Deathwing by AnOrdinaryDay

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By: AnOrdinaryDay
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2017
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The Destroyer

Deathwing, formerly Neltharion, was the leader of the black dragonflight, a group of dragons tasked with protecting the earth. Despite Neltharion's power, his dwelling in the deep places of the world allowed the Old Gods to slowly corrupt his noble mind, turning him insane. It wasn't until he forged the Dragon Soul, and betrayed the mortals and his fellow aspects during the War of the Ancients, when his insanity was revealed, and his physical form deformed. During the Cataclysm, Deathwing bursted out of Deepholm, and caused a near apocalyptic event, which shook Azeroth to its core. It wasn't until Thrall, with the help of the aspects was finally able to down this gargantuan dragon. Yet once again in the Nexus, Deathwing seeks to destroy the world.

Deathwing is a damage powerhouse, preferring brute force damage and strong defensives rather than strategy.

Health: 2200 (+10% per level)
Fiery Rage (Deathwing's mana): 150
Basic attack damage: 115 (+5% per level)
Attack Range: 1.2
Attack Speed: 1.4
Base autoattck damage: 100 (+5.5% per level)

Strong AoE damage
Good ST damage
Strong defensives
Devastating heroics
Strong prolonged burst damage

Minimal crowd control
Only escape on a long cooldown
Little to no utility

Combat Trait

Wrath of the Destroyer
No cooldown | 1-150 Fiery Rage

Autoattacks generate 5 Fiery Rage.

Your next auto attack will deal a maximum of 120 damage (+4% per level), or a minimum of 10 (+2% per level) based on how much Fiery Rage is consumed.

[Burning Hatred] You generate Fiery Rage 10% faster.
[Twilight Empowerment] Wrath of the Destroyer deals an extra 20 damage (+3.5% per level) if 150 Fiery Rage is consumed.
[Crippling Flames] Wrath of the Destroyer also applies a 50% slow for 2 seconds.

Primary Abilities

Volcanic Rift
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Smash open a fiery rift, dealing 150 damage (+5% per level) damage to all enemies in front of the caster, the area struck leaves an expanding pool of flame, dealing 30 damage (+8% per level) every second.

Generates 10 Fiery Rage.

[Lava Pools] Volcanic Rift's flame area expands 50% faster.
[Empowered Flames] Volcanic Rift deals an extra 10% damage for every hero it hits.
[Tectonic Sundering]
! Quest:
Hit 30 heroes with Volcanic Rift.
! Reward: The width of Volcanic Sundering is increased by 30%, and its damage increased by 10%, generates an extra 5 Fiery Rage, and has its cooldown reduced by 1 second.
Elementium Plates
15 Fiery Rage | Cooldown: 20 seconds

Gain 50 armor for 3 seconds.

[Reinforced Plates]: Elementium Plates adds 5 extra armor, and its duration increased by 1 second.
[Burning Armor]: Each hit from an enemy hero while Elementium Plates is active generates 5 Fiery Rage.
[Reflective Armor]: Elementium Plates now reflects 20% of initial damage back to the caster.
[Elementium Scales]
! Quest: Mitigate 5000 damage with Elementium Plates.
! Reward: The cooldown of Elementium Plates is reduced by 5.
Overpowering Smash
Cooldown: 11 seconds

Smash an opponent with massive power, dealing 150 (+5% per level) damage, and light damage to all nearby enemies and ignoring all defensives.

Generates 20 Fiery Rage.

[Devastating Blows]
! Quest: Hit 20 heroes with Overpowering Smash.
! Reward: All damage done is increased by 7%.
[Burning Wounds]: Overpowering Smash reduces the target's healing by 15%, additionally targets now burn for 150 damage (+4% per level) over 8 seconds. This effect stacks.
[Masterful Swings]: When you use Overpowering Strike, your next 3 autoattcks will deal 50% more damage, and burn the target 200 damage (+4% per level) over 8 seconds. This effect stacks.

Secondary Abilities

Deathwing's Insanity
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Increase Deathwing's autoattack speed by 100% for 6 seconds.
Blazing Hammer
Cooldown: 60 seconds

For the next 8 seconds, all damage dealt will deal an additional 35 damage (+5% per level) to all enemies hit.

Every additional hit generates 1 Fiery Rage.
Draconic Flight
Cooldown: 180 seconds

Quickly travel to the selected destination on the battlefield.
(Dragon Form) Magma Breath
Cooldown: 3 seconds

Deal 180 damage (+5% per level) in a cone in front of you, and all enemies hit will suffer an extra 40 damage every second for 5 seconds.(+5% per level).

Each enemy hero hit generates 10 Fiery Rage.
(Dragon Form) Blazing Swipe
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Your next 3 autoattacks will deal an extra 120 damage to all enemies in front of you.

Each minion hit will generate 3 Fiery Rage.
(Dragon Form) Melt Armor
2 Charges | Cooldown: 6 Seconds

Melt the targeted hero's armor, reducing their armor by 30.

Generates 10 Fiery Rage.

