D.Va by Altan_Tagrin

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By: Altan_Tagrin
Last Updated: Nov 28, 2016
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Meka Pilot

My stab at a D.Va Build. I'm bad at head math, so the few numbers for damage that I've put in are probably pretty hit-and-miss. As stated, two of my talents are directly taken from CriticKitten's D.Va concept (if you don't want me using these, I'd be willing to replace them, but I just thought they were so good, either in humor or concept, that I honestly couldn't come up with better).

D.Va is a brawler tank, similar to Artanis, with a good helping of Tracer as far as her Fusion Cannons are concerned. Her basic attacks 'splash' in a cone, meaning she has good waveclear, and her innate survivability due to Eject makes her rather difficult to fully remove from the game. High mobility in a fight via Boosters and a great defensive tool like Defense Matrix make D.Va good at getting where she wants, holding the line, and getting out more-or-less intact.

My goal with this concept was to give D.Va a wide variety of tools for players to mold her into either a long-lasting sustain tank, or a damaging brawler. I tried to balance her based on what she's like in Overwatch, but I'm sure I've messed something up, so suggestions are always welcome!

Combat Trait

Meka Pilot
Upon death, D.Va ejects from her Meka to continue fighting. The destruction and ejection takes 0.50 seconds. Killing D.Va as a Meka counts for 50% of a kill.

While on foot, D.Va has new abilities, is much more fragile, takes twices as long to Hearth, and has 10 ammo instead of mana. D.Va may activate her trait while on foot to manually reload her ammo over 0.50 seconds. Killing D.Va on foot counts as 25% of a kill.

Additionally, while in her Meka, D.Va's basic attacks deal damage in a small cone in front of her.

Primary Abilities

Fusion Cannons - Q
Mana: 10 per second
Cooldown: 1 second
Meka only

D.Va locks onto target enemy and continuously basic attacks. D.Va can move at 30% maximum speed while active. Reactivate to select a new target. Using an ability will automatically deactivate Fusion Cannons
Boosters - W
Mana: 30
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Meka only

D.Va charges forward at 60% increased movement speed for 3 seconds, dealing 75 damage to enemies encountered and pushing them back a small distance. Reactivate to stop early. D.Va is Unstoppable while Boosters is active. Defense Matrix and Self-Destruct may be used while Boosters is active.
Defense Matrix - E
Mana: 60
Charge Cooldown: 10 seconds
Meka only

D.Va tracks and eliminates all incoming projectiles in a cone, both basic attacks and non-heroic abilities, for x seconds, where x is the number of charges currently stored. The direction of the cone changes with your mouse cursor position. Can be used during Boosters, but is restricted to the direction of the charge. Stores 4 charges.
Light Gun - Q
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Cost: all remaining ammo
D.Va only

D.Va fires in target direction until her ammo is depleted, then reloads over 0.25 seconds. D.Va can move while Light Gun is active.

Heroic Abilities

Self-Destruct - R
Meka only

D.Va ejects from her Meka, setting it to self-destruct after 2 seconds, dealing massive damage in a moderate area around the Meka. This damage is negated by keeps, walls, gates, and terrain, and enemy heroes and minions behind these take no damage. D.Va can activate Self-Destruct during the 0.05 seconds it takes for the Meka to be destroyed if killed. If used during Boosters, the Meka will continue to charge forward until it explodes or until Boosters ends, whichever comes first.

This ability is charged over time by dealing damage to enemies with Basic Attacks, Fusion Cannons, and Boosters; taking damage; and preventing damage with Defense Matrix.
Call Mech - R
D.Va only

D.Va calls down a new Meka at target location after 0.50 seconds, knocking back and dealing 20 damage to nearby enemies. D.Va enters the Meka over 2 seconds and takes damage like she would on foot. Call Mech takes 30 seconds to charge if D.Va's Meka is destroyed, or is instantly available if D.Va used Self-Destruct. Getting a Takedown lowers the charge time by 10 seconds (Takedowns from Self-Destruct do not count).

Special Mount

Your Ability's Name
Boosters is designed to be used as D.Va's mount, though it is obviously not available while she is on foot (however, the time she should be spending on foot, coupled with the speed at which she is able to call down a new mech, should ameliorate this).

Tier 1/Level 1 Talents

Reinforced Armor - Meka only - Identical to the "Block" talent on other heroes. Charges still generate while on foot, but are not available until D.Va is back in the Meka.

Let's Shoot for a New High Score! - ! Quest: Every minion killed near you grants 0.1 Attack Damage, and Takedowns grant 0.3 Attack Damage. ! Reward: For every 10 Bonus Attack Damage gained, gain an addition 2 Attack Damage. Bonus only applies while piloting the Meka.

Time to Raise my APM! (E) - ! Quest: Every 500 Damage Blocked with Defense Matrix lowers its charge Cooldown by 0.2 seconds. ! Reward: Once 5000 damage has been blocked, increases charges by 1.

Tier 2/Level 3 Talents

Regenerative Nanites - Identical to the "Amplified Healing" talent on other heroes.

I'm Too Young to Die! - Basic Attacks heal you for 25% of the damage dealt to the primary target while on foot.

I Play to Win! (Q) - Fusion Cannons' mana cost reduced by 4 mana per second.

Gamer's Reflexes (Q) - Light Gun's cooldown reduced by 50%.

Tier 3/Level 7 Talents

I Need Healing! - Regeneration Globes regenerate 50% more while piloting the Meka, and 100% more while on foot.

Is this Easy Mode? (R) - Takedowns now reduce Call Mech's charge timer by 15 seconds.

A New Challenger Appears! (R) - D.Va is now invulnerable while Call Mech is active.

Tier 4/Level 10 Talents

Fusion Core (R) - Self-Destruct does 100% more damage to enemies withing 50% of its maximum range.

Meltdown (R) - Self-Destruct occurs 100% faster.

Radioactive (R) - Self-Destruct deals an additional 25% of its damage over 3 seconds after the initial explosion.

Tier 5/Level 13 Talents

Full Throttle (W) - Increase Boosters' speed bonus to 80%

Calibrated Engines (W) - Reduce Boosters' Cooldown by 2 seconds. Boosters is activated for free while at the fountain.

Tilted - Identical to the "Burning Rage" talent on other heroes. [Taken from CriticKitten's D.Va concept.]

Hand/Eye Coordination (Q) - Fusion Cannons movement speed increased to 50% of maximum from 30%.

Tier 6/Level 16 Talents

No Hacks Required - Becoming stunned or rooted grants D.Va resistant, reducing all damage taken by 25% for 3 seconds. This cannot be triggered more than once per 10 seconds.

Carry (E) - Defense Matrix heals D.Va for 25% of the damage blocked, and nearby allied Heroes for 15% of the damage blocked.

I'm the Tank! - Increase Defense Matrix's range and radius by 25%, and grants D.Va resistant for the duration, reducing damage taken for 3 seconds.

Love, D.Va (W) - Boosters now stuns Heroes encountered for 0.5 seconds.

Tier 7/Level 20 Talents

Nerf This! (R) - Self-Destruct automatically activates Boosters, will travel over terrain, and is no longer blocked by objects.

Autograph (R) - If D.Va deals a total of 50000 damage with Self-Destruct, Call Mech is automatically used and Self-Destruct is set to 100% charge.

Ragequit - Creates a landing zone mark on the ground. When D.Va's MEKA is killed in combat, instead of exploding as it normally does, D.Va and the MEKA immediately fly into the sky and crash land in the designated landing zone, where D.Va reverts to pilot form. This ability can only be used once every 60 seconds. [Taken from CriticKitten's D.Va concept.]

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