraji deal 20% extra damage to minions past your first fort. This bonus scales to 35% the closer the Qiraji are to the core. Otherwise, the Qiraji are identical to normal minions, with the exception of them holding a Qiraji banner and having a more purple hue.

Secondary Abilities

Cooldown: 8 seconds

The Tentacle swings itself in a medium-sized cone in front of it towards the left. Enemies hit will take a small amount of damage and be forcefully moved to the left edge of the ability's radius.
Cooldown: 10 seconds

The Tentacle grips an enemy hero firmly, dealing medium damage and Stunning them for 3.5 seconds. This is interrupted if the tentacle is destroyed during the duration.
Mind Flay
Cooldown: 10 seconds

The Tentacle fires a blast of energy at the targeted enemy, dealing a small amount of damage every second for three seconds and slowing them by 50%.

Heroic Abilities

Whispers of C'Thun
Cooldown: 60 seconds

C'Thun targets an enemy hero, applying a debuff to them for 6 seconds. This debuff is chosen in the Level 10 Talent menu as this Heroic is chosen.
Giant Eye Tentacle
Cooldown: 30 seconds

C'Thun spawns a Giant Eye Tentacle at an area. This Tentacle gives 30% more vision range than a normal tentacle, fires an untalented Eye Beam at nearby enemies, and gives 30% more range to C'Thun's Tentacle abilities.

Level 1

Spirit of Yogg'Saron: !Quest: Deal damage to 20 heroes with Eye Beam.
!Reward: Eye Beam now has 2 charges.

Spirit of N'Zoth: !Quest: Kill 100 enemy minions with Qiraji in close proximity to them.
!Reward: Summon Qiraji now summons 5 Qiraji.

Spirit of Y'Shaarj: !Quest: Get 3 assists within 5 seconds.
!Reward: When a friendly hero dies, spawn a Tentacle at their location.

Level 4

Mind Rip: Mind Flay now only slows by 35%, but it deals damage for 5 seconds.

Asphyxiate: Strangle will now hold enemies for 4.5 seconds if they are under 50% health.

Dual Flail: Flail now strikes again in the opposite direction.

Level 7

Will of C'Thun: Summon Qiraji now summons 2 less Qiraji, but the Qiraji now have 50% increased attack and movement speed.

Overpower: Summon Qiraji now summons 2 more Qiraji.

Mindless Servants: For every Qiraji that dies, C'Thun gains 1 stack of Mercenary Bribery. He can then spend 20 of these to defeat a mercenary without having to attack them. Camps defeated entirely with this respawn 50% faster.

Chapter 10

Whispers of C'Thun

Giant Eye Tentacle

Chapter 10(2)

Whispers of Betrayal: Whispers of C'Thun decreases an enemy's attack speed by 50% for 6 seconds.

Whispers of Hatred: Whispers of C'Thun slows an enemy by 40% for 6 seconds.

Whispers of Incompetence: Whispers of C'Thun decreases an enemy's attack damage by 50% for 6 seconds.

Whispers of Fear: Whispers of C'Thun lowers an enemy's sight range by 50% for 6 seconds, and they can no longer see what their allied heroes, minions, or mercenaries see.(Similar to Isolation, but they can see farther.)

Whispers of Weakness: Whispers of C'Thun roots an enemy for 6 seconds.

Whispers of Destruction: Whispers of C'Thun now allows an enemy to attack their fellow heroes for 6 seconds, dealing full damage on all abilities.

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