Heroic Abilities

The Destroyer
Cooldown: 360 seconds

For 15 seconds, transform into a Deathwing's terrifying dragon form, gaining 15 armor, an additional 30% health, and a new set of devastating abilities.

[True Insanity]: The duration of I am the Cataclysm is increased by 5 seconds, and an extra 5 armor is added.[/color]
The Hour of Twilight
Cooldown: 400 seconds

Unleash the power of the Old Gods, dealing 650 damage (+4% per level) to all enemies in a large area.

[Ultimate Corruption]: This ability will echo again in 7 seconds at the same location for 300 damaage.
Beckoning of Twilight
Cooldown: 60 Seconds

Summon one of 3 different drakes to assist you in battle for 15 seconds.

Twilight Harbinger:
A tank that will occasionally taunt a hero, forcing them to attack the drake.

Twilight Drake:
A powerful drake that specializes in area of effect damage.

Twilight Destroyer:
A drake that can deal large amounts of damage to a hero in single target.

[Hordes of Twilight]: Beckoning of Twilight now summons a second drake.

Special Mount

Warforged Nightmare
A nightmarish horse that moves 20% faster than normal mounts, and will assist you in battle for 10 seconds after dismounting, dealing minor damage, and providing minor defensive buffs.

Tier 1 Talents (Level 1)

[Burning Hatred] You generate Fiery Rage 10% faster.

[Burning Armor]: Each hit from taken from an enemy hero while Elementium Plates is active generates 5 Fiery Rage.

[Lava Pools] Volcanic Rift's flame area expands 50% faster.

[Deathwing's Insanity]
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Increase Deathwing's autoattack speed by 100% for 6 seconds.

Tier 2 Talents (Level 4)

[Twilight Empowerment] Wrath of the Destroyer deals an extra 20 damage (+3.5% per level) if 150 Fiery Rage is consumed.

[Reflective Armor]: Elementium Plates now reflects 20% of initial damage back to the caster.

[Blazing Hammer]
Cooldown: 60 seconds
For the next 8 seconds, all damage dealt will deal an additional 35 damage (+5% per level) to all enemies hit.
Every additional hit generates 1 Fiery Rage.

Tier 3 Talents (Level 7)

[Draconic Flight]:
Cooldown: 180 seconds
Quickly travel to the selected destination on the battlefield.

[Devastating Blows]
! Quest: Hit 20 heroes with Overpowering Smash.
! Reward: All damage done is increased by 7%.

[Empowered Flames] Volcanic Rift deals an extra 10% damage for every hero it hits.

HEROICS (Tier 5, Level 10)

[The Hour of Twilight]
Cooldown: 400 seconds
Unleash the power of the Old Gods, dealing 650 damage (+4% per level) to all enemies in a large area.

[The Destroyer]
Cooldown: 360 seconds
For 15 seconds, transform into a Deathwing's terrifying dragon form, gaining 15 armor, an additional 30% health, and a new set of devastating abilities.

[Beckoning of Twlight]
Cooldown: 60 Seconds
Summon 2 of 3 different drakes to assist you in battle for 10 seconds.
Twilight Harbinger:
A tank that will occasionally taunt a hero, forcing them to attack the drake.
Twilight Drake:
A powerful drake that specializes in area of effect damage.
Twilight Destroyer:
A drake that can deal large amounts of damage to a hero in single target.

Tier 6 Talents (Level 13)

[Tectonic Sundering]
! Quest: Hit 30 heroes with Volcanic Rift.
! Reward: The width of Volcanic Sundering is increased by 30%, and its damage increased by 10%, generates an extra 5 Fiery Rage, and has its cooldown reduced by 1 second.

[Elementium Scales]
! Quest: Mitigate 5000 damage with Elementium Plates.
! Reward: The cooldown of Elementium Plates is reduced by 5.

[Burning Wounds]: Overpowering Smash reduces the target's healing received by 15%, additionally targets now burn for 150 damage (+4% per level) over 8 seconds. This effect stacks.

[Crippling Flames] Wrath of the Destroyer also applies a 50% slow for 2 seconds.

Tier 7 Talents (level 16)

[Masterful Swings]: When you use Overpowering Strike, your next 3 autoattcks will deal 50% more damage, and burn the target for 200 damage (+4% per level) over 10 seconds. 150 damage (+4% per level) over 8 seconds. This effect stacks.

[Sweeping Strikes]: All autoattacks damage an extra enemy, and if a second enemy is hit, an extra 3 Fiery Rage is generated.

[Reinforced Plates]: Elementium Plates adds 5 extra armor, and its duration increased by 1 second.

Tier 8 Talents (level 20)

[Ultimate Corruption]: The Hour of Twilight will echo again in 7 seconds at the same location for 300 damaage.

[True Insanity]: The duration of The Destroyer is increased by 5 seconds, and an extra 5 armor is added.

[Hordes of Twilight]: Beckoning of Twilight now summons a second drake.

[Twilight Empowerment] Wrath of the Destroyer deals an extra 20 damage (+3.5% per level) if 150 Fiery Rage is consumed.

Thx for reading till the end

this is my first one, and this is probably unbalanced af :P

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