Deathwing the Destroyer, formerly known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder, was one of the five Dragon Aspects and leader of the black dragonflight. Ages ago, Neltharion was empowered by the Pantheon with dominion over the earth and the deep places of Azeroth. However, driven mad by the Old Gods, he turned against the other Aspects during the War of the Ancients, eventually abandoning his title of Aspect of Earth in favor of being the
Aspect of Death. Becoming one of the greatest terrors of the known world, his name too became one whispered with a feeling of fear and contempt among both mortals and dragons. He is perhaps the most powerful and feared servant of the Old Gods.
In the Nexus, Deathwing serves as a powerful lane combatant who specializes in tearing through non-Heroic enemies. With formidable zone control and specialized damage, Deathwing can be a dangerous lane presence if left unopposed.
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