Dehaka by Sylvans

9 Votes


By: Sylvans
Last Updated: Mar 26, 2016
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The One-Who-Collects

Dehaka is a jack of all trades, able to evolve himself over time. He can jump in and out of battle, and can grab out of position enemies. His level ten allows him to choose between helping in team fights or split pushing. Dehaka can become whatever you want him to evolve into.

Combat Trait

Essence Collector
Dehaka gains essence by killing his enemies. He gains 1 essence for killing a minion and 5 for killing an enemy hero. Upon collecting 40 essence he gains an additional level 1 talent.

Primary Abilities

Ferocious Leap
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 18 Seconds

Dehaka jumps to target area, dealing damage in an area.
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 6 Seconds

Deal moderate damage to target hero, causing them to bleed for 50% more damage over 5 seconds and reducing healing by 25%.
Tongue Strike
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 12 Seconds

Dehaka shoots out his tongue in a line over a short distance, dealing damage to all minions it passes through, and dealing damage and slowing the first enemy hit by 50% for 2 seconds.

Heroic Abilities

Spawn Clones
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100 Seconds

Dehaka spits out two zerg eggs, which will hatch 2 inferior clones of himself after 2 seconds. These clones follow him, and each have 50% of his health and attack damage. They last for 30 seconds, eggs can be killed by 3 auto attacks.
Rapid Evolution
Mana Cost: 90
Cooldown: 80 Seconds

Dehaka channels for 1 second, after which he rapidly evolves himself and those around him. He and his nearby allies gain 30% damage and attack speed.

Level 1 Talents

Level 1 Traits are used in his passive and multiple ones can be chosen throughout a match. These are designed to allow Dehaka to focus on either attack, defense or pushing.

Hardened Exoskeleton:

Level 4 Talents

Amplified Healing: Increases regeneration effects and all healing received by 30%.

Greater Leap: Increases Leap's range by 50% and slows enemies by 30%.

Spinning Slash: Lash now deals its base damage in a circle around Dehaka. Bleed only applies to original target.

Corrosive Mucus:

Level 7 Talents

Muscle Memory: Leap can be activated again within 2 seconds to return to location it was cast from.

Pounce: The next basic attack after leaping deals 100% increased damage.

Follow Through: After using an ability, your next Basic Attack within 6 seconds deals 40% additional damage.

Rapid Incubation: Channel to regenerate up to 25% of your Health and Mana over 3 seconds.

Level 13 Talents

Target the Weak:

Level 16 Talents

Leapfrog: Enemies that are bleeding from Lash can be locked onto with Leap, guaranteeing they are hit, dealing 50% more damage.

Sticky Tongue: Tongue Strike now drags the first enemy hit to Dehaka.

Stoneskin: Activate to gain 30% of your maximum Health as a Shield for 5 seconds.

Blood for Blood: Activate to deal 10% of the target enemy Hero's max health and heal for twice that amount.

Level 20 Talents

Perfect Clones:

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Gallifreyan10 (4) | April 2, 2016 10:00pm
I don't know why this isn't the new Dehaka hero, It should be.
This is an amazing concept and would love to see it as it is know,WIth balance and stats but the same abilities
Sylvans | August 1, 2016 11:00am
Thanks, glad you like it! Too bad they probably wont be changing him to be an actual evolution master :(
Sylvans | February 29, 2016 12:24pm
They're supposed to offer the ability between a strong early game or a strong late game. Picking them immediately will put you behind in damage or survivability. But maybe they need to be changed to make that choice clearer.
PrivateJoker | January 26, 2016 12:36am
Awesome idea and concept. just one suggestion: i find "Mutation Expert" and "genetic elasticity" a little problematic, as i dont see a reason why u would ever not pick them.
Sylvans | January 25, 2016 9:48pm

Tongue Drag Renamed Tongue Strike.
-No longer drags Heroes to Dehaka, now slows on hit.
-Cooldown reduce from 18 seconds to 12 seconds

-Elastic Tongue (lvl 16) Removed
-Replaced with Sticky Tongue, which drags the first enemy hit to Dehaka

I think that having the drag at the start is a little too powerful, so it is now a lvl 16 talent.

****I also completed a lvl 1 talent overhaul. They are now divided up into related categories and are in skill trees. This is to make people think about how they want to build him and commit to that play style. Reduced required essence to level up to 40, from 50.
Sylvans | January 22, 2016 8:42pm
-Removed "Hunter's Fury" From level 20
Hunter's Fury: "Every 10 seconds, your next basic attack will deal double damage to its target and all nearby enemies. Basic attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second."
-Added "Primal Roaches" to level 20

Which one do you think is better?
RyanA | January 13, 2016 4:41am
Don't forget Dehaka was a primal Broodlord, maybe instead of spawning clones as an ultimate he could call a pack of Primal Zerg.
Sylvans | January 12, 2016 3:34pm

-Changed Lash: No longer grants vision of targets, now reduces healing
-Spawn Clones now has a time limit for summoned clones, eggs can now be destroyed

-Added more options for level 1 talents (Hive Mind, Poisonous Fumes, Mutation Expert, Increase Strength, Increase Mass)
-Changed Leapfrog Talent (lvl 16) no longer grants an extra charge
-Changed Target the Weak (lvl 13) no longer allows locking onto targets marked by lash with both leap and drag
-Changed Eviscerate (lvl 13), no longer reduces healing
-Changed Perfect Clones (lvl 20) no longer grants clones Dehaka's lvl 1 talents
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