My stab at a D.Va Build. I'm bad at head math, so the few numbers for damage that I've put in are probably pretty hit-and-miss. As stated, two of my talents are directly taken from
CriticKitten's D.Va concept (if you don't want me using these, I'd be willing to replace them, but I just thought they were so good, either in humor or concept, that I honestly couldn't come up with better).
D.Va is a brawler tank, similar to Artanis, with a good helping of Tracer as far as her Fusion Cannons are concerned. Her basic attacks 'splash' in a cone, meaning she has good waveclear, and her innate survivability due to Eject makes her rather difficult to fully remove from the game. High mobility in a fight via Boosters and a great defensive tool like Defense Matrix make D.Va good at getting where she wants, holding the line, and getting out more-or-less intact.
My goal with this concept was to give D.Va a wide variety of tools for players to mold her into either a long-lasting sustain tank, or a damaging brawler. I tried to balance her based on what she's like in Overwatch, but I'm sure I've messed something up, so suggestions are always welcome!
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