Enemies drop essence you can pick up when killed near you. Minions drop 1 essence and Heroes drop 5. Each stack of essence grants you .25% damage resistance. At 25/50/75/100 essence your abilities evolve. Max 100 stacks. You lose all essence stacks upon death.
Primary Abilities
Rend Flesh
Your next basic attack deals extra damage in a cone.
Evolved(25 Essence): Deals damage around you and makes enemies vulnerable.
Hunter's Leap
Dash in target direction. If you collide with an enemy you will leap over them and throw them behind you.
Evolved(50 Essence): Increases dashing speed and no longer collides with minions.
Primal Regeneration
Gain 30% movement speed and regenerate health over 4 seconds.
Evolved(75 Essence):Cloaks you as well.
Heroic Abilities
Grab target enemy, stunning them for 2 seconds and dragging them behind you. You can move but cannot attack or use abilities.
Evolved(100 Essence): You can use abilities while dragging an enemy.
Essence Drain
Drain the essence of nearby enemy heroes, stealing 30% of their damage and movement speed, increasing your damage and movement speed by 10% per hero drained.
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