Cooldown: 90 seconds (after last follower has expired)
Mana: 75
Summons a random follower to help Cain for 45 seconds.
Templar: Every 12 seconds gives Cain 3 Block charges.
Sorcerer: Every 12 seconds turns an enemy hero into a chicken(polymorph) for 0.5 seconds.
Scoundrel: Every 6 seconds posions an enemy hero dealing 60(+4% per level) over two seconds and slowing them 25% for the duration.
Coldown: 120 seconds
Mana: 100
Cain reveals all enemy heroes for 5 seconds, after 5 seconds, all heroes are placed on their initial position, with all cooldowns reset, health and mana returned to initial values and are given unstopable for 1 second.
Heroes that die during this time are placed on stasis for the remaining duration
(This heroic ability affects both ally and enemy heroes, but only reveals enemy heroes)
(Cooldowns are reset, even those that were already on cooldown before the heroic is used)
Some changes in this concept and i will give you a positive response.
I supposed that some players may want a bit of damage to compensate for uncorditaned teams on QM, all followers are supossed to have the same dps.
Another concept for that heroic, was to summon a random (non present) hero of the game (except cho'gall) to help him, but that was too exagerated and out-fantasy.
Anyway, I agree with you that summoning is not usually a support thing and I may rethink that heroic.
Thank you and yoru for your feedback ^^