Health: 2500 (+4% per level) Health Regen: 4.75 (+4% per level) Mana: 500 (+10 per level) Mana Regen: 3.00 (+0.98 per level) Attack Speed: 0.91 per second Damage: 105 (+4% per level)
Combat Trait
Burning Blood
Whenever your health falls below 60%, you are surrounded by an expanding pool of magma. The pool expands slowly (up to slightly more than Arthas' Frozen Tempest radius) for every 1 second that you remain below 60% health, and deals 75 (+4% per level) damage per second to enemies that stand in it. Quickly recedes when you regain health.
Primary Abilities
Molten Fissure
A wall of molten rock erupts from the ground, knocking back enemies in the way. The wall then recedes, leaving behind a line of magma for 3 seconds, dealing 90 (+4% per level) damage per second to enemies that stand in it. (Uses vector targeting) Mana: 80 Cooldown: 13 seconds
Magma Wave
Choose a small point on the ground (Spectral Scythe size) to transform into magma, which enemies will sink into and become rooted after 0.5 seconds. 0.5 seconds later, they are then pulled a short distance towards you in a straight line and take 65 (+4% per level) damage.
Mana: 65 Cooldown: 8seconds
Adamantium Plating
Activate to gain 25 Physical Armor for 4 seconds. Basic Attacks made against you extend the duration by 1 second.
Mana: 40 Cooldown: 10seconds
Heroic Abilities
Summon four pillars of stone at cardinal points around a large area. After a 1 second delay, the pillars converge, pushing any enemies caught between them to the center, stunning them for 0.5 seconds and dealing 180 (+4% per level) damage.
Mana: 80 Cooldown: 70 seconds
Aspect of Death
Transform into a dragon. While in this form you gain 10 armor, and an area in a large radius around you is filled with tremors, slowing enemy movement speed by 50%. Your own movement speed is reduced by 20%. Lasts 16 seconds.
Mana: 100 Cooldown: 90 seconds
Special Mount
Summon your dragon wings (dripping with magma) and fly low to the ground.
Level 1 Seared On:Increase Adamantium Plating's duration by 1 second. Molten Chasm: Increase the width of Molten Fissure by 20% Magma Surge: Increase
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