Deckard Cain by BlueLightningTN

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Deckard Cain

By: BlueLightningTN
Last Updated: Nov 10, 2016
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Deckard Cain

Last of the Horadrim

Deckard Cain is a very hard, multi-class hero. Deckard Cain can either be Melee Support or Melee Specialist depending on the player's talent choices. Unlike other heroes, Deckard Cain can see red, blue, green, and gold artifacts (with gold being very rare) which he collects to create items thrown from his satchel. Cain is akin to Abathur and The Lost Vikings in that he needs to have excellent map vision in order to to collect artifacts and soak experience, while at the same time dropping potions in locations for future team fights.

The Talent Tree for Deckard Cain is set up so that MOSTLY the top choice of each tier improves Utility, the second choice improves Support, and the third improves Siege.

Like Abathur, Deckard Cain is very rarely used in actual combat, but instead buffs allies and minions. With a health pool similar to Tracer, it is imperative in most cases that Cain avoid directly fighting other heroes, except when using his heroic, Stay a While and Listen. Cain uses stealth to move around the battleground, attempting to sneak even through enemy lines in order to acquire artifacts. Different than other heroes, Cain can then drop potions where fights are likely to occur so that allies will be able to better sustain. Cain is a smart early draft on maps that force long team fights and where he can soak experience in empty lanes. Furthermore, Cain is a wildcard in drafts in that opposing teams must guess as to whether or not he will be a specialist or a support in game.

Cain's Heroics provide two different uses. Town Portal allows teams to maintain better sustained team fights on battlegrounds such as Battleground of Eternity. Stay a While and Listen is like a hybrid of Void Prison and Octograb, usually set up through a stealth flank.

Combat Trait

Horadric Sight
Deckard Cain actively senses hidden artifacts within the Nexus. These artifacts appear around the battleground and on the mini-map. Collecting artifacts allows Deckard Cain to provide assistance to himself and allies.

Primary Abilities

Cooldown: 3 Seconds
Throw an item from your satchel to an ally, a friendly minion, or to a location on the ground for allies to use as they wish. Throwing an item from your satchel destroys the artifacts used to craft the item.
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
Reveals the selected enemy for 10 seconds, providing their vision to you and your allies.
Wandering Veil
Cooldown: 10 Seconds after End of Effect
1 Second Channel
Deckard Cain becomes hidden from all enemies and buildings unless attacked or revealed, as well as given the ability to move through enemy gates. This ability is not interrupted by mounting or dismounting.

Secondary Abilities

Minor Healing Potion
Requires 1 Red Artifact
Selects a Minor Healing Potion to be cast when Satchel is used.
Minor Healing Potion heals for 552 (273 + 4% per level).
Major Healing Potion
Requires 3 Red Artifacts
Selects a Major Healing Potion to be cast when Satchel is used.
Major Healing Potion heals for 936 (445 + 4% per level).
Mana Potion
Requires 1 Blue Artifact
Selects a Mana Potion to be cast when Satchel is used.
Mana Potion restores 20% of a hero's total mana pool.
Rejuvenation Potion
Requires 3 Red Artifacts and 3 Blue Artifacts
Selects a Rejuvenation Potion to be cast when Satchel is used.
Rejuvenation Potion heals heals for 986 (485 + 4% per level) and restores 35% of a hero's total mana pool.
Agility Potion
Requires 2 Green Artifacts
Selects an Agility Potion to be cast when Satchel is used.
Agility Potion increases hero movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Stay a While and Listen
Heroic Ability
Requires 1 Gold Artifact
Cooldown: 100 Seconds
Deckard Cain shares his tales with allies and enemies alike within a small area around him, rooting them in place for 1.5 seconds before putting them to sleep for 3.5 seconds. Any slept heroes are awoken early upon receiving damage. During this heroic, Deckard cannot move until completed.
Town Portal
Heroic Ability
Requires 1 of Each Artifact Type
Cooldown: 120 seconds Seconds
Creates a Town Portal at the selected location allowing Deckard Cain or an ally to travel back to their core. The Portal stands for 20 seconds before collapse. The Town Portal can be destroyed by enemies if they destroy its 500 hp.

Level 1 Talents

Quick Mount: Reduces mount channel time to 0.2 seconds and cooldown for mounting to 1.5 seconds.

Mort and Pestle: Reduces Red Artifacts needed to make a Major Health Potion by 1 and Blue Artifacts needed to make a Rejuvenation Potion by 1.

Barter Artifacts: Entire Mercenary Camps can be captured using one Gold Artifact.

Level 4 Talents

Heaven's Sight: Deckard Cain can now cast Identify on allied minions, the effect on minions lasting 30 seconds, and providing any experience gained near the minion.

Side Effects May Occur: Agility Potion additionally gives allied heroes a 3 second shield equal to 10% of their total health.

Respect the Elderly: Enemy minions and structures no longer attack Deckard Cain.

Level 7 Talents

Cover of Darkness: While Wandering Veil is in effect, Cain gains a 10% movement and mount speed boost.

Bountiful Loot: Increases the amount of artifacts sensed through Horadric Sight.

Against the Forces of Evil: Quest - Each time Cain achieves 500 siege damage, minions in his vicinity gain an extra 5% resistance to damage. Upon achieving 5,000 siege damage, Cain himself gains 500 hp.

Inoculation: Potions cast on minions give 50% of the same effects to surrounding allied minions.

Level 10 Talents

STAY A WHILE AND LISTEN: Deckard Cain shares his tales with allies and enemies alike within a small area around him, rooting them in place for 1.5 seconds before putting them to sleep for 3.5 seconds. Any slept heroes are awoken early upon receiving damage.

TOWN PORTAL: Creates a Town Portal at the selected location allowing Deckard Cain or an ally to travel back to their core. The Portal stands for 20 seconds before collapse. The Town Portal can be destroyed by enemies if they destroy its 500 hp.

Level 13 Talents

Horadric Cube: ACTIVE Adds a trait ability to Deckard Cain, allowing him to cast his Horadric Cube. Any hero who selects the Horadric Cube enters Stasis at its location for 2 seconds. Using the Horadric Cube returns it to Deckard Cain. Cooldown: 60 seconds after use.

Dupe: ACTIVE Adds a trait ability to Deckard Cain, allowing him to duplicate any potion he has placed on the map. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Spotlight: Identified enemies are made Vulnerable.

Level 16 Talents

Only the Good Die Young: Cain's death timer is reduced by 50%, and experience gained by his death is reduced by 50%.

Arcane Alchemy: Mana Potions and Rejuvenation Potions give an additional 10% mana.

Defender of Tristram: Allied structures take 30% less damage when Deckard Cain or an Identified Minion are near. Additionally, Deckard Cain now has global range when casting Identify on allied minions.

Level 20 Talents

Storyteller: Cain is invincible during Stay a While and Listen.

Tome of Town Portal: Reduces the Cooldown of Town Portal to 60 seconds.

Bolt of the Storm: Teleport a small distance.

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Tarurb (2) | November 25, 2016 11:36pm
Omg your ideas are gorgeous! Your ideas are integrated here: . Go check it out!
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