Deckard Cain by BayST8

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Deckard Cain

By: BayST8
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2016
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Deckard Cain

The Last Horadrim

Deckard Cain, archivist and advisor to the nephalem, is descended from the legendary Jered Cain and is the last of the ancient Horadrim brotherhood. His knowledge of heroes and demons alike has always given a great advantage to adventurers in Sanctuary and the Nexus.

Combat Trait

Back, Demon! (D)
Cooldown: 6 seconds

Minions, mercenaries, summons, and towers will not target Deckard Cain.

Can be activated to stun nearby enemy minions, mercenaries, and summons for 0.5 seconds.

Primary Abilities

Town Portal (Q)
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Mana: 80

Create a portal and return immediately to the Hall of Storms. Allies can follow you through the portal. Lasts 5 seconds.
Book of Knowledge (W)
Charge Cooldown: 30 seconds
Mana: 50

Drop a book that grants vision of a small area. Lasts 60 seconds. Can be destroyed by an enemy hero, but doing so will cast an untalented Identify on them.
Identify (E)
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Mana: 80

Identify the current health and cooldowns of the target enemy hero.

Identify may be self cast to indicate the place and time of the next objective spawn.

Secondary Abilities

Enemy Minions killed near you grant a stack of Bribe. Use 20 stacks to bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum of 100 stacks. If a camp is defeated entirely with Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster.
Potion of Rejuvination
Cooldown: 25 seconds

Spawn a neutral health globe.
Fire Bolt
Cooldown: 3 seconds

Shoot a slow moving firebolt that deals 162 (+4% per level) damage.

Heroic Abilities

Darkness Follows (R)
Heroic Ability
Cooldown: 120 seconds

Mana: 100

Deckard Cain becomes unstoppable and flees in the target direction as demons emerge from the hells around him. Demons will give chase for 1 second, then attack nearby enemies, prioritizing heroes
Stay Awhile and Listen (R)
Heroic Ability
Cooldown: 120 seconds

Mana: 100

After 1 second, channel to stun nearby enemies for 5 seconds.
Horadric Cube (R)
Heroic Ability
Mana: 100

Minions, mercenaries, monsters, and summons now have a 50% chance to drop a random gem on death. Collect three of any given color and activate to buff nearby allies in a radius for 15 seconds.

All available buffs are burned at once, but you can store charges by collecting more than three of the same gem.

Ruby - +50% health regeneration
Sapphire - +50% mana regeneration
Topaz - +20% faster cooldowns
Emerald - +10% movement speed
Amethyst - +10% attack speed


Tier 1 (Level 1)

Waypoint (Q)
Town Portal duration and cooldown are increased by 10 seconds.

Book of Intelligence (W)
Dropping a Book of Knowledge will reveal enemies in its radius for 1 second. When a hero is revealed, restore 1 charge.

Venerable Wisdom (E)
Identify cooldown is reduced by 12 seconds.

Bribe (Active)
Enemy Minions killed near you grant a stack of Bribe. Use 20 stacks to bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum of 100 stacks. If a camp is defeated entirely with Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster.

Tier 2 (Level 4)

Book of Stamina (W)
Book of Knowledge lasts until destroyed.

Book of Vision (W)
Book of Knowledge has larger vision radius.

Tal Rasha's Insight (E)
Identified hero is also revealed for 8 seconds.

Banish Demon
Auto attacks instantly defeat minions.

Tier 3 (Level 7)

Book of Strength (W)
Allies in the Book radius gain 25% increased damage.

Book of Dexterity (W)
Allies in the Book radius gain 20% increased movement speed.

Book of Vitality (W)
Allies in the Book radius gain 75% increased health regeneration.

Book of Intelligence (W)
Allies in the Book radius gain 25% increased ability power.

Potion of Rejuvenation (Active)
Spawn a neutral health globe.

Tier 5 (Level 13)

Tome of Town Portal (Q)
Town Portal has 2 charges, and Deckard Cain no longer goes through immediately.

Cain's Lost Satchel (W)
Book of Knowledge gains 2 charges.

Tome of Identify (E)
Identify has 2 charges.

Tier 6 (Level 16)

Expulsive Portal (Q)
Town Portal knocks back enemies when cast.

Demonic Portal (Q)
Town Portal spawns a demon.

Find Weakness (E)
Identified hero is vulnerable for 4 seconds, taking 25% increased damage.

Stunning Wisdom (E)
Identify stuns the target for 0.5 seconds.

Tier 7 (Level 20)

Everywhere I Go (R)
Darkness Follows brings more, stronger demons.

Hello, My Friends (R)
Stay Awhile and Listen has an increased area of effect.

Quite a Treasure (R)
Horadric Cube gem spawn chance increased to 80%.

There and Back Again (Q)
Can return through the Town Portal to the location it was cast.

Fire Bolt (Active)
Shoot a slow moving Fire Bolt that deals 162 (+4% per level) damage.

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IlikeItFunny (6) | November 16, 2016 1:54am
Why is his special Escape-ability on his (Q)? On Q should be a very often used skill. Also why this ability is not replaced by his hearthstone(B). His Player will never use hearthstone.

And why he have novas bribe-Active?
BayST8 | November 16, 2016 9:25am
Swapped Town Portal and Identify, good point.

It's not on B because other heroes can use it, which means it needs a mana cost and cooldown, which would be pretty terrible for B. Also, it's a much quicker cast than B. Deckard Cain players wouldn't B often, but if they get stunned out of casting Town Portal and don't die, or just wanted to save the charge for a better moment than refilling mana, it would still come up.

He has Bribe (not Nova's, just generic) so he can opt into a little more utility, since he brings so little to a team fight.
IlikeItFunny (6) | November 16, 2016 3:52pm
If a camp is defeated entirely with Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster.

This is Novas bribe. It didnt exist a generic bribe anymore. All bribes of the existing heroes have different versions.
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