Deckard Cain [Complete] by Odin527

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Deckard Cain [Complete]

By: Odin527
Last Updated: Nov 12, 2016
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Deckard Cain [Complete]

Last of the Horadrim

Deckard Cain is a melee support who identifies his enemies' weaknesses and gathers items to aid his allies. He has a weak basic attack with his staff, but it is advised he stay back when not collecting items.

Combat Trait

Horodric Cube
Minions drop potions upon death, and enemy heroes drop 5.
Passively gain 1 potion every 4 seconds. Can store up to 30 potions.

Primary Abilities

Cooldown: 8 seconds

Reveal target hero for 8 seconds and make them vulnerable for 4 seconds, taking 25% more damage from all sources.
Rejuvenation Potion
Charge Cooldown: 8 seconds

Give a potion to target ally. Ally can press F to consume the potion, healing for 20% of their maximum health 10% of their maximum mana. Each ally can only carry one potion at a time.

Can be self cast to consume a potion yourself. Holds up to 2 charges. (1 second cooldown between casts)
Transmute Potions
Transmute 3 stacks of potions into one new one. (toggle secondary abilities on/off)

Secondary Abilities

Exploding Potion
Cooldown: 2 seconds

Deals 200 damage in an area. Consumes 3 potion stacks.
Health Globe
Cooldown: 4 seconds

Heal all nearby allies for 150 health. Consumes 3 potion stacks.
Cancel Transmute
Switch back to your primary abilities.

Heroic Abilities

Stay a While, and Listen
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Heal all nearby allies for 10% of their max health and 5% of their max mana. After 5 seconds, each hero who stayed in the area recovers an additional 40% max health and 25% max mana.
Create Waypoint
Charge Cooldown: 45 seconds
Stores 2 Charges

Create a waypoint at your current location. Waypoints are untargetable and invulnerable.
While you or an ally is standing on a waypoint, they can right click on another waypoint on the map to teleport to it after a 3 second channel. Maximum 3 waypoints active at a time.

Special Mount

Town Portal
Cain has a normal mount but a unique hearth ability.

Instead of the hearthstone, Cain opens a town portal for 5 seconds. Cain, and any allied heroes can channel on the portal to hearth twice as fast as normal. Can only have one portal open at a time.

Base Stats

Health: 1550
Health Regen: 4.5

Mana - None

Attack Damage: 65
Attack Speed: 1.2


Level 1

Study Weakness: Gain 1 stack when you or an ally hits an identified enemy with a basic attack. For every 10 hits, increase the vulnerability by 1% up to 5. After 50 hits, increase Identify's range by 20%.

Special Recipe: Gathering regeneration globes increases your health globe healing by 5 up to 100. After collecting 20 globes, your health globes also restore 5% maximum mana to heroes affected.

Quest Giver: Nearby minions kills give a stack of bribe, hero takedowns grant 5. If the enemy hero killed was under the affects of identify, it grants an additional 10 stacks. Spend 20 stacks to instantly defeat a mercenary. Holds up to 80 stacks.

Amplify Hero: Target ally deals 50% more and takes 50% less damage to and from non-heroes for 8 seconds. (activateable: 30 second cooldown)

Level 4

Oil Potion: Exploding Potion sets enemies on fire dealing an additional 40 damage per second for 4 seconds. Increase the radius of Exploding Potion by 15%.

Rancid Gas Potion: Exploding Potion leaves a cloud of gas where it explodes for 6 seconds, dealing 25 damage per second and slowing enemies in the cloud by 20%.

Back You Beasts: Every third basic attack knocks the target back a short distance.

Stamina Potion: Rejuvenation Potions increase movement speed by 25% for 4 seconds.

Level 7

Lucky Findings: Minions drop 2 potions upon death instead of 1.

Accelerated Crafting: You passively gain potion stacks every 2.5 seconds instead of 4.

Blood Serum: Enemy heroes drop 15 potion stacks if they die while identified.

Increased Stash: Maximum potion stacks increased to 45.

Level 10

Stay A While And Listen

Create Waypoint

Level 13

Globe of Resistance: Allies healed by your health globes take 20% less damage from enemy abilities for 2 seconds.

Stave of Evil: Basic attacks with your staff grant one charge of block for 2 seconds, reducing the next enemy basic attack by 50%.

Situational Awareness: Identify also reveals the area around the target for 6 seconds when it is cast.

Flash Bang: Exploding Potion blinds enemies hit for 1 second. Enemies hit near the centre are blinded for 2 seconds.

Level 16

Imposing Knowledge: Identify reduces the target's attack speed by 20% and ability power by 10% for 4 seconds.

Cleansing Potion: Rejuvenation Potions grant unstoppable for 1.5 seconds.

Extra Potent Globes: Increase the healing of your Health Globes by 75%.

Your Skills Are Impressive: Increase target ally's ability power by 25% for 3 seconds. (activateable, 30 second cooldown)

Level 20

Many Stories To Tell: Reduce the cooldown of Stay A While And Listen by 30 seconds and increase its radius by 10%.

Smooth Transition: Channel time for using waypoints is halved, and you can now have up to 5 waypoints active at a time.

Augmented Cube: Transmuting potions now consumes 2 stacks instead of 3.

Slay This Evil: The vulnerability from Identify now lasts the full 8 seconds.


Heroes must be in melee range to receive a potion from Cain.

Players can carry and use potions as they would use nukes on warhead junction. If the F slot is full, either with a potion, nuke, or other other activateable skill, the player cannot take a new potion from Cain.

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Tarurb (2) | November 25, 2016 11:25pm
I invite you to check an updated version of your hero concept here:

Your talents proposals are quite interesting and even fun to play with, but putting a cube as the combat trait (which represents the true nature, the Essense, of the hero) is a total misunderstand of who is Cain the Elder, IMO.

Deckard Cain is first of all an Identifier, a artifact hunter and a storyteller. Not a Horadric cuber XD.
IlikeItFunny (6) | November 14, 2016 11:05pm
"Give a potion to target ally. Ally can press F to consume the potion, healing for 20% of their maximum health 10% of their maximum mana. Each ally can only carry one potion at a time."

And what happen on Warhead Junction, when the target has a nuclear-bomb?
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