Every 5 seconds gain an attack refresh charge on your next basic attack. Basic attacks against enemy heroes reduce this cooldown by 0.5s
See mechanical notes
Aura (D)
Cooldown: 30s
Cost: 40 mana
Duration 5s
T1 selection - Passive + Aura (active) Divine Favor
Passive: Grants the paladin 30% amped healing.
Aura Ability: reduces healing to all nearby enemies by 35% for 5 seconds
Passive: Paladin's basic abilities recharge 15% faster
Aura Ability: Grants 12(+4%) mana per second to the paladin and all nearby allies for 5 seconds
Holy Fire
Passive: Grants the paladin Burning rage, dealing 0(+4) to all nearby enemies.
Aura Ability: Increases Burning rage damage by 200% and radius by 100%, for 5 seconds.
Primary Abilities
Fanaticism (Q)
Cooldown: 6s
Cost: 25 mana
Stores 2 charges, no delay between use.
Causes your next (A) basic attack to charge a short distance and immediately strike with a second basic attack (attack refresh)
Smite (W)
Cooldown: 8s
Cost: 45 mana
a hitbox with Two zones, an inner zone that applies a 0.5s daze (sized for 1 person). And an outer zone that recoils with 0(+4%) damage, after a 0.5s delay.
See Mechanical notes
targeting, range and radius close to Moonfire. both zones deal damage upon eruption.
Holy shield (E)
Cooldown: 12s, starts after Glow duration.
Cost: 65 mana
Duration 3s, then 6s
The paladin's shield glows golden for 3s, converting 50% of all ability damage taken to healing over the following 6s.
the 6s restoration spell is cast after the first 3s
Refreshes your Fanaticism charges and causes your next zeal attack against an enemy hero, to Convert them to your cause for 3s. After being struck the target becomes an AI bot that attacks his own team with reckless abandon.
During the 3s Conversion; they will not take Dmg from either team or use abilities. Instead Their movement speed will be increased by 30%, their base DPS will be reduced by 60%, and increased by 100 flat DPS.
Fist of the Heavens (R2)
Cooldown: 45s
Cost: 75 mana
charge a short distance and Shield bash your target, knocking them back dealing 50(+4%) dmg. When the target has been knocked the full distance they are struck with a lightning bolt, dealing 200(+4%) dmg and 150 (+4%) dmg to enemies in the area around it.
Charge shares Fanaticism animation, knock back distance close to the same as charge range.
Tyrael was the only Tank/support for along time, and his success as support has almost entirely revolved around sanc. I stared this design long before Zarya or even Dhaka and Artanis. A lot of what made him sorely needed in the game is slowly being covered. Still not every character has to be a bring ground breaking and unntested mechanics, a lot of people enjoy Gul'dan and he is none of those things. He's a fan favorite that's easy to pull off and is still needed in the meta.
Burst ability mitigation over a duration where he can deal large amounts of single target basic dmg. Kinda like Artanis, in that if you can't finish him he can cause you problems; but with far more support utility and a lot less immediate survivability/ AA defense.
Great T1 utility; needs holy fire T1 spec for wave clear
Strong utility support capabilities, warrior with a cleanse talent.
Built for heavy front-line comps,
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