D Forgetful Mind - Decreased Cooldown from 60 to 45 seconds and cooldown penatly for ability which get reset decreased from 4 to 3 seconds.
W Spirit of Mask -
Added Info: Health of summon is 400+(4%).
R Fursona: Fox - Decreased Cooldown from 125 to 85 seconds.
Lv4 (D) Did I - Increased cooldown reduction from 0.5 second to 1 second per basic attack.
Lv7 (W) Mask of Fire - damage per second around summoned unit increased from 14 to 34.
Lv7 (E) Give Me a Minute - Now when give me a seconds get interupted by getting damage, manacost if fully refunded instead only half of mana and cooldown reduction increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
Lv13 (Passive -> Active) Here is Some Trivia -
New Functionality: Activate to make one enemy hero fall asleep for 5 seconds. This ability have no cooldown but you must recharge it by gathering 100 trivia points. You will get 4 trivia point for ever enemy hero hit by Magic Hexagon, 1 trivia point for every attack done by summoned ally from Spirit of mask and 4 trivia points for each second of active Give me a Second.
Old Functionality: (Passive) Enemy hero attacking you in melee range will have decreased attack speed by 20%.
Lv16 (W) Mask of Madness - aditional damage equal to 3% decreased to 2% of enemy maximum health.
Lv16 (D) Thanks for Reminding me -
Added functionality: Every time you use Forgetful Mind you will decrease cooldown on heroic ability by 5 second.
Lv20 (R) Legendary Zorro Rojo - Decrease cooldown reduction from 50 seconds to 25
Lv20 (R) DemiVeemon -
Added Functionality: Attack speed increased by 40% for summoned unit.
Lv 13 (Active) Here is Some Trivia -
Added Restriction:: Give me a Second genereat 4 trivia points per second only if Give me a Second restore Health to Demilveemon.
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